Commando Nukem, on 09 January 2013 - 10:48 AM, said:
I've got this code. It works just fine. Basically its just boxes. I'm stacking boxes.
Now, for no apparent reason, some of the boxes just decide to fall through the other boxes.
If you raise the boxes a little so that they have a gap in between, they stay on each other. Unfortunately, game code is littered with "magic" z displacements everywhere. A suggestion at a workaround is to make the box model (I assume you will be making models since flat boxes are a little nonsensical, right?) bigger than its tile which is used for collision computations.
Commando Nukem, on 10 January 2013 - 06:19 AM, said:
Clipdist is only used for clipmove, that is, horizontal movement. For BUILD, horizontal and vertical movement are two different concepts.