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Trequonia mod [RELEASED]  "Downloadable link."

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Hacking computer will disable shield I mean and you press the switch and it will render the core unstable.
You must get out fast.

User is offline   TheCultist 


Found it and reached the boss although I don't have the slayer

This post has been edited by TheCultist: 31 October 2017 - 12:09 PM



View PostTheCultist, on 31 October 2017 - 11:36 AM, said:

Found it and reached the boss although I don't have the slayer

Then good luck man because that boss without the slayer is a pain in the fuselage >_>

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Also when the boss starts to punch the wall you jump a fraction before it jump and the shock wont stun you.
Seeking projectiles are destructible
With devistator you can take a huge chunk of its health without slayer.

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 31 October 2017 - 12:49 PM



Feedback time !!

Exceptionally because of Holidays I'm submitting another installment of the feedback not only because I need to make some room but also because this level's feedback file is invading my mind and I need to rid myself of it >_>
Originally it was supposed to be in 2 parts but I noticed fusing both rendered it not necessarily too longer than what I did previously ...

Out of this Dimension :

WOE IS ME T_T We stumble into the most crazy place ever to be imagined. The first place is quite freaky to look at especially with those weird twitching "things" in the distance (and that cute Saturn planet ^^) but it remains nice and the music is fitting and funny ^^. And there's even another reference to AMC hell yeah ! First room, very distorted and weird looking and that weird noisy and screamy pink enemy ... It's nice that distorted pick-ups can still be picked up. Second room, No Jump Land, quite interesting mechanic here, very based on observation and timing. A bit hard to understand on first tries but then it becomes okay. Weird empty room with neat TROR thing, first enemy. Those grey distorted troopers are HELL ! They're super strong, very resistant, can clone themselves like cray ... too much, too soon it's not satisfactory, they're worse than CPU troopers x_x Funny room with platforms that get red and with NICE reward. Weird room with weird green moving columns ... Apart from the Distrooper the beginning of the level is quite nice and "easy". Freaky beeping walls before a hard switch combination x_x And now the first truly painful moment of the level, the Corridor of Doom maze ! Do some insane platforming while falling into holes which modify the configuration of the corridor until you get the correct setting to find the exit *faint faint* And toss in one or two Distroopers just in case you're not already feeling the pain T_T. Not going to develop but first time I played THIS is where I started repeating to myself "this level is just insane.", little did I know how immense of a mistake it was not to abandon :rolleyes:. This part is just freaky, mindbending, reloading frenzy, super tight platforming, AND there are even times where you can access more than one hole ! To confuse you even more !! And guess what ? You can even get irremediably stuck !!! Let's just skip to the end of this ... So you thought it was insane ? you thought you've been through the worst ? HO HO HO you're so not prepared for this > a big freaking maze that not only is super huge and mazey but it's also SWITCHING and boasts INTERNAL CONNECTIONS !! Basically while you're trying to find 3 keycards in this clusterfuck you will have to switch the maze and avoid paths that connect to other paths which intertwine and overlap each other until it becomes so twisty that even your own wits end up being twisted >_< Oh and don't even think about using TabMap because it will NOT display ! Wouldn't be fun otherwise would it ? In all honesty I have tried hard to do this legitimately, I found 1 keycard ... I have seen this in Oblivion before, I have BEATEN this in Oblivion before and I'M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN ! Sorry, I'll use the key cheat. That sort of maze in Oblivion I beat left a scar and I'm not opening it again, NO WAY T_T. You stumble into another maze of the same sort but less mazy HOWEVER it can happen, if you're not careful, to throw you BACK IN THE PREVIOUS ONE ho ho ho ! And obviously in both mazes you're confronted with strong Enfocrers and troopers and even those freaking Distroopers of hell just to be sure you suffer the most on absolutely EVERY level of your body possible. Let's skip to the next part before the new instances of super tight platforming of insanity finish my poor wounded wits ... The new madness begins, however MUCH more bearable than the previous one, I'd say we've passed the worst part now. Navigate a semi-maze of crazy but manageable platforming while your eyes are being severed by a psychedelic skybox @_@ I liked how the skybox changes as you progress, I also liked that cute dragon statue, I don't like how it spits fire on your ass while you have to figure out a freaking code again but at least it's cute looking ^^. Add to everything a set of freaky portals, nice looking BTW and you get the mazey part of this place. Also there's obviously a bunch of distant enemies to tediously fight along with a Distrooper or two just to be sure. This is where you can also find the Slot 7 gun along with a lot of ammo which is nice. Surely it spawns lots of enemies but at least some of them leave Atomic Healths so you can work this to your advantage. In the end despite the tedious, because extensive, platforming this section is good, it feels like the level is becoming enjoyable again in a way for crying out loud. Although at this point the music starts being deafening x_x. At the end of this section there's either a final platforming or another portal next to you, that portal send you back to the beginning ! That's a real dick move >_<. Now we take the platforming instead and a really freaky teleporter which will do a good job at finishing the destruction of your eyes if they're not already wiped clean of any sign of life. Then comes a VERY WEIRD phase where you're drawn into a golden vortex with tons of weird spheres that rotate around and A LOT of random objects flying right into your face unless you destroy them but you're camera becomes so bumpy that you can't aim yourself, just have to hope whatever you're shooting like will be destroyed, which happens half of the time. It goes so fast there are objects I don't even have time to understand what they are O_O And there's even the Powerglove coming back from the dead to punch you ! This phase is "nice" and creative but I'd say it drags on for WAY WAY WAY TOO FREAKING LONG ! Especially since there's NO WAY you can get through it unscaved, just NO WAY. Even if thanks to Providence you managed to destroy all objects, the Powerglove would still get to punch you. To give you an idea I used only the Chaingun and I went from 999 ammo down to 50 something (yes it's that long). Also if your eyes have resisted up to this point then either you're going to get blind here or you're just superhuman. FINALLY we get out and ... wow. The ambiance suddenly turns to the creepy. The place remains of the same kind but the cheerful (irritating becoming) music leaves place to a creepy frightening music o_o quite a shock really ... Entering the Super Lagg-O-Maze, not a maze per say because it's quite linear but just like the "Death Dimension" from Oblivion it's a full network of interconnected galleries of varying colors and difficulty going from "easy" bearable to INSANELY HARD. White section is pretty straightforward and basic compared to what we've been through before, only the diced wall patter can make platforms hard to spot. And this is where you understand that the objective is to get a weird double-helix shaped object in order to unlock the connection to the next section. I forgot to talk about the BOSS of the first part of the maze, sorry. Well nothing much to say, it's just the same as the very first boss of the game except it's kinda easier and more resistant, it can phase but it doesn't do much in the end >_>. Switch, Backtrack, possession of the first weird double-helix shaped object, more backtracking to the maximum, another object and Here we are in the second part of the maze, the Blue one. Compared to the White one it's still straightforward and kinda Easier to some extent, only the tedious strong long raged enemies being kinda hard (RPG altering gem is handy there). MAZE ! But kinda familiar to what I saw in Oblivion and this one however is perfectly manageable thanks to the good old "stik to the same wall" technique. Then we follow a path to a small "maze" with very twisted objects and enemies and BOSS. A Pigcop for a change, nothing much to it though, kinda easy (not as easy as the previous one though), even its cloning ability is minor nuisance since a rocket is enough to negate it. It even had its own boss music, a bit so so, ain't my style. Lots of atomic healths thank you very much !. Yellow part this time. It's pretty much the same really, only the platforming being more tedious, tighter. Those small green things that appear and disappear are "new" but participate to the more tedious platforming. BOSS (already ?). That Gargoyle had really super smooth animation, it clearly fits how fast it moves, it's a good thing the room is big because we clearly need all the space we can get to fight this thing, especially because those small energy balls it launches tend to be hard to avoid and the splash damage seem big as well. Quite though but thankfully it's subject to auto-aiming. It has its own music which is better than the previous boss's. Moving on, weird object and Red part now. It doesn't waste time in being tedious, a Rogue Enforcer and a Grey one already ! And now the first of the horror, those odd transparent spheres. They inflict A LOT of damage on contact and the only way to get passed them is to shoot them until they're small enough to let you pass or too small to inflict damage. How to munch down on your ammo like crazy !? TEDIOUS ! And lots of strong Enforcers from very long range, TEDIOUS. BOSS, a big Sentry Drone for a change ! Now that's more original compared to using Enforcers and Troopers as bosses, and this fight was more interesting as well, kinda hard because of splash damage in "small" room and the fact it ends up spawning Pigcops. At least it seems to behave exactly like regular drones so we can use the same techniques against it although its retaliation green rockets can be spammed and destructive. I liked it nevertheless. Dark Red section now. TEDIOUS, more spheres and tight platformings with Grey Enforcers along with severe laggs especially in the last big room with a very tall set of green dots to jump on while everything laggs T_T. Before that there's a section with a Crystal Ball of Life, for once it's actually useful because at this point I got no Medkit and not max life. A room with 2 Battlelords together x_x Actually thanks to the altering gem they go down okay. Now that INSANE platforming on green dots upward while everything lags X_X. And there's even a Grey Enforcer waiting at the top just to be sure you'll be out of your mind by then @_@. More spheres, more Grey and White Enforcers and platforming ALL COMBINED X_X And now there's a whole bunch of big white spheres that slow you down and explode like crazy @_@ BOSS. So first time I reached this place I was like "Oh something big's gonna happen" and SUDDENLY a huge nightmarish face appears ! I remember my first reaction was "Ah oui quand même ..." (typical Fr expression mixing impression and slight intimidation). Big ass-kicking music from AMC and everything you know this fight is going to take A LONG TIME. Also considering that the eyes you must aim at are SUPER FAR AWAY. Fortunately they're big enough to allow you to use hitscan weapons. It's attacks are kinda easy to see coming but they're not necessarily easy to avoid, it's all a matter of reflexes and timing tainted with bits of luck. Hardests being the explosive balls falling from the sky and those purple flames spawning explosive dots like our Slot 7B gun. It's really nice that we're given a literally infinite supply of ammo for RPG and Devastator because it would have been pretty much impossible otherwise. Gosh that thing takes one hell of a beating and it never feels like it's going to end o_o There is also the help of those weird big red orbs in the distance you can shoot to launch them into its eyes. It helps cheesing down the time it'll take but it still feels like it's going to take an eternity times 2 for the eyes to be destroyed. AT LAST it dies !! Cool satisfying explosion and OH we reunite with the nice freaky things in the distance, the cute Saturn and the funny music ! YAY :excl: At this point you can ONLY BE GLAD because YOU KNOW IT'S FINALLY OVER !! BUT you still have to embrace one last bit of insanity with platforming and those pesky white exploding spheres, it's very tedious but at this point you definitely no longer give it a damn. And the Orb of Invincibility feels rubbish because I'm still losing HP from those things and their explosions despite activating it <_>. You jump into a weird black hole, travel the stars and you're back into the real world, directly in Steel Mill and further in the level than normal, YES, but at what cost ? All your inventory, most of your weapons and ammo, an Orb of Invincibility that doesn't seem to work properly and finally NO MORE WITS IN YER BRAINS !? It's not satisfactory >_> Even the insane secret level of Oblivion in the Temple of Illusions gave you a big reward by setting you back to 200% of absolutely everything !.

Conclusion : .... DAMN FINALLY ! That level is just COLOSSAL in all senses of the term, colossal difficulty, colossal size, colossal insanity, colossal EVERYTHING >_< ! It's superbly designed and thought out with some very creative designs and puzzles but DUDE !, too much platforming, too much strong enemies, too much insanity it feels like a freaking miracle that I managed to get through this nightmare FREAKING TWICE X_X Now if you'll excuse me I need to commit myself before I start doing nefarious business out of my wits >_>.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Thanks for your reviews.

That level is the ultimate challenge, one of the hardest and craziest level ever. possibly one of the longest level ever.
Orb of invincibility doesn't protect from these orbs nor falls nor most melee attacks and nor spikes etc.
But protect from tripbomb, most bullets/projectile , explosions etc.

Also you noticed those deformed lizmen before the pigcop boss (I think)

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 02 November 2017 - 12:07 PM



View PostZaxtor, on 02 November 2017 - 12:06 PM, said:

Thanks for your reviews.

That level is the ultimate challenge, one of the hardest and craziest level ever. possibly one of the longest level ever.
Orb of invincibility doesn't protect from these orbs nor falls nor most melee attacks and nor spikes etc.
But protect from tripbomb, most bullets/projectile , explosions etc.

Also you noticed those deformed lizmen before the pigcop boss (I think)

Yes I did notice the distorted Enforcers, just forgot to mention them ^^
Also if you continue the game from this level then some enemies will be replaced by Distroopers and distorted flashy Pigcops. The Distroopers are clearly the bigger nuisance of the two >_>

I tested the Invincibility 2 times, 1 against the final boss (took damage), 1 in Steel Mill against a Battlelord that is super resistant (took damage too). (Tested Shield against lasers in Steel Mill in my Feedback playthrough, managed to get it to work but I'm still taking damage either way.)

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Which laser for shield that still hit u?

As for orb of inv
What projectile and or part of the last boss that still damaged you?

Stuff wont hit you.
Such as

Tripbomb explosion

Lasers that print the gold bars will destroy everything including monsters. Inv orb protects against it.
like you can lure that enforcer close of it into it and he dies in 1-2 seconds.

blue laser wont hit you while inv.

Big violet laser wont hit you while inv.

Electrical blocks

Invisible laser operated by a sensor box,

Superstrong battlelord doesn't hit while inv


Some still hit you such as
Hyperdestructive lava can still hit you.
Big fan in the steel mill
melee attack

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 02 November 2017 - 02:06 PM



For Shield I was talking about regular Trooper lasers. For the final boss it was pretty much everything >_>

As I said, you said bullets normally don't hurt but a Battlelord's chaingun still hurt me :/

User is offline   Zaxtor 


I tested on battlelord and superbattlelord for invisibility and doesn't effect you.

Also tested firelaser doesn't go through.
Also I had liztroop and 2 pigcops shooting all at same time, didn't get to me until it broke the shield.

If you're on the opposite side it will go through while on your side it blocks your shots.

Inv for the brain projectiles spam can hit you (ill fix that)


View PostZaxtor, on 03 November 2017 - 12:07 AM, said:

I tested on battlelord and superbattlelord for invisibility and doesn't effect you.

Also tested firelaser doesn't go through.
Also I had liztroop and 2 pigcops shooting all at same time, didn't get to me until it broke the shield.

If you're on the opposite side it will go through while on your side it blocks your shots.

Inv for the brain projectiles spam can hit you (ill fix that)

Then I guess they're kinda broken in my build, unexplicably >_>

I'll just have to check out V2 whenever I'll be through my feedback playthrough and have rested from it

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Also final boss' projectiles (most of them for V2 wont hit you)
Firesnake wont hit you while inv
However poison gas will still hit you.
Lightnings wont hit you while inv
Expanding yellow orbs will no longer hit you while inv.
And etc

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 03 November 2017 - 12:59 AM


User is offline   TheCultist 


I managed to defeat the Power Glove without the slayer.. the hard way (with a shotgun), good thing I had an orb of health.
In the boss fight "arena" there were graphical glitches (texture flickering) at one of the walls.
I'm now at Storing Sectors, anything special to look out for in here?

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Flickering, I get that too sometimes.

if you have the first self-repairing armor, 2nd will be found somewhere.


View PostTheCultist, on 05 November 2017 - 09:44 AM, said:

I managed to defeat the Power Glove without the slayer.. the hard way (with a shotgun), good thing I had an orb of health.
In the boss fight "arena" there were graphical glitches (texture flickering) at one of the walls.
I'm now at Storing Sectors, anything special to look out for in here?

You're courageous man, I wouldn't have dared to do it that way x_x

Like Zaxtor said if you have Lv1 repairing armor you will get Lv 2 here. You'll need the Bridge Maker and a secret that will unlock a special storage room.
It's the only special thing I remember. The secret level will be in the NEXT level.

Speaking of which, whenever you'll reach the next level I HIGLY advise you to imediately save on 2 slots because of the secret level.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Is in storage 6 the armor 2.

level 8 is the one you really need bridgemaker for the 3rd and final armor.

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 05 November 2017 - 11:54 PM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


but question is how to open it :rolleyes:


'lo 'lo !

Feedback time !

Let us now go to an alternate reality in which I made the rightest decision of all of NOT going into the secret level >_>

Incarcerated :

Ah prison cells, it feels like the Build Engine community has a thing for prisons ... I dncliped to go look at the other prisoners just for funsies, I'm pretty sure that racoon we see at the beginning is a reference to that "Galaxy Guardian" thing. Nice to see a familiar face with Zaxtor (personally I don't think it's him because he's not dressed the same as usual but the end of the game says otherwise). I always liked the "it's obvious that somebody in prison would want to get out" ^^. After a dangerously close explosion we get to escape ... but what may happen if you don't ? And if you hide ? NO NO NO I'm not doing this again >_< !!! (T_T ... and yet ... T_T). Cautious going under the whole cell block with a bunch of resources even though only the Pistol ammo is useful, obviously the blue trooper I deal with him with the claw because the pistol is ridiculously weak against them. Swim swim shoot shoo, been a long time since we saw sharks. Good thing we can one-shot Octabrains with the claw because pistoling them underwater with no Scuba-Gear is very convoluted. I go right towards the Cafeteria because it's short, it gives supplies (like scuba gear) and thanks to a struggle of luck I got a Shotgun out of a Pigcop which is impeccable ! I like that place, it's nicely done, and the kitchen is also nice, all spacey and easy to go through. It even houses the Anti-Gravity Burgers what's not to like about this place ?. Taking the other way underwater, first mines and more Octabrains, I managed a nice thing by clawing the first one and blowing all the mines along with him with the Orb of Power (I'm actually starting to like that power-up despite what I said before !). Upstairs, Enforcers, nice corridors they're a good change from the previous levels. First door to unlock, I believe it's timed but falling purposefully in the water in the corridor with a hole in the floor helps. Now the horror part Un o_o Navigating through a clusterF*** of mines ! Very easy to get hurt. First time I played this part made me crisis because of dying a lot in attempting to get the RPG and having the Texture Cache being NIGHTMARINGLY glitched >_< This time however it went okay, I salvaged 700 HPs from the last level and it clearly went better than anticipated there >_> Also in my first play I almost needed 2 full Airtanks for it. Energy platform frenzy, kinda hard but clearly feasible with a nice easy secret which is handy. Corridors and a HUGE room with a weird white thing at the center that makes me lag like crazy x_x And I get sniped by Pigcops from the bottom while I'm at the top >_< And this huge room has a billion locked doors ! I go at the bottom and find a nice room with nice chemicals (I always like that) and a Ball of Life, not too useful but still. And a console a floor higher which will be important later. Back to the top floor for more swimming and platforming in VERY spacious rooms wow. Better save because surely the falls are safe but we waste quite a bunch or Airtank so careful in there. Easy platforming although some platforms are quite far away, diagonals feel mandatory. Corridors with tedious enemies, and some more platforming of the same kind as before. Switch, swim, platform ... VERY BAD Grey Enforcer there ! Besides the Chaingun is really starting to be missed here, I've killed a dozen Enforcer and still got none, and all those tedious long ranged strong Enforcers made me waster enough SG ammo to start needing to save them >_< And the Texture Cache is being INFERNAL at that point X_X. Hey a TripBomb killed it directly O_O HURRAY !! I remove what I said before then ^^ Another tedious long ranged strong Enforcer and VERY tricky platforming, and this time you'd better not miss it because you'll waste a good deal of Airtank going back up ! Actually if you run diagonally and jump at the last tight platform you're good to go. Backtracking with less tedious enemies and BOSS. Weird serpent, it's kinda nice in how it works and we've got the tension of potentially drowning despite having 5 full scuba gears. (First time I played I needed them all) this time I had 2 remaining, the fight went better than first time and I managed not to use any explosives. What I don't like about that boss is that it tends to be quite lengthy because of staying for too long under the sand and being timed by Airtank. And I'm not mentioning the drop to 12FPS X_X Hit detection looks fine but it's aiming that is problematic because of FPS (Chaingun works quite well actually now that we're given one). Music it so so, it's fitting and relatively discrete but not terrific. Backtracking to Super Laggy Staircase room. Perfect easy secret thanks to the Bridge Maker, really needed it ! Big pond room, weird because of its relative emptiness :/ Now supposedly I backtrack to the beginning to the half flooded corridor and find out I need the Blue Key, thank you enemy guidance for showing me where to go next. Small goings back and forth up to another laggy room which we'll see dry later (kinda neat idea there). Reaching the room with that weird giant vacuum thing (which is actually what makes me lag) and we empty the room (the water moves a bit erratically but the effect remains nice for a Build Engine game). Now it becomes platforming but quite easy, probably the easiest of the whole level. Now some more extreme platforming, I believe I saw something similar in Oblivion's Area 51B level. Nice that we can shoot through the forcefields because some enemies are way easier than killed from above. Nice that I know about the crouch-jumping because first time I played the later part of this section became problematic for me. Some precarious switches and we're done here. Platforming, switch, backtracking to super laggy room with weird white things, pressing another switch and backtracking again (though with shortcuts this time thanks). Clever crushing trapped corridor underwater. More platforming... A white room that's frightening because of the Red Battlelord but it seemed no trouble in the end, mostly because he kept mortaring me but with height I was untouched. Secret thanks to the Bridge Maker. Very strong White Trooper, I believe it's the first time, and then a Rogue Enforcer, and an armory filled with goodies and another Battlelord ! For so many strong enemies at once this must be worth the trouble, what about the other path in that secret ? The Orb of shield !? I was expecting something else T_T Remained good since it's the only one I ever found in the game, it ought to be interesting >_> Back to the regular path with already 2 annoying Purple Enforcers (thank you free Slot 7 ammo). And another Rogue Enforcer WOW ! This one at least is way easier to manage thanks to the larger corridor. More platforming, failed on purpose just to be thankful of the permissive shortcut. Short ranged Battlelord be bad, LaserTripBomb being very effective ! I'm definitely underestimating those o_o Thank you AMC for allowing me to find another secret with the RPG/Devastator Enhancer chip !. Apparently I was supposed to use a red timed-door but instead I fell into a hole in a corridor before this part and got to proceed O_o I must be missing something ... Anyway more corridors, more swimming ... a very discrete preview of the next level. Another big room with platforming. Thank you Oh you mighty Bridge Maker for another secret. Cyan Gem at last I find you !! (thanks Zaxtor for telling me as well) Switches, backtracking ... as this place I no longer understand what I'm doing. We're pretty much going back and forth until a switch that opens a red door from not far earlier. Nothing much so let's just skip to the BOSS, after an outrageously hard mine maze for the slayer item (which looks like a small disco ball o_O ?) wow ! It's the Orb of Invincibility that I would need not the one of Shield (it doesn't seem to work underwater too >_>). Actually I managed to get through it legitimately this time but I still needed 220 HPs from my Medkit and the remaining 16% of my Airtank X_X. So that Manta Ray is much more bearable to fight than the previous boss since this one doesn't make everything lagg like crazy, and the slayer item does wonders with the Chaingun ! It seems to behave similarly to the Sentry Drones (and other bosses like the DreadBrain for instance). I like the music too ! In over despite it's still relatively high difficulty (because it tends to launch lots of projectiles I've been downed from 510 to 200 HP in two big blows) I like that boss, it's along my favorites I'd say. Only complain is near the end when it unleashes sharks and slimes I'd say it tends to do it too often but it's minor nuisance (the altering gem does wonders against that). Swim swim THE END !

Conclusion : So this is a level that I like, not only because the mostly water based thing is a breath of fresh air but also because, like the previous level, things look more distinctive from rooms to rooms. Although most of them tend to look alike by their structure and the basics of navigation especially in the second half but at least they still remain distinctive, just like in the previous level. Also I like the music which kinda fits the water theme (I believe it's actually a Turican water theme). To top things up it has one of the bosses I like the most and the Cyan Gem I was looking for (will talk about it in next level because I could hardly test it (all ammo went into Enhancer Chip secret). As for complaints well there's a bit of the ArmyHeadquarters in that the semi-constant going back and forth into corridors despite them being underwater tends to become a bit tedious over time, and the clusters of mines that are quite hard to avoid while we may be in a hurry because of air is kinda harsh too, especially for the one for the slayer item for which I had only 16% remaining on this attempt. Also finding the Orb of Shield didn't do much since it looks like it doesn't work underwater but it's still appreciated (I had found one in the third secret level but ILlegitimately (didn't keep it)). Last complaint, though not really Zaxtor's fault, the freaking texture cache being INFERNAL >_< First section and last water sections the cache bug was a NIGHTMARE, I really hate loosing 15 minutes worth of time in ridiculously long useless loading screens >_<!. Anyway I liked that level and honestly between a fine level with infernal cache bugs and an infernal level without cache bugs I definitely prefer this one ! I still prefer the previous (and next) level but in regards to Army Headquarters I think I'll prefer this level.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Thanks for your reviews.

It is the same Zaxtor.
Dressed differently. his weapons seized as Skyhv.

And yes is Rocket Racoon from Guardian of the galaxy in the prison cell.
Alongside Anthro black footed ferret and spotted hyena.

I don't get lag from those voxels things such as the electric eel mini boss and the 2 vertical lines with balls of energy in the stairs room,
Even with my older comp.
Quadcore 3.9 ghz


View PostZaxtor, on 09 November 2017 - 01:08 PM, said:

Thanks for your reviews.

It is the same Zaxtor.
Dressed differently. his weapons seized as Skyhv.

And yes is Rocket Racoon from Guardian of the galaxy in the prison cell.
Alongside Anthro black footed ferret and spotted hyena.

I don't get lag from those voxels things such as the electric eel mini boss and the 2 vertical lines with balls of energy in the stairs room,
Even with my older comp.
Quadcore 3.9 ghz

Well my PC doesn't have a graphic card, or at least I didn't add any and there's no mention of a graphic card. So I guess my PC is more sensitive to high detail things.

I was already well surprised to be able to run polymost HRP, especially with Attrition at more than 50FPS in average !

User is offline   Zaxtor 


My older PC didn't have graphic card but those builtin processor graphic card.
New one has a graphic card.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


graph card cost like 217-220$ or so.

Btw next level is one of my personal favorite, the Steel Mill.


View PostZaxtor, on 09 November 2017 - 01:20 PM, said:

graph card cost like 217-220$ or so.

Btw next level is one of my personal favorite, the Steel Mill.

Same for me about Steel Mill !

User is offline   TheCultist 


Hey guys I'm at the Storage Sectors, I have the violet key but I don't know where to use it. I'm at the storage rooms right now. I'm lost, help?

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Violet door is right near the door with the stargate room, The corridor right after the large room with the big tank etc.

User is offline   TheCultist 


The thing is, the door that goes there is locked, is there a switch somewhere?
EDIT: Thanks TheDragonLiner

This post has been edited by TheCultist: 12 November 2017 - 08:57 AM



View PostTheCultist, on 12 November 2017 - 08:13 AM, said:

The thing is, the door that goes there is locked, is there a switch somewhere?

There is a switch in this room that opens that door, however it is timed so you have to hurry up ! Every time you will get into this room you'll have to use the 2 switches (at the same place) to open the doors.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Like he says Tank room has switch for doors once the blue lights turns white in the door frame.

User is offline   TheCultist 


Where is this green key in Storing Sectors? I was told to look for it in storage 9 but I can't find it, I keep trying, is it that well hidden?


View PostTheCultist, on 16 November 2017 - 10:08 AM, said:

Where is this green key in Storing Sectors? I was told to look for it in storage 9 but I can't find it, I keep trying, is it that well hidden?

I remember that the green key allows you to enter the corridor with the Overlord, however I don't remember where to find it I'm afraid. I believe it's in the storage room you supposedly have opened just before. You just have to look very carefully because they're quite small and easy to miss.

A technique that MIGHT work is roaming around the room with the "use" key/button held down, you'll pick up the key as soon as you come within range of it.
Normally you can get the key, in my game I have a glitched key that never shows up but it's not this one.

EDIT: so if you have been told to look in 9 then it's supposedly there, it must be well hidden indeed, try out that technique I mentioned. ALSO if there are any crates or such then try to climb on top because I believe there's a key hidden at the top of tall piles of crates, I don't know if it's this one but you never know >_>

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 16 November 2017 - 11:42 AM


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