The Watchtower, on 13 November 2020 - 12:05 AM, said:
Btw. in Duke DC levels I remember some key placements that needed long backtracking, some of them even without action, Capitol Punishment was the most obvious offender.
Good point
The Watchtower, on 13 November 2020 - 12:01 AM, said:
I think it's possible the check the sector and sprite numbers, and some kind of reverse engineering can be done with it. For example in Occupied Territory the very first sector is the large corridor that leads from the opening area to the big red room. These areas were made originally for episode 1 as a boss level, so if you have time, you can check them in Full House as well. If the aquarium part or the restroom or the elevators have larger sector numbers it probably means they were late additions. But that's not as easy as it looks, Travis could have modified the original sectors too. The elevator might be an example of this.
That is an excellent point and I should have thought about this. As you said though it's not a bulletproof method as sector numbers can vary even during development. When old sectors are deleted, it will change the sectnum of all the sectors after that. Another example would be, let's say an area is made of 2 sectors, sector number 10 and 11, then near the end of dev some work is done on that area and the two sectors are joined, the sector number would now one of the last sector numbers, like 400+.
Still, I believe these can give valuable clues and we can also look at sprite numbers.
Also, now that
Gothic Library beta was released, we have a comparison point. It is a map started by another mapper and finished by RT, which we believe is the exact case as A Full House.
Now, just to show how misleading this method can be, we can compare the sectnums in Gothic Library beta vs final: there are about 480sectors in the final version, only 20 more sectors compared to the beta yet we do know for sure that RT filled the west ibrary room and added 2 areas as well (the 2nd floor west library room and the exit). The reason is because a lot of sectors were deleted.
We can however infer that if most sectnums in an area are in a certain range, that range is a hint as to when the area was built.
If sectnums vary a lot within a same area, it can also consolidate our idea of what happened to that area.
For Gothic Library looking at the sectnums from those RT areas do tell us that this method can be trusted to some extent:
- the 1st floor library room shows only sectnums around 310-330 range
- the the 2nd floor library room shows only sectnums around 360
- the outdoor area shows only sectnums from around 380 onwards, to the last existing sectnums being the unreachable area past the EOL copy pasted from the next level.
In other words RT would have filled the 1st floor library first to get himself accomodated with the map, then made the 2nd floor library, then the exit. He actually built things in the same order the player goes through.
Now if we look at an area that Shawn Swift built and that Robert Travis modified: the entrance corridor and the 1st floor west library. Sectnums of adjacent sectors can vary a lot, for instance the corridor floor would be sectnum 80 and the window next to it that we know RT built 293, and some similar cases in the library room where the doorway was deleted and where the blown up wall was turned into a bookshelf. Again, this method can be trusted to some extent.
The window sectnum being 293 also tells us that it's one of the first things RT added, thus we can offer he probably did the cutting and patching work first, deciding on his layout before building any room. That makes sense.
Now that we know this method can be trusted to some extent, we can apply it A Full House:
This entire analysis is based on the assumption that Bill Buchalter started the map and that Robert Travis finished it. This assumption could be wrong.
There are a total of 504 sectors.
The very last sectnums are the exit area: the boat, and the sectors around show sectnums around the 490-500. I think RT would done some work on that exit area to wrap the map up:
(see sectnums on the bottom left of screenshots):
Remember what I said in my previous post how about BB would build his pillars a certain way and other mappers would do it in a more simple way and wouldn't bother detailing them further? I think this would be even more true in the case of RT if his goal was to get the map done ASAP. I just realized that the
other pillars in that area are built in that more simple way, and they show varying sectnums from 266, 288, jumping to 452 , 453 for adjacent sectors of that same pillar construction:
Meanwhile, the "BB pillars" (or so I believe) from that area that I mentionned before show sectnums in the 270-275 range.
Futhermore, just like the pillars which don't have BB's style, this doorway doesn't have BB's trademark sloped archway:
Its sectnum is 498 (it would be RT's), yet the adjacent sector is 271. On top of the jump in sectnum and the absence of sloped archway, the misaligned and mishaded floor texture of the doorway is a further clue that RT would have patched things up here and had to wrap things up quickly.
Finally, let's look at the sprite numbers from this area. There are 700 sprites in the level.
The decorative flowers have spritenums 0, 1, and so forth. They are the first sprites inserted in the level. The enemies have spritenums in the early 100, so they were also added early.
The tree on the left is spritenum 229 but the tree on the right 549.
The dukematch spawn and the dm-only shotgun are 606-607.
Conclusion for this area:
- I think this area existed early on and was started by BB; but then RT finished it and used it as the exit area. Just like for Gothic Library, the exit was built last.
- Just like in the case of Gothic Library, some enemy/supplies were already present before RT worked on the map, and were kept as is for the final version.
- Based on this area, but also on what we believe was done by RT in the rest of the map (elements pointed out by The Watchtower as well), I think we can consider
sectnum 280 to be the cut-off point. The majority of sectors before sectnum 280 would be BB's, and the ones after would be RT's.
Other interesting points:
- This area with sloped archway and a revolving stairs that I believed to be BB's have sectnums in the 55-65 range:
The enemy sprites in that area, including the respawns, also have early spritenums. The touchplate which activates those respawns, which is in the fountain from the starting area when you pick up the red key, also has an early spritrenum.
Most of the fountain has very early sectnums as well, ranging from sector 26 to 41; it would have been one of the first things built by BB; but the key itself has a spritenum of 613 (one of the last sprites placed in); and the south wall sector of the fountain connecting it to the starting area is 436.
The starting area floor is 355, but the elevator is 483.
In other words, just like the exit, the entrance elevator is one of the last things built. We can infer that RT did all that (the elevator, patching up the fountain so it connects better downstairs, placing the keycard) as part of his work on the layout/progression of the level.
- The control room has sectnums which jump from the 100 range to 380-450
Again, this room would have been started by BB but finished by RT. The two switches have early spritenums (43, 44), but the sectors the first switch is in has a very late sectnum (460-463).
The sector that lowers is 369.
In other words the switches mechanic would have been made by BB but RT improved the setup.
- Another clue that RT worked on the progression/layout would be the sectnums of the keypad, around the 440 range. 434, 439 and 440 respectively.
- The two "startrek doors" located upstairs that I mentionned earlier (locked by blue and yellow keys). The blue key door is sectnum 80, the other one is 297. This sectums after the blue door connecting to the shipwrek lounge are in the 320 range. This consolidates my previous guess that the blue door was moved and rotated, and that the yellow door is a paste of the blue door.
- As I just said the reception area of the shipwreck lounge is in the 320, but most of the restaurant itself is in the early 200.
However, this corridor leading to the kitchen is also a later work while the kitchen itself is a mix between early and later sector work:
Most of the aquarium of the lounge are also very early sectors.
As for the karaoke that is connected to the aquarium on the other side, it is also a mix of early and late sectors. The bar itself is sectnum 1 and the sectors behind it also very early sectors, but the customer side (karoake itself, tables etc) are later sectnums.
As for the back door employee area that allows the player to swin inside the shark tanks: it is also a mix of early and late sectors. However, the switch that opens that area from the bar, that I previously said was RT's trademark, is indeed a late spritenum.
Finally, just like for the corridors that connects this entire restaurant/karaoke area to the rest of the level upstairs, this corridor that connects it downstairs is also a late sectnum:
My conclusion for this entire shipwreck lounge/aquarium/karaoke area: as stated by The Watchtower, the aquarium and its employee area are very Travis-esque, and he's right as it is very reminiscent of The Smithsonian. However, the very early sectnums show that they would have been built by BB.
What I believe happened here is that RT took already existing areas, and moved/rotated them so that they could be connected by the aquarium. While doing so, he repurposed the room downstairs into a karaoke (more on that just after) and expanded the back door aquarium area giving it the Travis touch. I believe he also made that one shark tank that connects both rooms bigger on the Z axis, again giving it that Travis feel Watchtower mentionned.
He may also have built some of the water tanks himself, as at least one of them is in the 250 range, but that would go against my previously stated cut-off point of 280.
- I stated that the bar of the karaoke was sectnum 1. Sectnum 0 is actually this poker table from the west side downstairs, far from the karaoke bar itself:
However, the sectors around it show much higher numbers.
The poker table on the other side to the east is also an early number (77) while the sectors around it don't match at all.
Having sector 0 and sector 1 in two completely different ares hardly makes sense. My hunch tells me that the karaoke room was actually a poker room, maybe with the poker tables in the middle and the bar in the same place it is in the final version. RT would have re-purposed into a karaoke, while turning the entire establishement into a casino rather than a part of it by laying these tables everywhere.
Furthermore, the slot machines on the east sides are early sectnums within the BB range, but the ones on the west side are late sectnums from the RT range. I think this consolidates this idea. This being said, there is not much else to back-up this theory. In fact, these decorative sprite that tell that the areas are supposed to be casino areas, are early spritenums, even the one from the west side which is where I attribute the RT casino work:
Maybe the concept of having both rooms be casino was already present, as a concept, just not finished, and RT finished that. Most likely, the idea was to only have the slots machines here, on both sides; but RT moved and included the poker table near the slots so he could use the poker room for karaoke.
I could probably go on but I think you get the point and my cat jumped on my keyboard erasing the last third of this post that I had to re-do so I'm a bit tired of it.
Anyway - like I said this is just theory based on the assumption that there are indeed two mappers; but between Wieder saying that this sounds right, and the two different design styles you can find in the map pointed out by The Watchtower and myself; on top of the fact that we know for sure that RT did finish other mapper's levels in other cases, makes me think we're probably not far off at all.
Also, I don't intend to brag, only to say that I am very confident about these theories: a couple of my hunches about Gothic Library turned out to be true with the release of its beta version. On top of this, I have myself been in the same position as RT (for Ion Fury, taking unfinished maps, rethinking the layout/progression, adding rooms and the finishing details and loose ends) so I have already been in a similar state of mind.
This being said I could still be wrong, and hopefully one day we'll find a beta of this map too to confirm all this or not.