Hi I'm Joe Wilcox, and I was the part owner of Simply Silly Software. I have to admit, this was quite a fun read. But I wanted to clarify a few things. No, we didn't hide or mislead WizardWorks on anything. DK was cancelled at some point before it was due. Keep in mind most of the add-ons like this were very short duration and very light on money. DK might have been something like 3 months for $15K or 6 months for $30K. The actual terms are long in the past and out of my memory. When it was cancelled, we zipped up the WIP and sent it to the publisher (standard procedure in a work-for-hire). What I recovered was a CD labeled "old projects" that happened to have some of the DK stuff on it. We were tiny, it's not like we had P4 setup and tracking everything. So those maps are probably as close to what was "final" as possible. I don't really remember where in the development the project was. For example, I have a vague memory of either hiring a college student / actor to do the voice or having discussions about it. I know we had lines scripted but I honestly don't remember if they were ever recorded. This was a long time ago. And remember, this was 2 college kids in a bedroom with a couple of contractors. As for why it was shelved, the reason we were told was the sales # for Shadow Warrior were too soft.
I don't think Crista did either of the enemy sprites. I think Andre did both of you them. But don't hold me too that.
Were those two 3dr screenshots staged
I'm sure they were.
I did enjoy NW myself I guess as one of few people, but some of the levels were quite unfinished/bland
What people do not understand about Nuclear Winter, is it was originally a 2 or 3 level Christmas mod a couple of us were doing in our spare time that suddenly got picked with a very short runway. I have a thing for Christmas projects, H2H Xmas Doom, NW, Capture the Tree. And to all the haters, it sold well so I was happy

And SantaMatch was a hoot .. .oh my face!!!
SillySoft did have low standards.
Correction, we had normal standards, but really tiny budgets.
This leaves the question of what happened with DK. All the data that has been recovered so far is from late '97 iirc. As aforementioned it wasn't ready for Christmas
I don't believe it was ever intended for Christmas.
This thing is borderline incoherent
Bah everyone's a critic. FWIW: MonkeyShines is an inside joke between myself and Andre and DK was never suppose to follow the SW story line. It's ShadowWarrior: Extended Universe! Totally non-cannon. But man I forgot about D-Cup.. god we could never do this today!
Why did they choose to make the main character female in DK? While it's interesting, I guess I'm not seeing the big picture of the original idea.
I'm pretty sure because the concept of an anti-"Lo Wang" called "No Wang" was kind of funny to us. And we were watching a lot of anime so we loved strong female characters with guns.
My general point was, in my opinion, paying for a ADR session to rerecord all of Lo Wangs audio with a female actress, was not worth the cost back then
You don't understand how these things got made. The ADR session would have been a college friend from the theater department, in a loft being recorded with a $20 mic and mixer. The total cost of dubbing all of the lines for No Wang wouldn't have been much.
Definitely free. My understanding is that Joe Wilcox wouldn't allow it to be sold, anyway.
Yes, but only because it not being free means I'd have to deal with legal contracts, getting permission from others, etc.
if Joe Wilcox will find some original contracts that he signed with WizardWorks or smtn? Did he find it? What if he didn't find it?
I did not. But I'm pretty certain it had the standard WW 10 year clause where rights revert at the 10y mark. So release away. Besides, noone left at WizardWorks to sue!
he tells me that No Wang name was "insult" to Lo Wang.
No, "No Wang" is meant to be a homage to "Lo Wang" and keep the joke alive.
Anyway good luck to the project, I hope it's finished.