I remember there are unused (?) wall textures in the 1997 beta with some kind of homunculus/clone in a glass tube:

I wonder if there are any scrapped levels in the beta versions that would hint at what these were supposed to be?
Gamecenter feature mentions the player character "being biomedically enhanced", something which was already discarded by the time of that article's writing. Perhaps this could be related to these textures apparently showing some kind of experiments with human(oid) subjects?
Further down the same article (page two to be exact) actually mentions genetic engineering again:
When the party gets into full swing, expect four to six other hosts. These latecomers are still in development. Some haven't even graduated out of their conceptual stage. One thing is certain: these creatures will all owe their existence to the genetic engineering of the mad, mad Kirin.
[emphasis added]
This is repeated in the
Q&A section with George Broussard:
G. B.: The enemies in the game result from being genetically engineered by the main bad guy. That's as deep as the story gets for now.
GAMECENTER: Is Kirin the final adversary in the game? He's supernatural, but does he also have magical powers? If so, what kind? What kind of fight can we look forward to in the final battles?
G. B.: Again, all the story elements are being worked on now. The main bad guy as it stands is not really supernatural. He's more of an evil scientist who can genetically alter things to do his bidding.
GAMECENTER: So, the entire story line is still up in the air? Nothing of the former remains other than the fact that the lead character is Japanese? He's no longer part of a special mercenary team, he is no longer related to Kirin, is no longer 1,000 years old...?
G. B.: True. The main character is Japanese, will speak in English, and possibly curse in Japanese (with subtitles). Other than that, we will just tweak it all as we go.
GAMECENTER: Are there magical creatures in the game?
G. B.: This isn't really going to be a fantasy game with spellcasting. You will be able to do some strange things with enemies' body parts, though. And these body parts do have some interesting powers, due to being genetically altered.
I cannot find the publication date of this article, but G.B. says they were trying to release a shareware version prior to Christmas '96, meaning that the interview took place before that. It appears that Gamecenter was launched in November 1996.
For comparison,
this page dated 15 November 1995 has a different background story:
You're a highly trained Ninja who must stop a crazed cult of demon worshipers, who have been waiting for some 1000 years for their mystical leader to return. You'll have throwing stars, a sword, a crossbow and an uzi as weapons, plus you'll be able to learn a variety of powerful and aggressive spells. You'll be up against a legion of trained Ninja of varying ability--some can do practically everything you can, such as swim, climb ladders, duck/strafe, crawl, etc. But the demons might pose the real threat with their uncanny abilities (i.e. cling to walls) and various unexplained abilities.
Story as of 21 October 1996 (
3D Realms website):
3 years in the future - A chain of remote Japanese islands.
You are a member of a secret Japanese mercenary team, trained in the use of several exotic weapons and in the stealth arts of the ninja. Your body has been augmented with state of the art nano-tech biomedical enhancements. Your senses, strength, agility, and stamina are greatly boosted. You are a lethal weapon.
The mage Kirin, your ancient ancestor of 1000 years, has risen from the dead on a remote island, given life once again by forces not understood today. Kirin now has an army of cult followers spread over many small islands to do his bidding. Some were once human... some never were.
If they are not stopped, evil will spread across the planet. It is your task to stop the Kirin and his army.
When hi-tech meets magic-tech... gibs fly!
So this is the one with genetic engineering versus magic, but apparently most of it it already got scrapped by November 1996 in favour of a ninja versus mad scientist plot. Curiously, a
later snapshot of the same page showing updates from 17 December 1996 does not have any background story at all. It's still over six months away from the first shareware release.
Sadly, the Wayback Machine blocks access to shadowwarrior.com ATM due to robots.txt.