To play the map properly, bring out everything from the zip (the con), and put it in your Eduke32 folder. After that, run the .bat that was included in the zip.
This map is a remake of the DOOM II level Gotcha! Reimagined in Duke 3D. This one might be more basic since it is a remake of a Doom II map. But it can still be fun, and quite difficult, especially the boss fight in the beginning.
With the exception of the Mini Cycloid Emperor and the bigger Bosses that won't end the level, There are no new enemies on this level at all (No Snake Heads, No PigCop Captains, etc.).
There are two bugs That I am aware of (Well three if you count OverLord floating until he sees you). Firstly The Big Overlord can hurt himself with his own rockets, and the Big Battlelord can appear small, but once he sees you, He'll instantly becomes huge (Reminds me of Total Meltdown in a way ).
As always I hope you enjoy the map .
Spoiler (3.78MB)
Number of downloads: 402