So way way way way back in 2008-2009 I started on an office map . Real life hit harder than expected, and my interest in DN3D faded for quite some time. A few months ago I decided to pick it up again as a way to de-stress after work. I finally decided to release it on the Megaton workshop but that's fairly dead and I refuse to buy the Gearbox version to put it on their more active Workshop . Since this place still seems very active I thought I'd release it here to, since I think maybe you guys enjoy it here to (Though browsing through the latest maps here makes me feel hopelessly inadequate... ).
READ ME FILE for Bad Case of Mondays
A usermap by Thedutchjelle for Duke Nukem 3D.
Music "Aftermath" by Kevin Macleod, https://incompetech....rc=USUAN1100575
DIFFICULTIES: Implemented, 1-4. 4 is probably not winnable, but for those who love pain I'd say give it a whirl.
COOPERATIVE: Implemented, although not balanced for this and thus not recommended.
Release date: November 2016
Hours construction time: Way, way to much.
Programs used: Mapster32, Eduke32, Duke Nukem Megaton edition.
Locale: Officebuilding/commercial building.
Background story: About 25 years ago, a group of human traffickers were running their operation from a commercial officebuilding, using the rented place as a cover-up for their purposes.
Eventually, the FBI managed to get wind of them, and all were arrested. Unfortunatly, not a single victim was found, despite the cops having secured all exits.. thus the rumours started to spread
about a secret tunnel that the smugglers and traffickers built somewhere under their office space. Tainted by such a dark past, the unit sat abandoned for years until eventually it was forgotten and built over.
Duke knows he's the best of the best, but even the best of the best can die and run out of ammo. He ran into a building, with the legions of outer space on his heels. "Dammit," he snarled, "Can I not get a moments rest to grab a drink
anymore?". Although it pains his ego, Duke has no option but to wait out to worst part of the search. That was 10 minutes ago. It started to rain, and Duke it getting pretty pissed off at his current situation. He can't leave
the way he came into the building as he would be obliterated.. but Duke remembers the rumours about this place. Can he find the secret exit tunnel?
Piece of Cake: Fairly easy, no powerful monsters, some fodder and plenty of ammo.
Let's Rock: Recommended for first time. Plenty of monsters to shred, with some commanders or newbeasts lurking about. My beta-tester solved this without dying and with no prior knowledge, so it's doable.
Come get some: Prepare to get messed up by a flood of monsters. Commanders and Newbeasts more plentiful.
Damn I'm Good: I don't actually expect you to win.
Please note that this map is intended for exploration, as it has no keycards to guide you to the next section. If you hate that, this map might not be for you.
Author's comment: This map was started way way back in 2007. Real life interfered, and I was never able to complete it, until now. It has some of my best shadow work in it :-). As an experiment, I wanted to make a map
which did not have a single keycard door, yet still required some exploring. Thus, the player must explore the office building to find the derelict offices and the exit tunnel within. Originally I planned this to be a horror
map, but DN3D does not lend itself for it. Instead, I added a boatload of monsters - they're looking for you! - and made ammo sparse. Make every shot count, I'd say.
Yes, one known. A ventilation shaft near the red-coloured office unit has the possibility to teleport Duke through the floor to another floor.
Minor update: While playing this map on Megaton, I experienced 2 CTDs that I have not experienced before. I do not know wether this is because of the map, because of Megaton, or because of something else entirely.
Attached File(s)
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Number of downloads: 962