Here is my boss fix pack for World Tour that I had been working on. Instructions are in Readme file, but I'll also put the instructions here.
To play with these fixes, simpily put GAMEfix.con, and EPISODE5BOSSfix.con into you're 20th
Anniversary World Tour folder and rename them to GAME.con, and EPISODE5BOSS.con Respectfully (Don't
forget to make back ups of the originals).
Here is what this fix features
-The bosses will have the same health as a mini boss instead of the big boss's health when set any spritepal other than 0, 21, or 22.
-The big bosses(Spritepal 22) can no longer be frozen by the freezer, or get shrunk by the shrinker.
-Likewise, the big bosses(Spritepal 22) can no longer respawn when playing on Damn I'm good difficulty (Also they cannot be gibbed either).
-The mini bosses will have the correct spritepal that they were set to after being frozen (Known Duke 3D bug).
-Mini Overlord and Mini Cycloid Emperor will no longer spawn missiles behind them thus hurting themselves.
-Added a thaw code for the Mini Overlord (Which was previously missing in Duke 3D).
-Added a functional Mini Alien Queen with Green blood (Thanks you Hendricks 266

-The Mini Alien Queen can be frozen, and thawed (They are however immune to the shrinker).
-While the big Alien Queen (spritepal 0, and 22). will spawn Proctetor Drones, Mini Alien Queen will spawn Green Slimers.
-The New Cycloid will fire fireballs instead of using a flamethrower when far away, or when hurt (It's still useless since it doesn't reach very far, but the lava pools could be a threat however).
-All of the mini bosses will play their sights sounds when they see you.
Known issues for this pack
-Unlike other mini bosses, The Mini Alien Queen sight sound is still that of Duke saying "I'm gonna kick you're ass, Bitch!" and it cannot be disabled (Even with stopsound).
If you find any other issues with this pack let me know so I can try to fix them. (28.65K)
Number of downloads: 311