PsychoGoatee, on 14 October 2016 - 09:08 PM, said:
I internet translated a couple of the French jokes on posters in Tour De Nukem, they say "Large Wig Beer!" and "Lacking brassiere"!

Several of these are incorrect French. To begin with "Tour De Nukem" sounds weird to me, I'm not exactly sure if it's grammatically correct, but I think that related to people names you'd say "Tour Nukem" (like "Tour Eiffel", not "Tour d'Eiffel") and only when it's related to the name of a place you'd say "Tour De Pise".
But it's not like there is any "tower" in the map anyway.
"Deesse brasser" doesn't seem to make any sense to me no matter how I look at it from a French point of view. Only when I looked it up on wordreference to give me ideas I finally understood it: it's basically "Goddess brew" and they translated each word literaly, which sadly doesn't make any sense.
Above the "ne pas travasser" sign there is a graffiti saying "La fin est proce", again I'm not sure if it's a joke but if it is I don't get it, but it should be "la fine est proc
he" meaning "The end is near".
I know there are others I noticed but I don't remember right now. Pretty sure the frog one is wrong too.
In the dev commentary Levelord too is quick at
dissociating himself with this mess, giving credits to the artists at Nerve for these jokes.
Edit : Maybe their translation of "Goddess Brew" would make more sense if they at the very least knew how to translate things literally; as, if my assumptions on how they did this are correct, they translated a noum (brew) to a verb (brasser). Maybe if they had taken a noum instead of a verb in the list, which seem the logical thing to do, it would have made more sense.
Maybe they just asked google translate.