Lightning_Hunter, on 11 July 2016 - 09:17 AM, said:
Ah, well sorry about that. I don't see anything else related to the shells in the code, so I must be missing something.

For your problem you must search into the dukeplus.def, not into the .con's, you must change the bullets frame animations.
"Gun shells"
scale 5 shade 5
skin { pal 0 file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/shell.png" }
anim { frame0 "FRAME2" frame1 "FRAME10" fps 40 flag 0 }
anim { frame0 "FRAME11" frame1 "FRAME16" fps 30 flag 1 }
frame { name "FRAME2" tile0 2533 tile1 2534 }
"Shotgun shells"
scale 7 shade 5
skin { pal 0 file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/shell2.png" }
anim { frame0 "FRAME2" frame1 "FRAME10" fps 40 flag 0 }
anim { frame0 "FRAME11" frame1 "FRAME16" fps 30 flag 1 }
frame { name "FRAME2" tile 2535 }
frame { name "FRAME2" tile 6325 }
These are JUST INDICATIONS where the lines are, not replacement. I found the solution to this in another mod but I'm not sure that can be applied to Dukeplus too.