Game announcement and teasers "Title says it all"
#92 Posted 07 October 2020 - 04:53 PM
#94 Posted 08 October 2020 - 11:58 AM
#97 Posted 08 October 2020 - 05:35 PM

So I made a game that I called "Emeraldium". It's a simple match-3 game with "turn all tiles to gold to win the level" mechanic. It's a desktop title for 64-bit Windows, not a mobile game if you're wondering.
The important thing is that I find the real-ass PUBLISHER who picked up my game and one month later, it's released! The publisher is a Kiev-based Qumaron Games (they own such popular IPs as Roads of Rome and Jane's Hotel!), and they seem to be a good group of folks. It's just on their website right now (they just made a page today and will spotlight it this weekend), but it should appear on other websites at some point.
The game will sure get more attention than all my previous titles combined. Just the fact that my game have a publisher makes me very excited right now! Finally, something genuinely good happened in my life.

Game's page: https://qumaron.com/.../pc/emeraldium/
#100 Posted 17 October 2020 - 01:24 PM
Sanek, on 08 October 2020 - 05:35 PM, said:

So I made a game that I called "Emeraldium". It's a simple match-3 game with "turn all tiles to gold to win the level" mechanic. It's a desktop title for 64-bit Windows, not a mobile game if you're wondering.
The important thing is that I find the real-ass PUBLISHER who picked up my game and one month later, it's released! The publisher is a Kiev-based Qumaron Games (they own such popular IPs as Roads of Rome and Jane's Hotel!), and they seem to be a good group of folks. It's just on their website right now (they just made a page today and will spotlight it this weekend), but it should appear on other websites at some point.
The game will sure get more attention than all my previous titles combined. Just the fact that my game have a publisher makes me very excited right now! Finally, something genuinely good happened in my life.

Game's page: https://qumaron.com/.../pc/emeraldium/
Looks nice! Glad your work paid off!
#101 Posted 07 November 2020 - 08:33 AM
For some weird reason the youtube video player thingy is not cooperating so here is the link to the video.
I really, really, REALLY hope EA and Bioware don't fuck this up.
#102 Posted 11 November 2020 - 05:17 AM
jkas789, on 07 November 2020 - 08:33 AM, said:
Sorry, can't resist.

ME series didn't my cup of tea so well, for sake of their fans, let's hope they won't fuck it up...But that's the EA we know about these years...

#103 Posted 11 November 2020 - 12:42 PM
jkas789, on 07 November 2020 - 08:33 AM, said:
For some weird reason the youtube video player thingy is not cooperating so here is the link to the video.
I really, really, REALLY hope EA and Bioware don't fuck this up.
EA presents Ma$$ Effect
#104 Posted 15 November 2020 - 05:58 AM
Btw, I released another one. This time it's a small browser game: https://manicware.itch.io/bubbledrop
Trailer here:
It was a sort of the expierement - like, what the development of the webgames is like. It's NOT the game for a mobile phones!
Not much to write home about - I released it on my own, after trying to get it onto several websites that host games for browsers.
I didn't like this side of game business tbh - the majority of websites that host browser games is not looking for a simple games like this - instead, they're looking for MMOs and social kind of games. The simple games that's still popular was made more than a decade ago and just because it's on the "top games" lists doesn't mean that people actually want something like this (like, why bother with a rip-offs?). They can also make simple games themselves or rely on contractors who make multiple games per month for them. Unless it's the game that have the same kind of quality that a downloadable casual games have, they won't bother with it.
And sure, I can make a top-quality browser game but it doesn't look like it's really worth the effort when I can make a better PC game and build a relationships with publishers who sell downloadable games. So yeah, I'll stick with a downloadable casual PC titles from now on.
#105 Posted 10 December 2020 - 04:18 PM
This post has been edited by Duke Legacy: 10 December 2020 - 04:41 PM
#106 Posted 10 December 2020 - 07:41 PM
#107 Posted 10 December 2020 - 08:25 PM
Duke Legacy, on 10 December 2020 - 07:41 PM, said:
The flying wild hog announcement was nice, kind of makes me excited, we'll see what's done with it.
Evil Dead meh... Unless s4 or a new movie gets announced soon because of that game.
Crimson Desert gave me deep down vibes, but I'd rather see deep down finish development then another pretty open world game that's bound to be fairly empty story wise as it's being done by an mmo studio.
This post has been edited by Null: 10 December 2020 - 08:30 PM
#108 Posted 11 December 2020 - 04:36 AM
Null, on 10 December 2020 - 08:25 PM, said:
Crimson Desert gave me deep down vibes, but I'd rather see deep down finish development then another pretty open world game that's bound to be fairly empty story wise as it's being done by an mmo studio.
Also did anyone else noticed the very try hard we are not dead signals from Bioware. EA should hurry up and axe it. The magic is gone, better bury the corpse while its reputation is not completely destroyed.
#109 Posted 25 December 2020 - 03:11 AM
#110 Posted 12 January 2021 - 12:41 AM
jkas789, on 07 November 2020 - 08:33 AM, said:
For some weird reason the youtube video player thingy is not cooperating so here is the link to the video.
I really, really, REALLY hope EA and Bioware don't fuck this up.
It's just a remaster. People were demanding a remake, but Bioware is sticking to their guns. Aside from the high-res textures, they are modernizing the combat systems (especially for ME1). But all those people who demanded a new ending won't be getting one. They have speculated that the Legendary Edition will further expand on the ending, but I'm betting it won't. It just a remaster, not a reimagining or remake or redo. Ex-GM Aaryn Flynn mentioned making the trilogy into one seamless game. That could be one of the reasons they aren't referring to it as the Mass Effect trilogy remastered.
#111 Posted 12 January 2021 - 03:29 AM
They could try and add the "modified ending" mod from the community for ME3 however in my experience EA is not that fan friendly this days.
#112 Posted 15 January 2021 - 12:56 PM
I'm glad to say that people's actually buying the game! My publisher have just recieved the first reports from game portals who started selling the game in November (and that's only november figures), and it looks very promising! Sure, it's not thousands of golden nuggets - during the first month the game earned about 2/10 of the sum that it needs to earn so I can recieve my royalty check. Honestly I didn't had much faith in it but after this report it looks like I'll recieve my cut at some point. If I'll make more games and offer it to the same publisher, i'll get my cut twice as fast!
Here's the wall of portals who's selling my game right now:
Some negatives, though:
1. Ratings is not very high - the average is 3 stars out of 5 on Iwin's family of sites. It actually slipped to 2 stars out of 5 as of today. Still, I don't worry about it as much - I saw games that's much better than mine and have similarly low ratings, and you really can't please everybody (too easy/too hard/not my kind of game is the most common criticisms). The game started at number 5 at Iwin's "popular 100 games" list, slowly slipping out of the list during the month. It returns into the list from time to time, so people's playing the game, at least.
2. WildTangent recorded a messy "gameplay video" of the game, the guy who recorded the video had his mic turned on and you can hear his dog barking in the background. Ugh
3. Shockwave totally f*cked up the release - instead of release version of the game, they uploaded a pre-release version that have a couple of issues, not to mention that the launcher have Unity icon instead of the game's icon that I inserted at the last moment. I wrote about it to my publisher and they said that they'll sent the up-to-date version to them asap. Almost 1,5 months later, they still didn't replace it. I'M SO PISSED OFF!
Despite all of that, the business looks promising right now. I must admit that my game is not great but if I made smtn with this one, imagine what I can make with better ones!
Btw, the game's distribution is far from over. It must appear on even more portals at some point, plus we made a localized versions in German, French and Dutch language. These versions must appear somewhere, I hope. One of the portals also found some rare bugs that I thought I fixed, and also asked to make some levels easier. So, in a couple of days (when all of the portals will recieve the updated version with these fixes) the game'll be in the best shape ever. Start buying then.

Anyhoo, this "november report" gave a huge boost to my spirit, I'm happy right now and I'll continue my journey by making more games.

#114 Posted 15 January 2021 - 02:49 PM
#116 Posted 22 January 2021 - 01:52 PM
#117 Posted 06 February 2021 - 05:24 AM
A genesis compatible demake of Resident Evil 1
This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 06 February 2021 - 05:29 AM
#118 Posted 06 February 2021 - 02:49 PM

#120 Posted 09 February 2021 - 09:01 PM
Grave prosperity and house of velez ue4 remake.
Get ready for some nasty death scenes.
Make every other hardcore violent game it's bitch.
Phantasmagoria and silent hill having a much more violent baby.
This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 09 February 2021 - 09:05 PM