t800, on 02 May 2016 - 05:20 AM, said:
(But it is funny how they recycled few sounds from Duke 3D, like that ambient "chanting sound", that is also in indian pueblo section from level Abbys.
Weird, although maybe it's just that they both used the same stock sounds. Like you know how the "Battlelord" shouting is a stock sound that can be heard in many b-movies.
Also is there are any list of known differences between PC versions of Powerslave and Exhumed? I mean Exhumed was released bit later, so maybe it is more up to date refined version?
I never thought of that, I always assumed that only the name would be different, but you may be right, they might have fixed stuff in the later release.
MetHy, I understand you got accustomized to controls, so more power to you.
But I think it would be doing disservice to game by not mentioning that there already exits
"fan made controls fix". It adds optional: autorun, faster strafing and always mouse look. While it feels bit clunky and tacked on, it still makes controls much more comfortable.
Like I mentioned some time ago on this forum, I found a way to do all that without a patch. You just need to set running and mouselook to either caps-lock, num-lock or scroll-lock. That way you can have autorunning (veryuseful) and full mouselook on without having to hold a key (normally you have to hold a key to be able to look up and down). However up&down mouselook totally sucks in Powerslave, so I usually leave this turned off and only turn it on when needed.
As for strafing, there are 3 strafing possibilities: the regular "strafe left" and "strafe right" key which are indeed very slow strafing. Then you can have "strafe key" + "turn left/right" key, which gives you a faster strafing. This is what I use, I set A and D to "turn left" and "turn right", CTRL as "strafe key" and therefore hold CTRL everytime I need to strafe with A or D. I assume the "fast strafing" that patch gives is similar.
Then you have the super-fast glitchy strafing, to accomplish this you need : autorunning on (like I said, use capslock) + hold the "strafe" key + move with the mouse (make sure "mouse movement" is on). This will make you strafe at the speed of light, and also allows for some insanely long jump. This is a glitch and I don't recommend using it on a regular play though. oasiz showed that this is also possible in Tekwar (check the video up there).
Lunick, on 02 May 2016 - 06:19 AM, said:
Alright, I beat the first level, are you happy MetHy?
Yes! Everyone needs to play this underrated game! Then you play Rides Again
or I beat you with ugly stick