THE MONASTERY OF DARKNESS - 20th anniversary edition
Happy birthday - today it's twenty years since 3D Realms released the shareware version of Duke Nukem 3D. A few months later I bought the full version and thought it would be nice to build something with the editor, say a monastery with church and all... Soon I realized the restrictions of 2.5D and started to concentrate on gameplay. I never actually finished the "Monastery of Darkness" back then. Yet it worked as a complete map and I finally released it as it was in 1999. A few months ago I stumbled over it and checked it with Mapster32. I couldn't get my hands off and ended with a polish that hardly left a single linedef untouched. I tried to preserve the original atmosphere and gameplay though. Now the map has a building history over a span of nearly twenty years. Some people seemed to like the old version so I decided to release this update as well. Hope you have fun with it.
(!) Please read the compatibility notes in the accompanying text file.
(!) The gameplay is non-linear and there is a lot to discover in the map outside of what is necessary to finish it. There are three secrets, all of them are moody places with more aliens and items you won't find anywhere else. The probably most hard to find secret's got a brandnew huge extension which leads to a hidden flying saucer you can enter. There are several hints to where it can be found so watch out for signs and sounds. If you still can't find it check YouTube for a walkthrough filmed with the old version.
Oh, and today is The Mechanic's birthday as well. Happy birthday Jon, thanks for testing and excellent suggestions!
mono20 aka Schronzki