Over the past few years I have been working on and off on duke mods but never really released anything. Until now (okay it is still in alpha but most features work)
I got this idea for a mod while watching the video clip for Ich will (by Rammstein). The basic idea is to protect Flake while bursting into the bank so he can make it to the vaults. Once he is there he will arm a bomb to blow the whole place sky high, meaning that you have to get out of there (return to the place the map started) before the thing goes boom.
Some features are:
- AI helpers that follow Flake and shoot guards and soldiers
- A countdown timer that activates once the bomb has been armed
- Some basic pathfinding for the bad guys
- replacement weapons*
- An elevator with traveling doors
- AI waits while you unlock the keycard locked door
- Lots of small thing and there is more to follow
Download the alpha here
Currently the mod works there are some cases where some AI bots get stuck on civilians (or each other). AI bots should kick the civilians to get them to move away. (AI bots should not kick Flake because if he dies the bomb fails and all is lost.) Also I have some mapping left to do (strange texture mapping and some hallways are too long and boring).
I am also looking in making the AI a bit more clever. Currently they just rush and have no sense of self preservation
The mod is quite easy to start, extract the zip file into your eduke folder, start eduke, select alphaich as the custom game content directory and play the game!
Addition credits go to Reaper_Man for the A* code that I am using.
* the chainguncannon has been replaced with an uzi. But cheaters get more: the rpg has been replaced with the Shadow warrior grenade launcher and the shrinker has been replaced with the Redneck Rampage ripblade launcher.
Attached File(s)
20160102 - alphaich.zip (1.18MB)
Number of downloads: 187