"Pimp My Pistol"
Gold Pistol Texture Pack
LAST UPDATED: 11-25-2015
I. Full readme with install instructions and credits:
EDuke32 HRP's Oldguns
"Pimp My Pistol" - Gold Pistol Texture Pack
This pistol texture replacement pack was created from several different pistol
textures included in LeoD's Z-Pack, which can be found at the link below:
PolyMOST HRP / Custom Z-Pack (gloves and more...) / GreyDuke
It features a choice between different grip designs and slide designs. The
different grips and slides are listed below. Every slide can be used with
every grip!
There are two grip choices available:
1 - The default grip from the Polymost HRP model texture
2 - Ivory grip with Duke's symbol on it (similar to DNF)
The original grip also comes with the original lighter laser and grip parts,
while the new grip comes with darker ones.
NOTE: There was a third grip in Z-Pack, but I found it to be a bit strange
and while good, it didn't really fit with the theme of this pack.
There are fourteen (14) slide choices available:
1 - Realistic gold (basic)
2 - Bright gold (basic)
3 - Dark gold (basic)
4 - Dark chrome (basic)
5 - Bright chrome (basic)
6 - Realistic gold (silver engraved)
7 - Bright gold (silver engraved)
8 - Silver (gold engraved)
9 - Black (silver engraved + gold trim + unique laser)
10 - Realistic gold (diamond engraved + unique laser)
11 - Bright gold (diamond engraved + unique laser)
12 - Silver (diamond engraved + unique laser)
13 - Orange Radioactive (basic + unique laser)
14 - Black (rainbow engraved + silver trim)
NOTE: The engraved slides look best in the classic texture mode and at
an anisotropy value of 4X or higher (8X recommended). They will
look horrid without any anisotropy! You have been warned!
All texture variants use the original Duke hands from the original HRP. The
reason for not including any gloved versions is because it would look odd for
Duke to only wear gloves while using one weapon. All texture variants also
use the standard HRP muzzleflash, but it has been copied over itself to be
a bit larger and more pronounced.
Last but not least, some textures feature a unique item on the laser module. For
example, the diamond engraved slides have a diamond stud on the laser.
This means there are a total of twenty-eight (28) different possible combinations
to choose from! Plenty for everyone!
The texture image files are named accordingly so you can easily find which one
you wish to use.
To install and use this, all you must do is place the ZIP file into autoload
and it should automatically load it after the oldguns file or override does,
replacing the default HRP oldguns pistol texture.
By default, this pack is set up to use the realistic gold basic slide with the
ivory grip. If you want to use a different texture that is available, the process
is very simple:
1) Open the ZIP file up and navigate through the folders until you reach the
PNG images (the image that the game uses is always "2524_pistol.png"
regardless of any other files present in the folder)
2) Rename the current image in use to something else, like "2524_pistol_x.png"
3) Rename the image you wish to use instead to "2524_pistol.png"
4) Save/close the ZIP file
5) Done! You have changed the texture the game will use
A good way to do this is to rename the existing image in use to match with the
syntax of all the others, so you don't forget which one is which when looking
at them in the ZIP file listing.
An alternative (and possibly better/easier) way is to make a copy of the texture
you want to use next inside the ZIP file, and then rename that copy to the correct
internal name. This way the textures are all still with their organized name but
the one you choose to use is a copy made and renamed, which can then be deleted
later within the pack.
These are the files that are needed for this to work, and the correct load order:
1) duke3d_hrp.zip (version 5.4.674)
2) oldguns-5.4.674.zip (OR) duke3d_polymost_hrp_override-5.4.674.zip
3) oldguns-5.4.674_pimp-my-pistol.zip
NOTE: If you are using the PolyMOST HRP Override, the oldguns package is
not needed and you can substitute the override pack for 2) in that
• Creators of the original HRP Polymost models (full list in hrp_readme.txt)
• Creator(s) of the original HRP pistol default texture (full list in hrp_readme.txt)
• LeoD (Z-Pack, PolyMOST override, oldguns)
• Gold textures from the DNF3D COMMUNITY PACK (daniel262b, Jaxx, Fantinaikos, DanM)
• Nevander (remixing the gold pistol textures, engraving designs, new designs)
• Engraving designs based on the DNF pistol engraving by 3D Realms and Gearbox Software
• Diamond and rainbow texture designs used from random Google Images results
• Pixlr and MS Paint were used in creating this texture pack
• Duke4.net and the DN3D community for kicking ass!
LAST UPDATED: 11-25-2015
EDuke32 HRP's Oldguns
"Pimp My Pistol" - Gold Pistol Texture Pack
This pistol texture replacement pack was created from several different pistol
textures included in LeoD's Z-Pack, which can be found at the link below:
PolyMOST HRP / Custom Z-Pack (gloves and more...) / GreyDuke
It features a choice between different grip designs and slide designs. The
different grips and slides are listed below. Every slide can be used with
every grip!
There are two grip choices available:
1 - The default grip from the Polymost HRP model texture
2 - Ivory grip with Duke's symbol on it (similar to DNF)
The original grip also comes with the original lighter laser and grip parts,
while the new grip comes with darker ones.
NOTE: There was a third grip in Z-Pack, but I found it to be a bit strange
and while good, it didn't really fit with the theme of this pack.
There are fourteen (14) slide choices available:
1 - Realistic gold (basic)
2 - Bright gold (basic)
3 - Dark gold (basic)
4 - Dark chrome (basic)
5 - Bright chrome (basic)
6 - Realistic gold (silver engraved)
7 - Bright gold (silver engraved)
8 - Silver (gold engraved)
9 - Black (silver engraved + gold trim + unique laser)
10 - Realistic gold (diamond engraved + unique laser)
11 - Bright gold (diamond engraved + unique laser)
12 - Silver (diamond engraved + unique laser)
13 - Orange Radioactive (basic + unique laser)
14 - Black (rainbow engraved + silver trim)
NOTE: The engraved slides look best in the classic texture mode and at
an anisotropy value of 4X or higher (8X recommended). They will
look horrid without any anisotropy! You have been warned!
All texture variants use the original Duke hands from the original HRP. The
reason for not including any gloved versions is because it would look odd for
Duke to only wear gloves while using one weapon. All texture variants also
use the standard HRP muzzleflash, but it has been copied over itself to be
a bit larger and more pronounced.
Last but not least, some textures feature a unique item on the laser module. For
example, the diamond engraved slides have a diamond stud on the laser.
This means there are a total of twenty-eight (28) different possible combinations
to choose from! Plenty for everyone!
The texture image files are named accordingly so you can easily find which one
you wish to use.
To install and use this, all you must do is place the ZIP file into autoload
and it should automatically load it after the oldguns file or override does,
replacing the default HRP oldguns pistol texture.
By default, this pack is set up to use the realistic gold basic slide with the
ivory grip. If you want to use a different texture that is available, the process
is very simple:
1) Open the ZIP file up and navigate through the folders until you reach the
PNG images (the image that the game uses is always "2524_pistol.png"
regardless of any other files present in the folder)
2) Rename the current image in use to something else, like "2524_pistol_x.png"
3) Rename the image you wish to use instead to "2524_pistol.png"
4) Save/close the ZIP file
5) Done! You have changed the texture the game will use
A good way to do this is to rename the existing image in use to match with the
syntax of all the others, so you don't forget which one is which when looking
at them in the ZIP file listing.
An alternative (and possibly better/easier) way is to make a copy of the texture
you want to use next inside the ZIP file, and then rename that copy to the correct
internal name. This way the textures are all still with their organized name but
the one you choose to use is a copy made and renamed, which can then be deleted
later within the pack.
These are the files that are needed for this to work, and the correct load order:
1) duke3d_hrp.zip (version 5.4.674)
2) oldguns-5.4.674.zip (OR) duke3d_polymost_hrp_override-5.4.674.zip
3) oldguns-5.4.674_pimp-my-pistol.zip
NOTE: If you are using the PolyMOST HRP Override, the oldguns package is
not needed and you can substitute the override pack for 2) in that
• Creators of the original HRP Polymost models (full list in hrp_readme.txt)
• Creator(s) of the original HRP pistol default texture (full list in hrp_readme.txt)
• LeoD (Z-Pack, PolyMOST override, oldguns)
• Gold textures from the DNF3D COMMUNITY PACK (daniel262b, Jaxx, Fantinaikos, DanM)
• Nevander (remixing the gold pistol textures, engraving designs, new designs)
• Engraving designs based on the DNF pistol engraving by 3D Realms and Gearbox Software
• Diamond and rainbow texture designs used from random Google Images results
• Pixlr and MS Paint were used in creating this texture pack
• Duke4.net and the DN3D community for kicking ass!
LAST UPDATED: 11-25-2015
II. Preview of slides (numbers correspond to those in the readme):

III. Download (hosted on TinyUpload, too big now to add as attachment):
Thank you and enjoy!