Hello and thanks for the release.
A real Doom map, with nasty bad guys hidden behind you, I like that. The design is clever and you really have to think a bit to resolve the puzzles. Perhaps one or two clues for some hidden walls could be nice. Well done switches puzzle.
As for the rest the map is pretty easy about fighting (except perhaps the tree commanders outside), there's plenty of life and ammo. The map is clean, I haven't found any textures misalignment or other bugs. About the texturing and lightning, the ambiance is really Doom-esque, but the texturing is still a bit dull, I think a bit of variety could be nice (or some breakable screens - see some parts of the The Underground Base Complex, there's good texturing ideas in it I think).
I have a question, about the background of your maps : is it Alien bases which Duke attack or is it EDF (or something else friendly to Duke) which is being taken over by Aliens and that Duke need to clean up ? Or perhaps there's no background at all ? (Or perhaps the story is in the txt files that I have forgot to read, oops

). I ask this because I think the map lack the "gore and body parts" ambiance you find in DOOM, perhaps a few custom sprites from Doom (impaled body and so on) could add something, but it's just my opinion. I also think a custom sky /changed PAL could add to the ambiance or try the red sky perhaps - number 99 if I am correct).
Just two remarks to end this post :
- Floating bullets holes on sky (I suppose it's because you use the "parallax walls trick" (I hope it's the real name ^^), if I remember correctly, it cause this problem).
- You can trigger the hidden switch behind the switches puzzle without resolving it (stick on the wall and activate it, hope I am clear enough ^^).