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Ion Fury  "formerly Ion Maiden, launching August 15!"

User is offline   Zaxx 

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I think that the hitboxes overall seem large enough so you should be able to hit headshots consistently with the bow even without auto aim. The problem with how it is currently is that sometimes it just doesn't work: you aim for the head, shoot and the bow goes meters above your crosshair. :(

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Build porn - the other kind ...


User is offline   necroslut 


Beautiful work, guys. Haven't beaten it yet (~12 hours in), but what I've played is top notch. GOTY 2019, probably, and maybe the best FPS since HL2?


are you looking for all the secretes
12 hours sounds kinda long

User is offline   Hank 


^ not really, well, for me, after the kills, I simply look around, up and own ...

Posted Image
Was unable to capture it, but it has lightning, in the sky, if you just look long enough.

Yeah, yeah, Shelly plays with the coins by then, but ... so much details, you'd miss some true mapping art, if you rush through it.

This post has been edited by Hank: 21 August 2019 - 07:34 PM


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View PostTruck Stop Santa Claus, on 21 August 2019 - 06:56 PM, said:

are you looking for all the secretes
12 hours sounds kinda long

I'm looking around a fair bit, but not being obsessive about finding everything for the first playthrough.
There's a ton to see in the levels, really quality stuff.

This post has been edited by necroslut: 21 August 2019 - 07:31 PM



fare points


I posted this in Ion Fury mapping, but probably should be here

View PostLazy Dog, on 21 August 2019 - 07:57 PM, said:

Test map option in mapster doesn't work, it gives me a "error launching the game!", using gog version. Tried renaming the exe to fury.exe (by default is fury_nodrm.exe) doesn't make a difference.

I'm using the editor posted above, everything else seems to work fine, i can load the map from the console just fine.

UPDATE: after renaming fury_nodrm.exe to eduke32.exe test map works fine.



you have 1 the Ion Fury files 2 the most resent Eduke 32 and Mapster 32 right?


View PostTruck Stop Santa Claus, on 21 August 2019 - 08:37 PM, said:

you have 1 the Ion Fury files 2 the most resent Eduke 32 and Mapster 32 right?

I have the Ion Fury files and i'm using the Mapster32 that comes with them. When using the "test map" option, Mapster tries to call eduke32.exe instead of the Ion Fury executable. Is this intended?

View PostDavoX, on 16 August 2019 - 09:31 PM, said:

There's no Eduke32.exe provided with the editor, so i'm assuming is not needed.

This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 21 August 2019 - 09:08 PM



you need the new Eduke 32
it has support for Ion Fury
you can't test your maps without it
------> https://dukeworld.co...ynthesis/latest


View PostTruck Stop Santa Claus, on 21 August 2019 - 09:30 PM, said:

you need the new Eduke 32
it has support for Ion Fury
you can't test your maps without it
------> https://dukeworld.co...ynthesis/latest

...Ok, i don't get why, but if that's how you do it, that's how you do it.

I really don't undertand why mapster can't just call the game executable provided with the game, that's the version i'm making the map for to begin with.

This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 21 August 2019 - 10:07 PM



I don't ether but that's just how it be

User is online   NightFright 

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Is there a comprehensive list of all the stuff that was changed in the "SJWgate" patch on Steam? I would like to preserve the game in its current "humor state" of v1.0 once more useful updates are deployed. At least game castration has not reached the 3DR release. Yet.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 22 August 2019 - 12:08 AM


User is offline   Green 


View PostNightFright, on 22 August 2019 - 12:06 AM, said:

Is there a comprehensive list of all the stuff that was changed in the "SJWgate" patch on Steam? I would like to preserve the game in its current "humor state" of v1.0 once more useful updates are deployed. At least game castration has not reached the 3DR release. Yet.

Attached File(s)


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


That's it? I gotta say I hardly noticed that... provided I already passed a section that has this. The game gets review-bombed on Steam for THIS? In which world are we f'ing living these days, for crying out loud.


View PostNightFright, on 22 August 2019 - 12:51 AM, said:

In which world are we f'ing living these days, for crying out loud.

A world where liberty is an illusion, you can do everything and everything is wrong, you can say everything and everything is wrong, all based on convenience, because some people think that they are smart.

Go to annoy a gorilla, a lion, a bear, a rhinoceros etc... and look what happens next, there is no way that such "smart" people won't be smashed, because is just natural Posted Image, no way that a "paladin of justice" can say to an animal "this is wrong, you can't do it" yea... go a little bit closer Posted ImagePosted Image

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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View PostNightFright, on 22 August 2019 - 12:51 AM, said:

The game gets review-bombed on Steam for THIS?

The reason is 3DR and their terrible PR, the apology itself, though this is also partly a reason too, but not sprite itself, the reason why this and that text is getting altered/removed.

People do that mainly out of principles that 3DR got scared of a bunch of RE guys and doesn't care about their consumers. Just read the reviews and you get the general idea. Some of them even say that this has nothing to do with the game, just with one company that is 3DR.

Some people of course pretend like all this shitstorm was caused just by this sprite alone (missing that unreachable text leftover), but they're immediately getting corrected on Steam forums, even though those people don't listen and continue to pretend.

A guy from Steam forums did pretty good summary on the situation with a lot of info: https://arcticukitsu.com/Blog/?p=5600

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 22 August 2019 - 03:41 AM


User is offline   Phredreeke 


Except everything they're accused of is lumped into one, and 3DR is basically saying "you did this" - the out of bounds text is bad, the rest not so much once seen in context.

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View PostNightFright, on 22 August 2019 - 12:06 AM, said:

Is there a comprehensive list of all the stuff that was changed in the "SJWgate" patch on Steam? I would like to preserve the game in its current "humor state" of v1.0 once more useful updates are deployed. At least game castration has not reached the 3DR release. Yet.

We reserve the right to name it "IonGate".

User is online   Malgon 


Just finished the game, with 99% Kills, and 63% Secrets at just under 26 hours. I think even if I 'rushed' through the game, it'd still take me 13 hours, which is pretty long for a shooter like this. Definitely a game with a lot of meat on its bones and solid replay value.


The 3D Realms name is cursed at this point, nothing good has come out of it for almost two decades (Ion Fury being the obvious exception), Voidpoint should go independent if they make another game.

This post has been edited by AlektorophobiA: 22 August 2019 - 06:41 AM


User is offline   Zaxx 

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View PostAlektorophobiA, on 22 August 2019 - 06:39 AM, said:

The 3D Realms name is cursed at this point, nothing good has come out of it for almost two decades (Ion Fury being the obvious exception), Voidpoint should go independent if they make another game.

Nah, 3DR will just become Apogee again, Ion Fury will get a new title (again), VoidPoint will rebrand itself to WeMustFuckingHideAtThisPoint and it's gonna be great. Get ready for Blüd, the spiritual successor to Blood!

This post has been edited by Zaxx: 22 August 2019 - 07:38 AM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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Twist: it won't have any blood in it because that's too offensive.

In other news I've been so busy lately I haven't had a chance to try the full game yet beyond a taste of the first level. Can't wait to experience it, though.

I did notice that the first level was called Illuminaughty in some screenshots I've seen, but on mine it has a completely different name. Why was that changed? Just curious.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 22 August 2019 - 07:43 AM


User is offline   Zaxx 

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View PostMusicallyInspired, on 22 August 2019 - 07:42 AM, said:

I did notice that the first level was called Illuminaughty in some screenshots I've seen, but on mine it has a completely different name. Why was that changed? Just curious.

Guess the map's name didn't make much sense since Illuminaughty is just the name of the bar you start at = a minor portion.

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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View PostZaxx, on 22 August 2019 - 07:38 AM, said:

Nah, 3DR will just become Apogee again, Ion Fury will get a new title (again), VoidPoint will rebrand itself to WeMustFuckingHideAtThisPoint and it's gonna be great. Get ready for Blüd, the spiritual successor to Blood!

On the same level of Wrath being the spiritual successor to Quake (that roughly translates into "we don't know what the fuck we're doing anymore").

Also, good one.

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 22 August 2019 - 07:57 AM


User is offline   Newken 


It seems that Parting Procedure is bugged. RIP my 100% run. :(


After 30 hours of playtime according to GOG, I've finished the game twice now.

I will divide this review in four sections, to make it more organized: what I liked, what I didn't like, what could improve and what I'd like to see. I'll keep it as short and as informative as I can.

What I liked

  • Art design: Ion Fury looks fantastic. The atmosphere is unique, yet familiar. It has, for the most part, that urban feel that screams of a 90's of the future. Walking through the scenery is an experience on itself that really adds onto the gameplay. It has a lot of backgrounds to offer but the focus on the city side of things reigns supreme and I think it was a good choice. It allowed the devs a more frequent use of lights, spectacular backdrops and buildings. There's quite a lot of vertical exploration to be had here and it makes me happy.
  • Level design: This was just a master class on level design without a doubt. Areas a re massive, but never disjointed; there's a good flow and rhythm to every section, and I think I never got lost for more than two minutes. How well interconnected a lot of the areas feel and just how logical the progression is shows that the devs really studied Build games of the past and have found a very smart way to overcome shortcomings of past level design without taking away the essence of such levels.
  • Soundtrack: Outstanding. It was dynamic, energetic, felt right in place with the game's setting and was way more elaborate and complex than I expected to get with the game. It added a lot of depth to the feeling of each level and the music was perfectly in tune with what I was doing almost at all times.
  • Secret hunting: While I'll admit it is perhaps a bit too cryptic and definitely hard as fuck to find certain secrets, I think that is not a bad thing. In fact, I would call it a great thing. Secrets should be hard to find. There was something satisfying about discovering things on your own, specially if you were in short supply of certain ammo or wanted a particular item, and exploration with a little bit of brain power rewarded you with what you wanted.
  • Gameplay: And last but not least, gameplay. It's fluid. It feels good. Weapons are responsive, feel good to fire and I felt I had to cycle through my arsenal in order to better defeat foes like a good FPS should force a player to do. I loved how hectic the gunplay could get, and clearing out a room almost felt like you were in a movie.

What I didn't liked

  • Too many Mechsects: These spider-like enemies were in overabundance in pretty much every level, and while dispatching them is fairly easy with the Loverboy or bowling bombs when in groups, they grew rather tiresome to deal with regardless. They are hard to see and can sneak up on you and do considerable damage, many times while you are busy on a firefight and didn't notice one or two of them.
  • Enemy AI: This is by far the worse aspect of the game. It was disappointing to have a dramatic entrance of one of the game's larger and harder enemies completely ruined by them running into a wall and getting stuck. This happened to me often and in every level, with all the enemies. Sometimes you'd be fighting a group of enemies and leave the room, without being followed outside by them. Going back in the room would show all enemies stuck trying to get through the door.
  • Inconsistent aim for the Ion Bow: Even playing without autoaim, I felt like the Ion Bow missed every other shot, despite the crosshair being placed perfectly in my intended target. It would shoot left of it, right of it, even up or down of it. It was rather frustrating and could even cost me a lot of health at times when I was trying to dispatch with it certain dangerous enemies.

What could improve

  • Sound design: While the weapons sound beefy and feel right, other aspects of the sound work could be made better. Enemy voices sound muffled and sometimes I can't tell from which particular enemy are they coming from. Cultitst, Liberators and Greater Priests are extremely common enemies and while I can sometimes recognize different sounds they make, most of the time I can barely make out what they say and they just sound too similar that it's hard for me to tell them apart.
  • Grenade launcher mode of the Disperser: I felt the grenades took too long to go off, but most importantly, they were a bit inconsistent; sometimes one was enough to explode on an enemy and dispatch of an entire group, others it would only dispatch the one enemy, despite being close together to other foes.
  • Platforming: I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of platforming in FPS games, but putting that aside, I think the IF platforming needs some work. Shelley jumps too short unless I get her in some hard to pull of trick momentum that I can only get to work when the game feels like it. It just doesn't flow very well sometimes and I felt forced to save and reload a lot to make some simple jumps.
  • Certain levels can drag a bit too long: this is particularly true of science bases and sewers. They can go on a bit too long for my taste and it doesn't help that they can feel rather familiar. I felt this a lot closer to the end of the game than at the start.

What I'd like to see:

  • A rocket launcher type weapon: I felt this game sorely missed a weapon like that. While Shelly is well equipped with explosive devices to handle crowds at closer to medium range, I felt she was lacking a longer range explosive solution. A weapon like that has been a staple of Duke3D, Shadow Warrior and even Blood. I'd love to see it in Ion Fury.
  • More creative enemies and bosses: I liked the enemy roster overall, but preferred the more outlandish enemy design and wish to see more of it. Things like Skinjob, Diopede, Brutalizer and the Wendigo is what I'm talking about in what regular enemies is concerned, and boss fights like

  • Expansions: self-explanatory.
  • More games: :(

Final thoughts:

Ion Fury is a success in terms of trying to recapture the old style of first person shooters. It is well designed, and a lot of thought and care was put into it. I am unfamiliar with the technical side of things, so sadly I can't comment on anything else but how it looks, plays, sounds and feels. In all those areas it excels, with very few hiccups in between. I can't say I like it more than Blood or Duke3D, but it certainly comes close. A great effort overall.

This post has been edited by Putrid Pete: 22 August 2019 - 08:31 AM


User is online   NightFright 

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Seconded regarding the lack of a rocket launcher. Explosives in this game are either thrown, bounce off surfaces or both. The secondary fire mode of the Disperser is even a weapon on its own (has its own weapon slot, if I am not mistaken). There's little else to criticize from my point of view, though. Still not finished, anyway. Just reached the secret level.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 22 August 2019 - 08:27 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostNightFright, on 22 August 2019 - 08:26 AM, said:

Seconded regarding the lack of a rocket launcher. Explosives in this game are either thrown, bounce off surfaces or both. The secondary fire mode of the Disperser is even a weapon on its own (has its own weapon slot, if I am not mistaken). There's little else to criticize from my point of view, though. Still not finished, anyway. Just reached the secret level.

I like the weapons for the most part, but I think an opportunity was missed on weapon slot 7. Instead of another thrown explosive, it could have been something unique. I suspect they had an expansion planned with another weapon in the works, but it should have shipped with one. Not a huge deal, though.

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