Hi all,
I'm wondering if there are a few changes that can be made regarding the "embedded YouTube videos" feature:
- HTTPS appears to be used in YouTube for all videos now. However, I think that the forums don't currently parse HTTPS video links as expected.
- Can the embed code be changed so, not only the YouTube URLs are prefixed by https (if possible), but the HTML5 player is used, if enabled? Right now it looks like Flash is forced.
- Finally (that may be more difficult so I consider this optional), be able to parse a bit more complicated URLs, like this one: http://www.youtube.c...d&v=fKvOCNWNZb4
For reference, I've edited the following page today so the HTML5 player is used if available, and all YouTube links are prefixed by https now: http://ny.duke4.net/video.html
Not sure it's the right way, but at least it works. Note that YouTube itself offers (HTML5) video embedding using the HTML iframe tag, but I haven't used this since it isn't available in XHTML 1.0 Strict (but this may be a bit off-topic).
A few tests URLs for reference (currently only the first of them is translated to an embedded video):
- HTTP link:
- HTTPS link:
- Longer HTTP link:
Thanks for your forums and website!