Just wanted to get some information, because I'm thinking about building a PC, most likely in 2 or 3 months.
I'm not a tech guy so help would be really appreciated - especially since I have no idea what to pick motherboard and psu wise, for example. I wouldn't mind being able to play some games, but performance in 2d/3d graphic applications is a priority. Also, I'd like to know if I'll be able to meet my requirements in the budget - whether I should cut down or just save more money

Here's the list
- Budget: 1000€
- Procesor: i7, not sure which model though. I'm a pussy scared by overclocking, so I'd rather get something good out of the box.
- Ram: 16gigs, expandable to 32 in the future
- Hard drive: 200-300gb SSD
- GPU: no friggin' idea
Guess I'm stuck to NVIDIA since their cards can boost applications? (CUDA cores and what-not?) I guess GPU is the lowest priority in this build
- Motherboard which will hold everything together. No idea about tech spec, but I'm thinking about sticking to ASUS since the last board from them worked perfectly for me - AsRock is out, I've had terrible experience with that.
- Pretty solid PSU. How much power do I need? Will 650W be enough?
- A solid case, I don't care about fancy design, would be great if I could get one smaller than usual (unless it will be a lot worse air-flow wise etc., in that case I don't care). USB 3.0 ports, but that's obvious and everything has them now
- Blu-ray reader/dvd burner
- Wireless network card (or as a part of motherboard)
- I'll want to get a system as well. Win 8.1?
So yeah, the main thing is that I want to calculate this if I'll make it in the budget and can't really do that without a lock on specific parts - what am I supposed to do, select a motherboard at random?

Also, I'm not sure if I'll be getting a normal PC or a Notebook - it's possible that I will move to another country and doing that with a notebook is a lot easier. Then again, a normal standalone PC means a lot better performance and bang for your buck.
Any information appreciated, thanks!