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[ RELEASE] GRAVEYARD  "just another walk in the park"

User is offline   Mark 


I went medeival on that nun. I kept the original C9 explosions and added a backup of lowering her down into the floor. She WILL NOT be in the way anymore.
I tweaked the skin on the wood bench per LeoD's suggestion.
I added a little something for the player down in the "dead end" area of the map as per Micky C's suggestion.
I added more shotgun ammo for map1's ending sequence.
I added in the broken chair model per LeoD's suggestion.

Please keep the suggestions coming. The sooner I hear of them the sooner I can release these fixes as one patch.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


 Mark., on 09 March 2015 - 04:12 PM, said:

Please keep the suggestions coming. The sooner I hear of them the sooner I can release these fixes as one patch.
Level 2 nitpicks:
- skeleton's feet clip into wall
- pitch skeleton to lie correctly on the slope
- fire sprite clips into wall
- why not use he HRP's firevase model?
- the book should have a meaningful high resolution cover, like this for example.

Attached Image: gy-skeleton.png Attached Image: gy-skeleton-pitch.png Attached Image: gy-fire.png Attached Image: gy-firevase.png Attached Image: gy-book.png


[EDIT:]*nix user might appreciate if VOC and WAV file names (incl. extensions) had no upper/lower case conflicts with their USER.CON definitions.

This post has been edited by LeoD: 11 March 2015 - 11:21 AM


User is offline   Mark 


Last time I checked, the HRP firevase model had those lame looking "ribbon flames". I prefer the realistic 2D flames. I fixed the issues you mentioned except for having monsters pitch on slopes when they die. Way too much con coding for that. Just don't kill anything near a slope. :)

Thanks again. I also found a few more texture alignments to tweak.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 11 March 2015 - 04:37 PM


User is offline   Mark 


I have a question about the patch file I will be making for the mod. Using Winzip, do I right click on each file wherever they are in the main folder or subfolders and choose " add to graveyardpatch.zip"

When the user extracts the patch file will those files go to their proper folders?

This post has been edited by Mark.: 12 March 2015 - 03:08 PM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


Nitpicks and proposals #3

- tree clips into ledge
- shield and shotgun ammo clip into wall
- no sound when destroying vases - check your eduke32.log for missing sounds, example excerpt attached
- the low-res lavaman projectiles are not convincing, what about a recoloured firelaser.png from DukePlus?
- you could use the HRP alien switch, turn this shotgun ammo by 180°
- use HRP fire extinguisher model
- use HRP clock model
- maybe even HRP bottles
- secret unreachable (?), but I can grab the gun through the wall
- since you're already using HRP assets anyway, adding hrp_art_license.txt seems appropriate
-> ask your modellers how to license their contributions, if not HRP-like

Attached Image: gy-tree.jpg Attached Image: gy-clip.jpg Attached Image: gy-vase.jpg Attached Image: gy-projectiles.jpg Attached Image: firelaser.png
Attached Image: gy-switch.jpg Attached Image: gy-fireext.jpg Attached Image: gy-clock.jpg Attached Image: gy-bottles.jpg Attached Image: gy-secret.jpg

- you could let the book mentioned above talk, clip attached (I just love this one)

Attached File(s)


User is offline   Mark 


I would have to look them up to be sure but I think those four sound numbers you mentioned plus a few others were disabled by choice.

The vases are making their noise when breaking on my end.

Yes, I should replace some of those sprites with models. I think they were only used once and in the bonus map which is why I probably decided at the time they were "good enough".

The lavaman projectile was going to be a fancy firey blob and it needed to be moved to align better with the model. Time constraints left that feature behind.

I'm guessing you were familiar enough with the layout of the bonus map that you knew to go against that secret wall to get something. I couldn't figure out an easy way to implement the proper sliding out effect and so I left it half done and forgot all about it. Til now that is. :)

I'll see what I can do. Thanks.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


 Mark., on 15 March 2015 - 06:56 PM, said:

I would have to look them up to be sure but I think those four sound numbers you mentioned plus a few others were disabled by choice.
Ah, indeed. Those resulting error messages in eduke32.log make me feel bad, though. Maybe let the undesired sounds point to a short silent VOC in USER.CON and thereby avoid more unnecessary bug reports from other users.

 Mark., on 15 March 2015 - 06:56 PM, said:

The vases are making their noise when breaking on my end.
Yes, when using tile3673, but not for the standard vase #0765 used in the bonus map. Btw, the used sound is OK for breaking canwithsomething, but not for the vases, anyway. If you should decide to change that, add a sound for smashing bottle7, too.

I think the chairs on which the scientists are sitting should not be breakable.

This post has been edited by LeoD: 17 March 2015 - 10:14 AM


User is offline   Mark 


I didn't think of some of those issues because when I play a map I don't run around shooting stuff for no reason. Especially with the limited ammo I provided in the maps. :)

I made a note to switch the vase in the bonus map to the same as in the other maps. The sound effect too.

User is offline   Mark 


Hopefully I have finished making the patch for the mod. I'm going to run through the maps again to make sure I didn't create more issues while fixing the old issues. So within the next couple of days I'll have the patch ready to download. It looks to be about a 250kb zip file. When unzipped it will overwrite some files in the assets folder.

User is offline   Mark 


At the bottom of the first post of this thread I attached a patch file to address a number of minor fixes for gameplay and cosmetic issues. I addressed some but not all of the minor "nitpicks" I was made aware of. The main point of the patch was to fix the problem of the nun not always disappearing to let the player finish map1. It is a small 370kb zip file. When unzipped it contains files for the "assets" folder of the mod. Just overwrite the original files with these new ones.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 24 March 2015 - 05:42 PM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


I've applied the patch and got some black sprites. The guardian statues outside the crypt and whatever is on the dias.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0003.jpg
  • Attached Image: duke0000.jpg


User is offline   Mark 


I'll look into it after work. In the mean time, delete your textures and textures cache file and let them be rebuilt next time you play. See if that clears it up first. Or is there an error message in your log file for that model? A quick check of con files in my different version folders for the mod shows Frame000 for the model's frame name and none00 in the other. I'll have to do a download of the mod and the patch listed in this thread and make a clean install and take it from there to see which is the proper name.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 17 April 2015 - 04:30 AM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


I'm playing through properly since applying the patch. I had loads of strangeness after clipping through the penguin nun previously. The second level is just superb in use of sound effects, creepy music and visual cues. Love this bit...

Using pipe bombs to clear a room is wayyyyyyy too much fun.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0006.jpg

This post has been edited by Tea Monster: 17 April 2015 - 04:53 AM


User is offline   Mark 


Thanks for the good words. After a hard week at work it was good to sit down at home and get a little ego boost from here.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


No problem. This is the most fun I've had playing Duke this Century!

The ending is very Douglas Adams. I'm surprised nobody has picked up on this yet.

User is offline   Mark 


I figured out the goof I made in the first patch that glitched the statue and broken chair model. I have attached a second patch to the first post in this thread to fix those 2 issues. I'm suprised that no one else mentioned the problems before TeaMonster.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 17 April 2015 - 04:34 PM


User is offline   Evil Ash 


Aaaah! I played this and it's my favourite thing ever.

It's not scary, I'll start there - but I never thought it was meant to be. The whole thing comes off very satirical and campy. The opening dialogue really sets the tone, "Oh boy, a graveyard after midnight" and etc. (I know that's not an exact quote).
I enjoyed it that way though, especially as it becomes more silly with the whole "guy late for business meeting ends up IN HELL" situation.
Like a cross between Bill and Ted's and Army of Darkness or something.

Anyways, all that aside - there's lots of impressive things at play here. I do agree with the above comments about the simplicity of the level design and issues with progression. I did find myself getting lost quite frequently but was eventually able to piece the trail together.
Some concepts felt illogical for the layout, just in terms of where things connect - but with the whole Monty Python vibe it didn't take me out of it too much.

Lots of beautiful textures, lighting, and models. I LOVED the "Bloatthrone" actor.
The ending of the last level did feel "congested" in the sense of the Hell map being a MASSIVE sprawling wasteland of fire and brimstone, but then the final moments taking place in a small cave, a small pit, and some underwater chambers.
I was really itching for a massive boss battle of some capacity.

I did notice entire areas of the maps were sometimes non-critical, and haven't had a chance to replay them and go behind the Odin statue or etc. but I will soon.

The sounds and models did have a grab bag feel sometimes, like they weren't all part of the same world. Sometimes, you can see that an artist has pulled together resources from a bunch of places and put them together.
It can be tricky to hide this, and I can't really think of specific examples (except maybe the Half Life zombies next to things like Duke's dead body, and the Skeletons, etc.)
Things sometimes felt independent, instead of part of one big world.

P.S The Blood bonus level - awesome! I love Blood.

P.S.S - How did you manage to map this so dark?
I've done some dark maps before but... is there is a trick/advice on doing REALLY DARK maps? I can't see shit when I'm building.
Did you go back and lower the shades after for all your surfaces? etc.


User is offline   Mark 


First of all, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the feedback. I originally planned for a boss fight with an even larger version of the Demon summoned by the smaller one that rises from the floor. I ended up being too lazy at that point in the project to make all the necessary animations to make that work. As far as the less important parts of the maps, I like to encourage exploration in my maps. I know I have to try and balance it out or you get the couple of complaints I did about those areas. The one area behind the statue was an afterthought meant to be just a "secret room" again just to have more exploring.

Yes, mapping for dark areas can be a pain sometimes. What helped tremendously was the Mapster script made by I think Helixhorned that allows you to turn on an oversized flashlight to simulate how things will look in Eduke. Also having the F11 brightness turned up to 10 or 12 in Mapster is sometimes enough to see things. I actually did have to do some global shading changes because in the couple of years I spent creating the assets and maps, Mapster and Eduke went through a number of shading and visibility changes and I had to adapt.

I'm glad you liked the bonus level too. I figured a lot of people would get a kick out of it.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 03 June 2015 - 01:51 PM


User is offline   Evil Ash 


Cheer man, thanks for the tips.

Overall this is a super impressive release and I'm blown away by the amount of customized content you packed in here.

And I say stick with Polymer! It's the way to go, 100%.(re: Decay).

This post has been edited by Evil Ash: 04 June 2015 - 08:56 AM


User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


hello this was fun have alot to say so will jsut keep it short. scary dark and i liked it alot clean mod thanks for the work. i liked the graveyard level 1st level lots

This post has been edited by Max Payne: 23 June 2015 - 12:12 PM


User is offline   Mark 


I'm glad you liked it. Feel free to post any comments, good or bad, so I can learn to do even better next time.

User is offline   Mark 


Well... Its been about 8 months since the last post. I see the download counter in the first post shows that roughly 50-55 people downloaded the patches since then. I was wondering if any of you are still out here and if you had any comments. Found any more major bugs? Any suggestions since I plan on making another map for this some day?

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


I really enjoyed it. Especially all the humor. It was very 'Army of Darkness' in it's feel towards the end.

You might want to make some of the levels more creepy and lovecraftian in theme. Get that fat dude to make you some more critters and some set props.

User is offline   Mark 


Yeah, for sure I want to attempt "real" scare next time.

User is offline   Hank 


A bit late, but hey.

Well done. Creepy to downright vicious at times. No comments; except: pictures speak a thousand words.

This post has been edited by Hank: 26 February 2016 - 10:38 PM


User is offline   Mark 


I'm glad you liked it.


Holy crap... how could I miss this?!
Downloaded and played. Really nice thing. Really liked the humor. And I actually found the second and third map quite scary.
Really good mod. Although it took me reeeeaaalllyyy long to find that damn nun in the first map.

User is offline   Mark 


Yeah, its not like they usually hang around where you found her. I'm glad you liked it.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 06 November 2016 - 11:38 AM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


I never noticed the bat!

User is offline   Mark 


I'm in the process of clearing out projects from my hard drive. This is number 4 for this month. :)

I was bored one day and decided to add on to my Blood bonus map from the Graveyard mod. I added in more enemies, ammo and "eye candy" along with a different ending. Some players commented that the previous ending was goofy. So I made it a more conventional type. It not a huge difference from the original bonus map but it was something fun to modify for a short while.

The zip file is just a map. Unzip it into the game's main folder. Thats it. Then choose USER MAP from the menu and choose bonusmap2.

Attached File(s)


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