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Duke3D Build Porn  "No ART over 0014 admitted!"

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Posted Image

Please keep any "cool" "nice" posts out of here, if you want to comment then use the other thread !

Idea is to have every post contribute something new. This way every post would be 100% content and no skimming between all the discussion. Thanks! : )


What this is all about?

By now Duke mappers know that the Duke3D's build engine is incredibly flexible and even today new use cases for various effects get found.
While it lacks precise control over effects, people still find weird combinations and concepts that nobody has bothered to do before!

So you've mapped for duke?
By any chance have you made cool effect prototypes but never found any use for it?
You know some tricks to go around limitations with not just the effects but architecture itself ?
Want to share it with the world and go behind on how it was made ?
Here is the place to showcase that baby !

This thread is meant to serve as inspiration for effects, gimmicks or other more or less impressive things that can be accomplished with Duke3D.
Please avoid posting well known effects that you'd typically find in a 3DR map, instead it can be a wicked combination or clever use of existing things to create something unique!
Effect doesn't have to be perfect and can contain slight glitches or oddities as it can inspire further development.

If you remix an existing effect then feel free to share it as long as it has some actual improvements from the original one, replacing brickwalls with marble and adding a maskwall won't do but if it does unexpected things or combines effects in a new way then go ahead!
Goal is to give proper credit, educate, inspire and index everything nice and tidy.

Each post is to include:
- Title / name for effect
- Brief intro
- video or animation, this is a must!
- Details on how it was done
- Provide some example map as well, doesn't have to be fancy but should show the effect in question.

The following post is how we fly, please follow the lead of that guy.

Another example code and post:

This post has been edited by oasiz: 21 February 2015 - 02:24 AM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


Slow Fall Sector

This effect allows you to create a sector with a very slow falling speed through a combination of two more common engine features.

Just two days ago, I was experimenting on creating a completely different effect, when I accidentally found out that a slow fall effect can be achieved through a combination of sector effects.

Creating an effect like this requires us to apply two common effects on the sector; SE 29: Float and SE 16/17: Elevator Platform Down/Up. Basically what's happening here is that we are taking advantage of SE 29's ability to smoothly carry the player on a surface (usually used on water sectors) and expanding that "floatability" to a larger area than just the very surface of a sector by "marking" the Z area available with the SE 16/17.

This effect requires either a Posted Image Touchplate or switch controlled Posted Image Activator or Posted Image Masterswitch for enabling the effect on a larger Z surface. The effect will only take place from the start of the Elevator Platform's top position and down to its bottom position, which can be used to create very specific slow fall zones. Especially with TROR the possibilities should be quite limitless.

How to make it

So we are creating a sector that is affected by SE 29 and SE 17 to create this effect. It's quite simple to create and only requires a handful of sprites and minimal sector tagging. Just add the sprites and tags required to create both effects as such:

  • Posted Image — Lotag: 29 (Float).
  • Posted Image — Lotag: 0 [must be zero!].
  • Sector — Lotag: 16 (Elevator Platform Down) or 17 (Elevator Platform Up).
  • Posted Image — Lotag: First free unique.

Position the SE29 sprite vertically where you want the effect to start from.

You can use an Posted Image Activator instead of the Posted Image Masterswitch if you want to, but this effect is not toggleable after it's been set in motion once. The speed given by the lotag of the Posted Image GPSpeed sprite must be 0 for the effect to work, otherwise it will just apply a regular Float effect on the sector. When you have your three sprites and the sector tag with the correct values, trigger the effect in your favourite way and enjoy floating down slowly in your new sector!

Limitations and other things to consider

  • Actors other than APLAYER will not fall down in this kind of sectors, so the effect's use with enemies and other actors such as item pickups is very limited.
  • Since the sector needs to be tagged as an elevator, Posted Image Music&SFX will not work as a source for ambient sounds, a helper sector is required to overcome this.
  • As we are using Elevator Platforms, you need to remember that elevators will automatically drop down to the first sector lower than the initial position connected to the main sector that they can find, leading to some possible issues in creating the effect. Helper sectors alleviate this issue.
  • Players will take fall damage as usual and even more easily since it's calculated by distance fallen first, then time fallen secondary, which can cause the player to take fall damage sooner than expected. Additionally if the player falls to the start of the slow fall Z area, his movement will be temporarily stopped as if falling onto ground that does not exist.


Daedolon — The effect itself. Vent section of the example map.
oasiz — Creation of the highrise jump part of the example map. The tripbomb idea for the example map.

Download example map


This post has been edited by Daedolon: 03 December 2014 - 08:10 PM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


Diagonal Elevator

When working on an industrial level, I realized I wanted a cargo lift in a scene to make it a bit more grand, so I started experimenting on possible variations of such an effect.

Now the only two proper ways to move sectors with precise control are two-way trains and slide doors. The two way train would not fit here for a variety of reasons and using other tricks like standard doors would not work, so I went with the SE15: Slide Door.

Now I know that slide doors can carry sectors, I wanted to build a child sector on top of it that would handle the Z movement. As elevators are fast and really not accurately controllable, the only viable option to consider here was SE31 (Floor Rise/Fall) as it's speed controllable.

How to make it

This is a bit more complicated since it requires an unobstructed "track sector" wherein the the elevator moves, a main sector for the elevator which houses the SE15: Slide Door and a child sector that houses the SE31: Floor Rise/Fall that controls the vertical movement.

For a bit of a preface on SE15 usage, any child sectors for decorations (can be sloped) must be added on the SE15 sector and cannot be connected to any other sectors in order for them to work (this is a general SE15 rule and applies to any such effect). The GPSPeed value for the Slide Door needs to be the distance between the lift's starting and ending position (as counted from the same spot of the sector) halved. For example in the example map the track available for the elevator is 8193 build units and the elevator is 2048 wide, which would give us 6144 as the distance the elevator can cover, and the result would be half of that, 3072.

All sectors involved require an Posted Image Activator (or alternatively a Posted Image Masterswitch) to be synced on activation.

Firstly, create the sloped main sector to house the x/y movement on the map, I suggest a steep 4096 slope for a nice effect, which is what we are using in the example. From there, proceed to create the other sectors and tag them as following:

1. SE15: Sliding Door

  • Posted Image — Lotag: 15 (Slide Door), Hitag: First free unique (to ensure it's not activated with other such sectors).
    Needs to be pointed the direction opposite of the initial direction to move in.
  • Posted Image — Lotag: Distance traveled (Formula below ¹).
  • Sector — Lotag: 25 (Slide Door).
  • Posted Image — Lotag: First free unique.

Position the ceiling and floor of the SE15 in such a fashion that they will not become visible when moving from their initial position (floor below the lowest position of the slope etc.).

Now create a child sector inside the Sliding Door sector. As per the SE15 rules, it cannot be connected to the main sector or any other child sectors, so you must create any custom shapes you want by creating multiple child sectors and moving them really close to each other.

2. SE31: Floor Rise/Fall

  • Posted Image — Lotag: 31 (Slide Door), must be positioned on the end-position of the elevator.
  • Posted Image — Lotag: Sector slope angle dependent (Explanation below ²).
  • Posted Image — Lotag: Same as for the SE15 sector above.

Any and all additional child sectors must be tagged the same way.

You can build your elevator both starting in the upper or bottom position. Since you have to position the SE31: Slide Door sprites inside the child sector(s) in their end position, creating an elevator that starts at the bottom is much easier as you can just raise the sprites above the sector to their correct positions instead of lowering them manually with the F8 edit menu of Mapster32.

Add a switch somewhere to trigger the elevator sector and you're good to go!

¹ Formula for distance: <track length as calculated from the middle of the sector> / 2. Can be easily counted by getting distance between the centers of the sector in both start and end positions and halving it.
² For example, for a track sloped at 4096 build units the speed for a synced Floor Rise/Fall is 256, and for a slope of a 2048 build units it would be 128.

Limitations and other things to consider

  • The elevator cannot be Posted Image Touchplate triggered on the elevator itself as touchplates manipulate sector height and slopes in a hardcoded fashion.
  • SE15: Slide Door cannot carry sprites in x/y so enemy AI will work awkwardly or not at all on them, and the player is constantly being "pushed" away from the moving platform. This is a small price to pay, however, for such an interesting effect.
  • If you want to slope the ceiling, you must also add an additional Posted Image Sector Effector on all child sectors and move them in their end positions.
  • Since the player crosses multiple sectors, it's not possible for them to press a switch on a wall that's not on the elevator sector itself, so you should consider doing a timed start with a two-way train.


Daedolon — The effect itself. Example map.
oasiz — Enemy encounter in the example map.

Download example map


This post has been edited by Daedolon: 04 December 2014 - 03:04 AM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


Gotta love the diagonal elevator effect, looks really cool. As for myself, I also have some interesting Build porn on my computer.

A tricky garage door.

A garage door that works almost like a real one!

Posted Image

Can't explain how it works, though - download the example map and see for yourself. There's a lot of limits, for example you can't keep it in the middle of the room, it has to be in the corner so you could build a door mechanism inside the wall nearby.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 03 December 2014 - 04:50 PM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Boss creature, explained

While this is not completely new, I believe that this effect needs some more love and should be more properly documented so here it is !
Earlier this year I started experimenting with the largely forgotten Posted Image with Lotag: 5, AKA "Boss creature". Originally this was meant to be a helicopter boss that chased the player as seen in LameDuke, however this idea seems to have been scrapped as it hasn't really evolved since. This still leaves you with a sector that can chase the player...

On paper, this sounds really cool as you have a sector that basically has the ability to chase the player, tons of possibilities!
However, it has some limitations: This counts as a train type (no 2-way or subway allowed after this), It has some visual glitches, leaves a trail of fire (flame jets from the engine?) and finally it doesn't really carry anything meaningful with it.
What can be utilized is stuff like transparent maskwalls and the fact that it will act as a parent sector for one child-level in sector hierarcy.

This customer is pretty demanding due to being unfinished so here are some tips when using this.
- Surround it with a parallax sky
- Have the ceiling of the parent sector be as high as possible as that can help with masking the jet flames
- Be careful with locator placement (waypoints) as it seems that if the sector touches two of them at the same time, it freaks out and never recovers.
- Take in to account that the boss creature is a cheating bastard and can even travel trough solid matter as long as it gets to the closest waypoint to the player.
- If you want to add another attribute (such as teleportation) then use helper child sectors
-> with teleportation, use silent teleports as the jet flames will otherwise spam it.
- There is a risk that child sectors that the Parent carries will get off sync and start drifting slightly.

How to make it

This thing is rather simple to do actually, although more and more effort can be spent when trying to mask any visual glitches.

What we will need is a parent sector and any supporting child sectors will automatically be dragged in.
You will want a rather large arena in this case so that it can cover a lot of the movement and not intersect with other sectors.

Parent sector
Posted Image — Sector Effector Lotag: 5 Hitag: Channel #1 ¹

That's it!

Posted Image — Locator Lotag: nn ² Hitag: Channel #1

Place locators around the arena, be careful with the spacing.
A good general rule is to make sure that the parent sector never overlaps two locators at the same time.
Insert sprites as instructed, Parent SE should be in the middle of the object.

Bonus teleporter

Create a parent sector, take point ¹ in to account, now create a child sector inside the parent, have it cover as much area as possible.
This will be the teleporter. Parent sector will drag this child sector and the child sector will function and be built like a regular teleporter.
Posted Image — Sector Effector Lotag: 7 Hitag: Channel #2

What I suggest is using a silent teleporter to minimize artifacts and use a dummy sector to do the actual teleportation as the jet flames won't cause any issues then.

¹ Place this in the middle of the object, a round object should have it in the center for example.
² Lotag values have no real order, start from 0. The order does however affect the pathfinding a tiny bit.


oasiz - Initial idea, experimentation and some last minute modifications to the example map (silent teleport trick)
Daedolon - Brainstorming, Teleport trick itself and Example map

- Download -

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


So instead of clogging the "What are you working on", I'd rather re-post a few of more recent tricks here.
If you have browsed that thread then you can safely ignore these, I'll try to put things in here instead from now on.

Gotta keep this thread alive!

Turret section

Yo dawg, I herd u liked turret sections in DNF so I put a turret in ur duke3d so you can turret.
Irony here is that it uses the scrapped SE5 boss creature mentioned above which was probably meant to kill you instead :)
Yes, this is the exact same effect as that UFO !
Note that this is silent and harmless against the player, I'd place it in some area that masks it's weird behavior and don't allow much in Z changes for the player.

This is pretty much complete opposite from what it was meant to do so I doubt that anyone has really tried it this way instead.

How to make it

Turret sector
Posted Image Sector Effector Lotag: 5

That's it!

You might want to insert a lotag31 wall SE sprite in front that you control with a switch as if to make it go "on" and "off"

One big limitation: It will automatically seek the closest locator to player, even if it's out of the sector.
ANY 2-way train that is closer to the player than this turret will make the turret sector travel trough space and time to reach that 2-way train.
Be careful with the placement !

No map example this time around as I managed to overwrite it already, really easy to do though.

This post has been edited by oasiz: 21 February 2015 - 01:53 AM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Moving platform with any speed

Micky mentioned Xvel earlier on eduke IRC so I decided to experiment around and came up "single use, instant, any speed 2way train"
Apparently there is little to no documentation on X(yz)Vel so let's change that a bit !

What it let's you have is a platform that moves from A to B with any set speed, although with one big limitation:
Only works once and starts instantly after spawning.

How to make it

What happens:
-> Regular 2-way train (A), SE sprite has Xvel set to 20.
-> Another 2-way train (B ) that acts as a timer that stops train (A)

(Theory) Starting the map, having xvel already at 20 makes the engine set the 2way train speed at whatever is specified in Xvel, thinking that it was already launched away.
Now while the train is moving on it's own, it's still waiting for commands on stand-by and not caring about locators. Normally it would perform the ROTT "I'm free!" trick if nothing stops it..
A switch could make it snap out and enter the regular 2way train mode.. However we can't rely on the player to ever stop it.

Long story short, setting another 2way train that gets automatically triggered on spawn, end result: A moving platform/sector that stops at a set position (If it's not touching a locator yet then it will accelerate to regular 2way train speed).


Attaching the map file as explaining it might be a bit challenging.

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File  xvel.zip (1.39K)
    Number of downloads: 378

This post has been edited by oasiz: 21 February 2015 - 01:52 AM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Jukebox - fading and positional audio

What can't 2-way trains do anymore.. Got this idea in my head while having a drink in a bar and seeing the jukebox.
Instead of explaining why I think about duke mapping when drinking, I'll just drop this video.

2-way trains can also make some sounds when paired with SFX, not commonly used but why not make some use of it.
Since the sound has to follow the train itself, paired with the fact that Build can have overlapping geometry, we can do some cool positional audio tricks or volume fades behind the scenes really easily!

How to make it

You will need to make:
-> Regular 2-way train (A)
-> Another 2-way train (:), Opposite direction
These should be placed right after the jukebox as they will act as the sound source.
Check the jukebox video for references.

Having them alternate will create fade out / in, if you really want to then you can also crossfade.

One thing to note: SFX needs to have a repeat flag on, otherwise it will never loop properly!

More positional audio FX:

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User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Kickable doors

Now I know that this was mentioned in some magazine previews and speed runners use this a lot, but it's still barely mentioned or used. This has some potential at a "weaponless" spawn with a stuck door or similar.

So the developers left a way to open doors by kicking them. This used to work a bit differently in older versions of the game such as lameduke, where weapons like the plasma cannon could trigger doors at random. Near the end of the game's development, this was largely scrapped but still left in by accident on many doors that are even locked.

Basic idea behind this is that you can actually operate objects by kicking walls, meaning that even 'use' or such won't work. (Oh man, a kick-only operated map would be so awesome).

How to make it

End result is a regular door with some tweaks on it, add spice as needed.
This will give you a basic door that is single use and kick operated.
Secret here is that giving some DOOR texture walls a lotag of Channel will trigger that Channel when kicked.

Door sector
Lotag to your taste.
Posted Image Activator locked Lotag: Channel that never gets toggled
Posted Image Masterswitch Lotag: Channel A
Posted Image SPEED Lotag: 40~ adjust to taste

Here comes the important bit:
All red walls on that door sector: Lotag: Channel A

If something needs clarification then check out this .map

ps. Cmon guys! I know you have some beautiful stuff you have done, post em! Don't worry about the post layout or such too much.
Share things, get inspired and inspire someone else!

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This post has been edited by oasiz: 17 July 2015 - 12:17 PM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Ok, let's go with something new and cool. How about faki-- I mean making that Shadow Warrior -like drill effect ?

Mr. Drill

While duke allows pretty good control with lowering or rising the floor/ceiling, it's still a big limitation that you must trigger all of the effects on the sector simultaneously. This really limits any "multi-stage effects" in the same sector.
Sector tag 28 & SE 21 allow an affect called "drop floor", seems that this wasn't used in any of the retail levels as it's quite useless as SE31/32 exists already to replace this. I don't think so...

Looks simple enough :) ?

Heh, I'll just explain... This drill sector has 5 SE sprites, two masterswitches and one speed (sounds are separate and are using my overlapping door sound trick.)
(Exterior ring is SE+MS+SPD)

Before I start breaking down, they key here is that SE21 and SE31/32 have opposite parameters:
SE21 = Speed is always a fixed amount per tic, delay to start is determined by speed sprite
SE3x = Speed is determined by speed sprite, delay relies on masterswitch.

In short: Triggering both at the same time with speed 20 would first trigger SE3x and after a few ticks the SE21 effect.
Check this vid to understand how it looks like in action

How to make it

Oh boy... This effect requires a lot of manual labour and tweaking to get it looking right.
Let's simplify this by removing the rotation.

Drill sector
Lotag = 28
(A ) Posted Image Sector effector Lotag: 28
(B ) Posted Image Sector effector Lotag: 32
(C ) Posted Image Sector effector Hitag: Channel A Lotag: 7
(D ) Posted Image Masterswitch Lotag: Channel B
(E ) Posted Image Masterswitch Lotag: Channel C
(F ) Posted Image SPEED Lotag: 127~ adjust to taste

(A ) Put this inside the ground where you want to have the floor level at once the drill rises up, tail pointing down.
(B ) Put this inside the ground as well, we will want the drill to go inside the ground to create the illusion that it's actually digging.
(C ) Put this inside the ground too, this will act as a typical manhole teleporter seen in E1L2 and such, remember to clone this.
(D ) Masterswitch that should have zero delay, triggered by Channel A
(E ) Same as above, this one is to trigger when you want the drill to rise, Channel B. In this case the same touchplate triggers both so the lower/rise is automatic after a single trigger.
(F ) Hard part, 127 is the maximum value you can have for the delay before the SE21 freaks out and drops on forever. Time this carefully with the animation to make it look right. Higher speed = more delay, more speed for drill. Preferably you'd want this to trigger once the drill has touched the ground.

Check out this picture:

This post has been edited by oasiz: 21 February 2015 - 11:31 AM


User is offline   ozelot47 


< Instant Loop Sound >

I do not know how and why this works but with this you can make a kind of instant sound effect which is constantly repeated.

Normally there are a few machine or ambience sounds which has a loop when you use the "M" Sprite but with a Star Trek Door in combination with a 'Door Auto Close' and 'Sectoreffector 26' you can make this effect.

Create a Star Trek Door and place a Sector Lotag 9 (Star Trek Door). Place inside the Star Trek Door a Musicansfx with a Lotag you want, a Door Auto Close (SE10) with a H-Delay you want. H-Delay with 1 is really Fast and 32 for example is Slower.

Sorry, it is hard to explain...I upload a test map which has 4 examples how it can be used for soundeffects.

Edit : Added a video of this effect and corrected a mistake. You don't need SE26 for this effect

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This post has been edited by ozelot47: 05 March 2015 - 05:05 AM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector



Duke allows you to fly, jump, donate money to women and duck.. But what about prone? Hell, Duke does that too!

This is actually a really simple trick that abuses teleportation, height (Z) gets fixed at whatever the destination is at while X/Y is always going to be determined by the location in sector.

Sector acts as a normal sector, we will utilize the "manhole teleport" code with this one. If placed properly, once crouch is pressed the player will go in to prone instead of crouching.

How to make it

Very simple, probably can be simplified even further.

Sector that is prone enabled
(A ) Posted Image Sector effector Hitag: Channel A Lotag: 7
(B ) Posted Image Sector effector Hitag: Channel A Lotag: 23

(A ) Raise slightly from ground level, PAL1 to hide the teleportation flash. One regular "unit" upwards will do. Same X/Y as (B )
(B ) This can be placed on ground level. Same X/Y as (A )

That's all!
The prone itself wont have any fancy animation and due to being "stuck in teleportation", the movement won't be as smooth as it normally would.

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File  prone.zip (2.5K)
    Number of downloads: 370

This post has been edited by oasiz: 12 March 2015 - 02:31 PM




I don't know how useful this is but this really is a weird one.

Create a two-way train (SE31, ST30, two locators one of which has tag of 1). Standard stuff.

Now put an autoclose in it (SE10, hitag of say 30). Woo-hoo, it also oscillates backwards and forwards. Also, if the sector's height is low enough (but still way above dukes height) it instantly kills the player but only when the sector is moving when the player is trying to get aboard - you can climb aboard whilst it is stationary at either end and travel safely once on board. Raise the ceiling a bit and player survives regardless.

Now for the crazy bit - put an activatorlocked in it and wire that to a switch. Run the map and ... ok, the train is still operating. But now climb aboard - the train remains stationary ! Get off, it starts running again, how bizarre. If you flip (shoot) the switch then the pause no longer happens.

I've attached a test map with three trains.

Train 1 : Will crush you if you try to climb aboard whilst it is moving. Pauses at either end when player is aboard, moves again when player gets off or the switch is activated.

Train 2 : As train 1 but higher ceiling and therefore passes health and safety :-)

Train 3 : I linked the activatorlocked to the train itself. Now the train only pauses at one end. The train's SE hitag is 41 but it makes no difference if the activatorlocked is tagged to 41 or 42, the train only pauses at the far end (next to locator 0).

Maybe someone with a bit more imagination than me can find a use for this ? Perhaps a one-way bridge (example included in the test map), though it is *JUST* manageable to jump at the exactly right time to catch a ride back again - a longer auto-close delay makes this more difficult to judge. If it's that important then blow the bridge up instead :)


Attached File(s)



4-Way Split Door

Here's a door I made since I ran out of doors to make in the tutorials and needed something new.

Hope you like it :P

Instructions below and in the zip file. ( Map Included )

:Note this is the closing sequence of the door.
Posted Image


Create two child sectors that act as your Door leave it in the open position (Do Not Tag The Sector).

Add the following sprites the door sector areas.

1-Button Unique Lotag.

2-SE 31 (NO! Hitag, Agled South), 2-SE 32 (NO! Hitag, Agled South).

2-gspeeds Lotag 480.

2-SE 15's (Give Them UNIQUE! Hitags & Point them Towards each other). ---> <---

2-Activators (Lotag +1 of your Buttons Lotag) So if you used 19 on the button this would be 20.

1-Music SFX to either side (73,166 is what I used).

Here's the trick to it (SE 15's that share the same Hitag Do-Not need sit in a sector thats tagged as long as there is one on the map they can share with another SE 15 with the same Hitag that is in allready tagged or dummy sector freeing up the other sectors).

Make a DUMMY SECTOR somewhere in blank space, just an empty box is fine (Lotag the sector 25).

Add the following sprites to it.

1-SE 15 (Same Hitag as the SE 15's used in the door areas).

1-Activator (+2 of your Buttons Lotag) So if you used 19 on the button this would be 21.

Add a basic two-way train timer in any blank area.

Draw a small (using gridsize 1 1024) 5x1 track.

Draw a smaller square (child sector) in the bottom or top box of the 5x1 track.

Tag the child sector Lotag 31.

Add the following sprites to your train/child sector.

1-SE 30 (Hitag +1 of your Button) So if you used 19 on the button this would be 20.

1-Activator (Lotag Same as your Button)

Place two Locators on the track.

One behind the train about 128 units or 1 grid size 4 (Do not Tag).

One Dead center of 5x1 square furthermost from train (Lotag 1).

Decorate your door and enjoy.

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User is offline   zykov eddy 


3D button

Just like in Quake!

Posted Image

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