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Duke3D HRP: new/updated art assets thread  "Post and discuss new or updated textures/models for the HRP here"

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Small update:
Since no one came up with improved versions until now (and it doesn't look like that will change in the near future), I have reverted #341-343 back to their previous versions which look better.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


HRP version 5.1 has been released. This is identical to SVN build #285. Merry Christmas everyone! :)

User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


That's probably going to be the last HRP release, as we don't have any contributions anymore. Still amazing that this went on for so long; at least we outlived the jDRP :-) Thanks everyone!

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

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Just because no one has contributed in a while doesn't mean there aren't any to be made. Things might pick up but I also have noticed that there haven't been any updates on many many things.

Anyway, when I get home in January I'll download this and run through the game again just to see how it looks.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


If there's anything to blame for the lack of activity now it was the rushed migration here from 3DR when that did not prove necessary in the end.

Duke is still in better shape than the SWHRP. :)

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


This is not the first time we are seeing a lack of contribution activity. Around this time of the year, I'd say it's pretty normal. That's why it made sense to release something now since you don't have to worry about stuff getting added last minute.

The project has come far in general, even though large parts of episode 4 are still undone, plus some minor stuff from previous episodes. People lately focussed too much on Polymer migration than on contributing something new which is still missing in the pack. Hopefully, this can be changed next year. Completing the first three episodes doesn't seem to be hard, there really isn't much left to do - one model and six textures for ep.2 plus three models and seven textures for ep.3 is a workload that could be handled by a single person (if there is one). :) And actually, one of those models is/was the Terminator arm we actually had once, but it got lost somehow. If anyone still has it or can make a new one, feel free. ^^

This post has been edited by NightFright: 24 December 2011 - 12:33 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Aren't there some almost finished models that have been in the works for ages and are almost finished? What happened to Tea Monster's HUD pistol? And now that polymer HUD DOF can be set individually for each weapon, perhaps Spiker's shotgun can see a triumphant return with improved animation. The current shotgun seems to be looking worse every year.

User is offline   Spiker 


I've just uploaded texture 4154. Maybe it isn't much and it's not widely used but it was on the to-do list. Better than nothing.

The stuff that is left isn't used much, that's probably why it hasn't been remade yet. Some of them are quite easy to do, some other are a bit tricky. However the most tricky one (the milkshelf) is done and it looks really good so if I managed to this one the rest shouldn't be much of an obstacle, it's just a matter of time and motivation.

As for the shotgun, I still have the source (I think). It was waiting for a better animation system. It could be improved by replacing the muzzleflash with a texture (as it is with the current old version), avoiding changing the depth scale during animation and proper positioning. Also I think I could now create a much better texture. Maybe I will get back to it someday but even with these changes it won't be perfect. You could see that most weapons are flawed in some way.

The pistol was done but the effect wasn't satisfying and that's why it hasn't been replaced. Basically it suffered from similar problems as the shotgun.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


My pistol is done, the different bits just don't match up in the viewport. I'll take another look at it over the hols and if I can't get the defs to play nice I'll release the source. It should be possible to put the hands and clip in one MD3 and put alpha'd pngs on the other sprites if all else fails.

User is offline   Mark 


I can't think of an example tile number right now, but maybe the fact that its getting harder to please everyone with new textures because of having to balance the line between Polymer shading or not, or looks it looks too cartoonish like the original or not. There were a lot of differences of opinions or directions and multiple remakes and not everyone is up to that challenge. Just my opinion.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


 Marked, on 24 December 2011 - 06:18 AM, said:

I can't think of an example tile number right now, but maybe the fact that its getting harder to please everyone with new textures because of having to balance the line between Polymer shading or not, or looks it looks too cartoonish like the original or not. There were a lot of differences of opinions or directions and multiple remakes and not everyone is up to that challenge. Just my opinion.

There will always be complainers. What texture artists should do is make something that they're happy with, and submit it straight to the SVN. Chances are people won't complain about it so much if they see it in-game and it doesn't look terrible. If it's still so bad that people will come back and complain about it, then it's probably worth changing, but that wouldn't be all that likely.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Well, the babe models also look terrible, many have said it. Yet no one has come around to provide new ones that are better. One guy once had all of them remade on his hard drive but it crashed (can't remember who right now), so I guess that's as close as we will ever get.

Anyway, I am confident some folks will return next year to fill in some of the missing gaps we still have in our to-do list.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 25 December 2011 - 12:39 AM


User is offline   djdori11 


Hey thanks so much for keeping up the HRP, the new version is great.
Btw, i havn't touched DN3D for months now, so since the new HRP version has been released, i checked it out and i was a bit disappointed that polymer still works bad on my pc.
So you have any suggestions on what polymer console commands i should use to increase performance? http://wiki.eduke32....onsole_commands
And btw, since you also updated the Duke DC HRP, i wanna check it out but i never installed and expansion hrp before, so this is how to install and activate it?:
Extract the HRP SFX version,
Put dukedc and duke3d grp in the folder.
Put dukedc_hrp in autoload.
Launch with batch file with this commands - start eduke32.exe /gdukedc.grp,
And tick autoload folder and polymer?

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

  • I have the power!


Character models are complicated and require a significant amount of time especially since I'm not sure a proper animation system is set up yet.
The implementation of features in the render engine and the need to update various models and textures has slowed some progress on things that aren't as important (generally speaking) like the babe models. I suppose if they were done really really well, they'd be looked at more...but, the focal point, graphically, is really the HUD and the aliens. The atmospheric tiles (walls etc) are also important to make well, but everything else (props) just kind of fades into the background. We notice when there is a sprite instead of a model and low quality models may stand out when in the same room as well done recently polymerized models. Other than that, I think people are content enough for the quality of this 15 year old game.
Of course, I'm all for remaking some of the props and at one point I think I set out to redo the bottles I made long ago with more sides and polymerized (but I am not entirely sure how to make textures for polymer). School is a pain and Real Life ™ takes over, especially now for me. If I spent the time learning things about graphics rather than dead languages and exegesis, I'd probably be able to contribute more faster but my priorities are radically different now than they were when the HRP started and even more so since I started playing Duke 15 years ago.
The beginning of the semester (Jan-Feb, Aug-Sept) tend to be lighter but that is only because I push things off until later (Apr-May, Nov-Dec) but, like I said, Real Life ™ is different than previous years and I have a back log of games and projects I have been meaning to mess with. I suspect that I and others would have more time in the summer (winter for those down under) months but people's priorities change and when games we are waiting for come out, those can consume the majority of our time especially for people who want to mod other games too since that looks better on your resume when you apply for a job in the industry (for those looking for that; not me).

In short: Things like this take time and many people who want to make it work; a 15 year old game with a new rendering engine and mods and maps trickling in is kind of low on the gaming/modding priority list generally speaking. A lot of people who play Duke3D are adults now and have real jobs and families and other obligations so working on the HRP etc may not make it to the top of the list more than a few hours a week. We also tend to be perfectionists since the game, likely, was a game we grew up playing.

User is offline   Spiker 


This one was on the to-do list so I hope it's used in the game somewhere. Already uploaded

Posted Image

Posted Image

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Yeah, this one is used in the ep.4 secret level (alien spaceship in hangar). 4264 and 4266 belong to the same set and should hopefully match this. :)

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


Thanks for doing this, especially since it looks good in Polymost, too. Please consider doing tile 281. It is appears in many user maps, e.g. as a door.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: 4265_ART.jpg
  • Attached Image: 4265-Polymost-ART.jpg
  • Attached Image: 4265-Polymost-HRP.jpg
  • Attached Image: 4265-Polymer-HRP.jpg
  • Attached Image: 0281.jpg


User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


This one looks really nice Spiker. I'm glad I was wrong!

User is offline   blackhatred 

  • Dumbfuck Wannabe


Wow! Nice one Spiker!

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


That is good work there.


!NSFW! !NSFW!: http://supertanker.m...d.net/603_3.jpg :!NSFW! !NSFW!

Managed to get MakeHuman installed today. Unfortunately the low-poly mesh it outputs isn't skinned properly (but it IS working with the rig!). So I got bored and tried playing with the high-quality one instead. Also lol @ my background and procedural textures. And my not being able to use the main rig and having to use the lower-quality one instead. I am an idiot when it comes to Blender.

It's backed up, by the way. Just saying. :unsure:

I'll be trying to get the low poly version working over the next few days/weeks.

This post has been edited by Supertanker: 13 January 2012 - 02:21 PM


User is offline   thatguy 


Any step forward in making the women look more, feminine is a good thing to me......and it'd be great to get duke to look more sexy than he does now too.....I'm weird.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


Whoah, nice work! PM me if you need a hand.

User is offline   Mark 


The hairline needs to cover a little more but otherwise it kicks ass. Good work.



Okay, so I got it in game. I got it in game, animated, and textured (hard to see the textures clearly here though).


The main caveats are the face (looks a bit possessed, if you ask me) and the hair. Aside from the fact that the hair is poofy and not long enough, it's also having odd transparency glitches. It's hard to see in this picture without moving around, but the transparent areas are showing the player the wall behind the model: http://supertanker.m...d.net/603_6.jpg

Also, it seems to be too high poly (I think it was 2.5k which is TOO high I think). A few in one place are okay but when you're in the room in E2 L8 (which is the most massive collection of sprite #603 in all episodes and most usermaps, iirc) my framerate drops to 20FPS with all of them in sight at once. :P It also has a 100frame animation, which may be too much; however, it can easily be reduced in Blender. Playing around is fun. :unsure:

There's various other things I don't like, such as her underthings (can't quite seem to get them applied as part of the texture instead of geometry, and it visibly floats above the model). But oh well. I'm still tinkering.

I'll upload the models and files when I get to high-speed Internet so other people can play around with it too.

By the way, the md3 exporter and blender 2.6 really hate me. I ended up commenting OUT the code that detects if uv exports are disabled just so I could have UV maps in game. That took awhile to figure out. Also, in Blender everything seems to be nice and smooth, but in the game sometimes things jitter around while animating and it seems like small geometry details are being lost in translations (I've had entire faces move; once I had the hair perfect in Blender but it was a few tenths of a unit "down" in the game, giving her a bald spot!)


User is offline   Mark 


2.5K polys is definately not too much. You could double that if it gives a good increase in quality. Keeping the count down that low was back in the early days of models for the game. The game engine and people's computers have gotten way better since then.

And 100 frames of animation should be cut way back. But you said you will mess around with that.

If you can, take a screen shot with a polymer light shining on her to bring out the detail.


NSFW post updated:

Aha! Turns out it was the frames and not the polys that my computer didn't like. Now I get fluid 60FPS (with polymer) in the E2L8 room after having reduced the animation to 25 frames.

With polymer lights, baked normal/specular maps:



Getting there. Now my three main goals are: fix the tiny jerk in animation loop, fix the underthings, and do a bit with her hair. It's kludgy when viewed from directly underneath/above but still better than what the HRP has now, no offense meant at all to whomever took the time to make the model! I can appreaciate the effort that went into it now.


P.S. Yes...I am backing these up regularly. :unsure: Don't want a repeat of the last time someone started making promising babe models. I just rsync'd the directory to a remote server.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Her underwear looks like a diaper, could definitely use some more work in that area.


NSFW post and images as usual.

http://supertanker.m...d.net/603_9.jpg is the new improved model. All that's left is the hair.

Oh. And this little tiny bug.

Looks okay here (sorry, worst room possible for screenshot) http://supertanker.m...t/603_e3l1a.jpg

But underwater... :/ http://supertanker.m...t/603_e3l1b.jpg

It even spawns properly when you insert a new sprite (half in the ground, which is what #603 does) but it seems to think it's too tall, or something. I fiddled with scale and zadd but one invariably breaks the other.

I even found the zadd and scale for the old model. I multiplied the height (about 29bu) times the scale and got around 270ish. Multiplying my height (20bu) times a scale of 13 (my rough guestimation) yields about the same thing. Even the zadds when multiplied by the scale are the same. So I'm confused.

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhggggGGGGGGGGGGGgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! !1111oneoneoneshiftshiftshitshitshitshifhitsfhidfjhakf1111eleven.

Will upload a model soonish for people to play with! What license do people like for the HRP? My only caveat is that I don't want someone to be making money off this without asking me first :>

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

  • I have the power!


The HRP has had its own license for a while now...I can't remember where it is except in the distributed zip file.

The model looks great. I think the skin could use some more detail, but it is far superior to what we have now.

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