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EDuke32 2.0 and Polymer!  "talk about the wonders of EDuke32 and the new renderer"

User is offline   Spiker 


After more testing I get these slowdowns even with precaching but it seems that without it it's much more often. Usaully it happens when fps change rapidly like jumping from 20 to 60 then game speeds up dramatically.

I've checked CPU ussage and often it's below 70% but at times when it's 100% pressing keys "locks" them as if they were pressed all the time. I didn't get that when ussage was bellow 100%.

User is offline   TerminX 

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You could have just pressed alt again as clearly the game thought it was still held down. :P Anyway, I will change the mouse code to stop centering the cursor in the window when focus is elsewhere, but you could have avoided the problem by switching to the console before changing focus to another program.

User is offline   Spiker 


 TX, on May 8 2010, 11:55 AM, said:

You could have just pressed alt again as clearly the game thought it was still held down. :P Anyway, I will change the mouse code to stop centering the cursor in the window when focus is elsewhere, but you could have avoided the problem by switching to the console before changing focus to another program.

Yeah, this must be it. So please fix this key-locking too hehe :D

User is offline   Spiker 


I've just tried 1632 with Eternity. For me it's extreme boost of performance when compared to the version when it was first released! But probably it can optimized even further! Now if there weren't these slowdowns and sudden speeding-up then it would be abosolutely playable :P

User is offline   The Commander 

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I should try DNE now that I have my system and have over clocked it a tiny bit. (2.66 @266 to 3.0 @333)

It will be my benchmarking tool now. :P

User is offline   Spiker 


I've noticed one more strange thing (actually it's like this for a long time now but I forgot to report it). When you enter RENDERER SETUP then it lags even worse than when playing game with multiple lights around. It's fine in any other menu.

User is offline   RPD Guy 


to polymer be perfect, we must creat DECALS, decals, like half life, decals of duke nukem are sprites in the wall
i have a question:
in the future, polymer maybe have physics?
i hope so!

User is offline   3D Master 


AMD Dual Core 4600+
2 gig ram
GeForce 9800 GT
Windows 7 64-bit:

The newest eDuke32 with the polymer renderer on: the loading bar half-way through loading a level starts changing sprites, I've seen letters and numbers and a door pass the review. Then, once the level is loaded, eDuke32 exits to desktop.

Turn Polymer off, and the status bar sprite problem doesn't occur. However, the game starts, but there are randomly some places where the game is essentially stuck for a second or two then continues onward. It also remained stuck longer like 15 seconds at the start of E1L2, then after playing a little onward, in the book store, the game suddenly exited to the desktop.

The version of eDuke32 delivered with the HRP v4.0 has no sudden dragging and stalling problems, and I've yet to see it crash.

This post has been edited by 3D Master: 08 May 2010 - 08:46 AM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


 Dk2, on May 9 2010, 04:38 AM, said:

to polymer be perfect, we must creat DECALS, decals, like half life, decals of duke nukem are sprites in the wall
i have a question:
in the future, polymer maybe have physics?
i hope so!

wtf man, english = bad.
everything you said is not Duke Nukem.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 Dk2, on May 8 2010, 09:38 AM, said:

to polymer be perfect, we must creat DECALS, decals, like half life, decals of duke nukem are sprites in the wall
i have a question:
in the future, polymer maybe have physics?
i hope so!

Polymer is a RENDERER. It has nothing to do with decals or physics.

User is offline   supergoofy 




User is offline   Spiker 


Cool :P It works.

User is offline   supergoofy 


and the official gcc-4.3.3 compiled binary of r1633:
or the one compiled by Hendricks266 (again with gcc 4.3.3):

Please do a compare with my compiled binaries. Which compiler is better (gcc 4.3.3, 4.4.1 or 4.5.0) ?

Logically because the gcc-4.4.1-tdm-2 compiler supports Link Time Optimization (LTO), the eduke32 should be slightly faster.
Official gcc-4.5.0-1 has Link Time Optimization disabled. If you want the LTO enabled you should download the source and compile the gcc compiler with LTO enabled, from what I understood.
As for gcc-4.3.3 I don't know if it supports LTO, because I don't know which version/edition is being used.
There are also many other things that may interfere and that will have an effect (small or bigger) in performance.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 08 May 2010 - 01:47 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


that mouse is damn fine now :P

just need to fix those keys, i was using mapster last nite, and it had its usual Visual C++ crash switching from 2d to 3d and because the controls were locked to mapster i couldnt do anything to close it asides going to log-off, i could get task manager up but tab wouldnt switch between the tabs.

User is offline   3D Master 


Okay, just tried out gcc 4.3.3. It seems to run just fine, while it's running fine. (I know, I know, I'll clarify it.)

While it's running E1L1 (Let's Rock) I noticed no slow downs, no problems of any kind (you can see my specs above).

In E1l2 I noticed that a poster in the room with the blue keycard was invisible, until I moved about. It flickered in and out of visibility, kind of like an LCD screen. Only from a certain angle is it entirely visible. The same poster is on the ground in the book store, and the same thing is happening. Now, this poster is not in the HRP, I use my own custom poster that I like better, but I don't see how this could have an effect, especially since it never flickered out of existence in previous eDukes.

I blew myself up accidentally, reloaded the level and found the street to be white, the flying cop car flickering out of existence like the poster, my hud weapon gone, and the non flying enemies invisible, although they still shot me and I could shoot them if I guessed where they were. Then the game crashed and exited to windows.

Will try 4.4.1 next.

User is offline   DuduKrazy 


i downloaded eduke32 rev 1633 from the dukeworld synthesis, and i say, it's much faster now. but this however seem to come at a heavy price. sometimes my mouse goes crazy, and the keyboard becomes totally unresponsive when going from a resource consuming area to where i have more frame rate. it goes as far as 500fps (shown by the fps indicator). the worst ocurrence was in E2L1 (Spaceport), when entering the elevator.

Edit: it also happens when using the automap and when standing totally against a wall.

i kinda liked the fade effects. much like the original DOS version. i haven't tried Duke Nukem Eternity yet.

my specs:

CPU - Intel Pentium 4 3.2ghz
VGA - MSI Nvidia GeForce 7300LE
HD#1 - 100GB
HD#2 - 110GB
OS - Windows XP SP3

This post has been edited by DuduKrazy: 08 May 2010 - 04:02 PM


User is offline   3D Master 


Alright 4.4.1 (Come Get Some):

Now I regularly have that it is as if my controls remain stuck: Duke moves and shoots on its own, usually stuck in one direction, while I have to fight him to remain where I want to be.

The poster thing of E1L2 still happened.

Crashed and exited to desktop as it started to load E1L3.

4.5.0 (Come Get Some):

Didn't try with the others, but Vsync On equals unplayable. The controls stuck issue is from the beginning and constant and is far worse. Duke goes in circles, and looks up and down; your own controls no longer work.

Vsync off and worked fine until e1l2. After killing the trooper, the flying pigcop, and the cop behind the corner, Duke suddenly started to strafe left and did not stop, I could still make him move, but only while simultaneously strafing left. Unlike previous times, the issue did not end, so I pushed esc to quit the game. I could not move the nuke coin up and down; had to alt-tab and quit the game from the desktop.

In E1l1 the glow from the cinema sign on the wall is gone; I'm not sure if it was visible in the other two though, I thought I'd seen it in the gane but not sure, I know I've seen it in demo vids on youtube though.

4.3.3 seems to have the least problems.

Just played Duke it out in DC, in 4.3.3 (Let's Rock); Vsync on and it runs mostly smooth. Only when trying to look up and down does it slow down to a crawl for a moment. Put Vsync off again; shortly after I had another controls stuck moment, but it quickly resolved itself and that was the only moment. The only remaining thing, is that sometimes when turning, the game seems frozen for about a hundreth of a second, and then suddenly you've turn and move a lot, often 180 degrees, making it difficult to figure out where you had to go.

Not sure how much this is eDuke, the power of my computer, the wide open - and I suppose large - levels of DC. I suppose this might be improved with optimizations of the renderer and the rest of eDuke.

Oh, in E1l1 is the lightswitch in the room behind the ticket booth supposed to work? I thought in the original Duke it indeed turned on lights, not in either of the three 1633 versions.

This post has been edited by 3D Master: 08 May 2010 - 05:32 PM


User is offline   RPD Guy 


what i do to reduce the size of the lights of the shoots, fire, etc..
I tried everything, but I did not find any files that showed something about lights
PS: google translation FAIL
I'm Braziliam, tanks
que tal eu falar minha língua e vocês não entenderem nada?

User is offline   3D Master 


Alright, more 4.3.3 hijinks:

Got the "controls stuck" bug again, so I quit to title and loaded my savegame; it says it went to load 2000+ textures instead of only 1000+. Got "controls stuck" bug again, once again did the same thing, and it said it was loading 3083 textures. Although seeing as how the level started after the progress bar reached about a third, it doesn't seem to actually load the textures three times over and simply used what was already there.

Then I ran out of nightvision and went back to the toilet of the adult bookstore, and found the toilet's floor texture replaced by the skybox texture, parallaxed and all. Almost as if reality got warped and the floor was just gone, and you could see out of the level. I quickly left the toiled, saved and quit the game as I assumed as a result of the white street, that the game would soon crash, and I wanted to continue.

EDIT: Restarting the game and loading the level had no effect on the parallaxed floor, it remained.

Also, eDuke, all versions, does not properly save its configuration: both the screen-size and texture-quality (the slider) get reset to their default. I need to go into the options menu every time and and set them to my settings again and again.

This post has been edited by 3D Master: 09 May 2010 - 03:13 AM


User is offline   3D Master 


Okay, I've found another problem, a GAME-BREAKING one, and I doubt it matters what compiler version was used: when shrunken, you do not run fast enough. In E1L4, where you have to shrink yourself, I can barely get around the first corner before Duke goes back to his true size and dies.

It matters not if Polymer is on or off.

Anyone else has this problem?

Confirmed: both 4.4.1 and 4.3.3 have the same not running fast enough when shrunken problem. It's a problem with r1633 itself.

This post has been edited by 3D Master: 09 May 2010 - 12:00 PM


User is offline   gt1750 


r 1633: after alt-tab, mouse y-axis works fine, but x-axis makes me strafe instead of turn. Strangely, this applies to the L and R arrows on the keyboard as well.

Also after alt-tab, all the dynamic lighting added by maphacks disappears. Same goes for saving/loading, but I guess that was reported before.

And another post-alt-tab issue: the game refuses to quit properly - selecting quit game just switches between various screen modes for about 5 times before finally bringing up the press Y/N dialog. Next time the game wants to start in windowed mode. Without alt-tabbing, EDuke quits properly.

I can confirm the hi-res texture quality not being saved - but is it really necessary to have this option? Is there anyone who wnouldn't like to have their hi-res textures in maximum quality and sharpness?

EDIT: being too slow when shrunk issue confirmed too - can't beat E1L4 as well.

This post has been edited by gt1750: 09 May 2010 - 11:58 AM


User is offline   3D Master 


 gt1750, on May 9 2010, 09:47 PM, said:

I can confirm the hi-res texture quality not being saved - but is it really necessary to have this option? Is there anyone who wnouldn't like to have their hi-res textures in maximum quality and sharpness?

1. Whatever people want as their quality and sharpness doesn't matter. What their computers can handle does.

2. It doesn't start in maximum quality and sharpness, it starts in medium quality sharpness. To get maximum sharpness you have to go the second page of the video options and manually switch to maximum quality and sharpness; at least, with me this is so.

User is offline   Green 


I have a general question about EDuke32. Does it read all the character animations from MD3s? I noticed that a lot of the characters animations are pretty bumpy and basic.

User is offline   polyhedron 


hi, i'm playing eduke32 since its early versions. Since the game also has support for widescreen for a while now,
i was wondering... is it possible to make eduke32 adapt the aspect ratio of the initial animation, the hrp intro background,
duke-shooting-aliens background and map title background depending on the chosen resolution ? What i'm asking is whether
it is possible or not to render not only the game itself (hud, enemies, perspective, etc..), but also the game backgrounds and
screen items accordingly for widescreen users when the "wide" option is selected under "aspect ratio".

p.s.: for "screen items" i mean like the "rotating radioactive signs" at the sides of the selected option in the menu. They appear stretched as well.

This post has been edited by polyhedron: 10 May 2010 - 01:22 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


It tries to do that, but those pictures are square, so if there's going to be widescreen versions, they'll have to put in different pictures.

User is offline   polyhedron 


View PostMicky C, on May 10 2010, 11:30 AM, said:

It tries to do that, but those pictures are square, so if there's going to be widescreen versions, they'll have to put in different pictures.

Take for example the 3281.jpg, the map title background: let's say i put 5 versions of this image
(corresponding to the 5 main aspect ratios). Then is it possible to add some code to eduke32 to
choose the right one to show based on the resolution selected in the video options menu ?
something like

width = getResWidth();
height = getResHeight();
ar = width / height;
switch (ar)
case 1.5: //3:2
load( 3281_32.jpg ); break;
case 1.78: //16:9
load( 3281_169.jpg ); break;
case 1.85: //1.85:1
load( 3281_1851.jpg ); break;
case 2.39: //2.39:1
load( 3281_2391.jpg); break;
default: //4:3 is default
load( 3281_43.jpg );

This post has been edited by polyhedron: 10 May 2010 - 02:15 AM


User is offline   Johnny 


I like Polymer! It looks very great! But i have Questions :P : To have the Shadows from Duke and the great graphics must i download the last Version of Polymer and the HRP and put this in the autoload folder?

User is offline   3D Master 


Notice a few more flaws:

Launch Facility, a floor texture in the hanger turned into the parallaxed skytexture, like E1L2 bug.

In The Abyss, with a lot of hand switches, the actual switches underneath are in differing clarity visible. I don't know how much this is polymer's fault, or if it simply needs new maphacks, but alas.

E4L1: Noticed a couple of more textures (this time not custom ones, but from the HRP, that flicker in and out of existence. Also, another instance of maphack problem or newly cropped up problem in eDuke32: the switch for the secret on the computer screen in the room where the red keycard is, is visible. I know it wasn't visible in an earlier version of the eDuke32 / HRP that I played, so...

Also, another parallaxed sky issue, except this time it is the ceiling for a change; in the room with the Steed hat and umbrella.

E4L2: The pigcop tanks were invisible, loading a save game did not solve the problem. Needed to quit the game and restart it, to get them back.

This post has been edited by 3D Master: 10 May 2010 - 04:39 PM


User is offline   Roma Loom 

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Maphacks don't work yet in Polymer.

User is offline   Sobek 

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I just had a quick question - what needed to be set to enable a spot light to project a texture? I can't quite recall where the discussion on here took place... I believe a certain tag or some such had be to changed to the tilenumber you wanted it to project. Also, can this method project an animated tile?

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