EDuke32 2.0 and Polymer! "talk about the wonders of EDuke32 and the new renderer"
#1231 Posted 03 February 2010 - 08:39 PM
#1232 Posted 04 February 2010 - 11:01 PM
This post has been edited by Sobek: 04 February 2010 - 11:02 PM
#1233 Posted 05 February 2010 - 11:45 AM
Plagman, on Feb 3 2010, 12:22 AM, said:
I "works" if you add spaces between 'normal' and '{' as well as 'surf 1' and the trailing '}'.
It's definitely buggy on some triangles, though. I'll try looking into it in some more detail, but I think it's bad interaction between the smoothing code and how the skin is unwrapped.
Yeah. Amazingly I have lived this far withot knowing about this flaw in md3 format.
I am talking about how it splits the UV seams.
Well it's not so amazing, since I've only done md3 models for this project, and it didn't used to have lighting on models.
What I'm thinking is that would it be somehow possible to implemenet a flag to the model tag, that would force "merging" of the double vertices from model.
In blender I can do this by going to mesh-edit-mode and pressing "W" and then "Remove Doubles".
This essentially removes the seams from the model.
Here is an example screenshot on how the seams look in Blender when imported, and what they look after the deleting/merging double ones.

Ofcoures I have not looked at the actual Eduke code, so I don't know the scope of this kind of "fix".
#1234 Posted 05 February 2010 - 12:26 PM

I will fix the animations still, and then release the model.
Lesson learned: in "model" tag, the "shade" parameter does not work with negative values.
Still I'd like to know:
1. How do specfactor and specpower map out? What are the inputs (0-100? 0-1?) and how do they map out.
2. How do parallaxbias and parallaxscale affect to the normal map? Are they only for parallax map?
Overall, I'd appreciate if someone could forward me to info page on how excactly should I implement these normal mapped models.
I have been out of the forums for long time, and probably will be, but I might still try to contribute from time to time.
#1235 Posted 05 February 2010 - 01:28 PM
r_pr_specularpower "some value"
r_pr_specularfactor "some value"
you should ask Plagman about what is what here.
for parallax - r_pr_overrideparallax 1 and then:
r_pr_parallaxscale "some value"
r_pr_parallaxbias "some value"
where "scale" is the depth and "bias".. well I'm using it to make parallaxed texture fit its original position, because parallax effect can somewhat visibly move or scale your texture making part of the texture disappear under the floor for instance... hell.. it's really hard to explain, and I forgot the exact meaning of it though I've asked to describe "bias" Plagman already
note: parallax tweaking is possible if you have a heightmap in your normal map's alpha channel
#1236 Posted 05 February 2010 - 02:51 PM
Roma Loom, on Feb 5 2010, 11:28 PM, said:
I do not have parallax map for model, so should I set the alpha to zero or 255? Or just set parallaxscale to zero? Or do any of these matter?
#1237 Posted 05 February 2010 - 04:07 PM
This post has been edited by Roma Loom: 05 February 2010 - 04:09 PM
#1238 Posted 06 February 2010 - 04:34 AM

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This post has been edited by The Commander: 06 February 2010 - 04:35 AM
#1239 Posted 06 February 2010 - 04:56 AM
#1240 Posted 06 February 2010 - 05:14 AM
Spiker, on Feb 7 2010, 01:56 AM, said:
Both the Article and the DNE trailer were added at the same time.
It tends to be articles/news that will get the most attention because they are shown on the front page and everyone clicks it to see what it is heh. (Till it gets bumped off the front page, hence the sharp drop)
#1241 Posted 06 February 2010 - 05:24 AM

#1242 Posted 06 February 2010 - 08:52 AM
Does EDuke32/Polymer scale down loaded textures somehow?
I've noticed that the trooper model has significant quality loss in normal and diffuse maps.
Here is a comparison image of the model ingame, and loaded in Blender -viewing it using Blenders "game engine rendering".
Both have save 1024x1024 textures used.

Also, are the models shelfshadowing.. or where do those sharp shadows come from?
This post has been edited by zilp: 06 February 2010 - 08:54 AM
#1243 Posted 06 February 2010 - 10:42 AM
zilp, on Feb 6 2010, 06:52 PM, said:
Does EDuke32/Polymer scale down loaded textures somehow?
I've noticed that the trooper model has significant quality loss in normal and diffuse maps.
Here is a comparison image of the model ingame, and loaded in Blender -viewing it using Blenders "game engine rendering".
Both have save 1024x1024 textures used.

Also, are the models shelfshadowing.. or where do those sharp shadows come from?
That must be texture compression for sure, you should turn it off in gfx settings menu as I did when I first looked at my textures for polymer

As for weird shadowing - that must be broken smoothing groups in md3, you may try putting your model into MD3Compiler and run "rebuild normals" on it. But that doesn't worked for me as I wanted to, but it worked.
#1244 Posted 06 February 2010 - 10:53 AM
#1245 Posted 06 February 2010 - 10:55 AM
This post has been edited by Roma Loom: 06 February 2010 - 10:56 AM
#1246 Posted 06 February 2010 - 11:00 AM
#1247 Posted 06 February 2010 - 11:31 AM
This post has been edited by Roma Loom: 06 February 2010 - 11:49 AM
#1248 Posted 06 February 2010 - 02:46 PM
zilp, on Feb 6 2010, 01:52 PM, said:
Is that liztroop holding the dukeplus lasergun?

If he is, thanks whoever made the model for standardizing.
#1249 Posted 07 February 2010 - 11:51 AM
#1250 Posted 07 February 2010 - 05:50 PM
#1251 Posted 09 February 2010 - 05:49 AM
the ''normal textures'' in format PNG, have transparence, the alpha sets the parallax, the effects of luminance textures.
the problem is that the crazy bump, the textures that I do not get transparency, then only have
effects of dynamic lights when there are lights on you
can someone tell me where to download a program that makes the textures with transparency?
here is the textures what i talking about:
here is the texture what i maked (without transparency)
and here the original (with transparency)
I love to make textures! xD , I need this tool because i am making a game with the mapster engine!
(sorry if my english is terryble)
This post has been edited by Mblackwell: 09 February 2010 - 08:31 AM
#1252 Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:07 PM
#1253 Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:27 PM
#1254 Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:35 PM
There is an option in crazybump's preferences which allow to do it.
This post has been edited by Piterplus: 09 February 2010 - 12:35 PM
#1256 Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:28 AM
1) Generate a flat normalmap (no alpha) from the original texture
2) Paint a grayscale heightmap using Photoshop or GIMP (white=highest -> black=deepest)
3) Start a new project in Crazybump by loading the completed heightmap
4) This time, enable the "save normal map with displacement alpha-channel" option in Preferences
5) Load the previously generated flat normalmap into mixer
6) Play with settings until the shape looks right
7) Save the final normalmap (as .png) and try it in the game
8) Fiddle with "parallaxbias" and "parallaxscale" parameters in the .def until it looks right
That's about it. You might also want to tone down the directional lighting in the original texture and create a specular map.
#1257 Posted 11 February 2010 - 03:07 PM
only one thing missing for me to be truly happy!
a modeler md2 and md3 (behind the BLENDER, I don't know what to use)
can someone tell me where to download a good? already looked for it and not found!
Thank you in advance!
PS: Google Translate sucks ok? my english isn't too terryble!
#1258 Posted 11 February 2010 - 03:54 PM
Roma Loom, on Feb 6 2010, 04:55 PM, said:
I always wondered about one thing in that fence model... =P
While the 8bit flat sprites doesn't give you a 3d dimension, I have the impression that this fence was supposed to have an curved area in the top, like this:

This post has been edited by Ilovefoxes: 11 February 2010 - 03:55 PM
#1259 Posted 11 February 2010 - 04:24 PM
#1260 Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:36 PM
Dk2, on Feb 11 2010, 06:07 PM, said:
only one thing missing for me to be truly happy!
a modeler md2 and md3 (behind the BLENDER, I don't know what to use)
can someone tell me where to download a good? already looked for it and not found!
Thank you in advance!
PS: Google Translate sucks ok? my english isn't too terryble!
I think I know what you are asking about...
You should check out the tutorials thread that is stickied in this forum.
There you will find some exporters for Blender.