3D Realms Kickass Moments Contest!
Hey everyone! I’m Becky, the new Marketing Director at 3D Realms.

Did you know that we’ve released more than 35 games in the past 27 years? We’re lucky to have worked a range of historic and legendary titles.
We’re making a video montage in celebration of the Apogee / 3D Realms legacy and would like your help!
Record your favorite kickass moments from any classic Apogee / 3D Realms game and share them with us to enter our Kickass Moments Contest.
Winners will receive a free 3D Realms t-shirt, and a ton of free Apogee / 3D Realms classics.
The rules are simple:
1. Record some of your favorite moments in any Apogee / 3D Realms game
2. Make sure to export the video as a 1920x1080p MP4 (upscaling DosBox footage is fine!)
3. Upload your footage to YouTube with the hashtag #kickassmoment and share the link on Twitter, Facebook, or here on this forum
3. Host your footage on Dropbox, Google Drive or any other similar service so that we can directly download it

Entries must be submitted to the competition’s duke4.net forum thread before September 11th, 2014 at 12:00pm GMT.
After we’ve reviewed every submission, we’ll choose our favourites for entry into the video montage.
If your video was selected, we’ll send you a badass 3D Realms t-shirt, and some great yet-to-be-announced goodies!
Winners willl be sent a private message via the duke4.net forum after we post the montage containing the successful submissions.