a Duke4 community episode

17 maps episode for Duke Nukem 3D.
By Cage, Daedolon, Dukebot, Forge, Hendricks266, High Treason, James, MetHy, Micky C, Mikko Sandt, Mister Sinister, MRCK, Paul B, Steambull, Stumpy, Taivo

Trailer :
Moddb page:
Download link :
Mirror download links :
1) Installation / How to play :
(it only looks complicated because I'm detailing the explanation as much as possible to help everyone; it really isn't hard to install this, it's a matter of extracting 1 file and selecting the mod when launching eduke32)
- Download and install the LATEST version of (free sourceport) EDuke32*.
-Extract the content of the Duke Hard 7z into your EDuke32 folder.
This will create a new folder called "dukehard" in your EDuke32 folder.
- Copy-paste the file "DUKE3D.GRP" of your copy of Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition into the root folder of EDuke32 (NOT in the "dukehard" folder).
If you have the Steam or GOG version of Duke Nukem 3D installed on your computer, you don't need to do this. EDuke32 will automatically use the .grp file from those versions.
- Launch EDuke32, and in the STARTUP WINDOW*** of EDuke32, under "CUSTOM GAME CONTENT DIRECTORY", choose "dukehard".
In that same startup window, make sure "Polymer" is unticked.
- Press start and enjoy!
* You can download EDuke32 at http://www.eduke32.com/ or at http://dukeworld.duk...ke32/synthesis/
Make sure you use the latest version.
This episode requires version r5471 or newer.
**The file "DUKE3D.grp" is what contains of all the data of Duke Nukem 3D, it pretty much IS the game which is why it is required. That file is also required to play the original game (or any other map, episode, mod, etc) in any sourceport.
*** If the startup window doesn't show up when launching EDuke32, you'll have to re-enable it : in game -> options -> game setup -> "Show window at start: YES" (first line under game setup)
2) Important play information (MUST READ!)
- This episode is intended as a VANILLA-like experience (as vanilla as EDuke32 can be), which means :
* This episode is NOT compatible with the High-Resolution Pack. If you play with the HRP, you can expect half of the visuals rendering in a glitchy way.
* This episode is NOT compatible with gameplay mods. Play this episode with classic DN3D gameplay.
* This episode is NOT compatible with Polymer. Make sure Polymer is turned off :
(Make sure it is unticked at the top-right of the startup windows of EDuke32; or in the in-game options, choose a video mode that is NOT Polymer.)
- You will lose all your weapons and items at the start of each map.
This decision was taken to ensure proper balance throughout the entire episode, as every map was built individually.
Indeed, with a such long episode (17maps), the player would most likely end up with way too many weapons, ammo and items after just a few maps, if we didn't use this system.
What does this mean for the player?
* Don't worry! We've provided enough weapons, ammo and health packs in each map ! (well, except maybe that one map)
* You should use all the weapons at your disposal within each map, rather than 'saving it in case you need it more in later maps'
* If you die and your last save is in a previous map, do not load that save. Press "N" and you'll start the current map over. You'll lose less progress.
- The episode supports two difficulty settings : Let's Rock (skill#2: Normal) and Come Get Some (skill#3 : Hard); which are the 2 difficulty settings 99% of players still use.
A few maps (though not many) have also taken into account Piece Of Cake (skill#1) and Damn I'm Good (skill#4).
Only experienced Dukers should try Come Get Some on a first playthrough. Use Let's Rock otherwise.
Damn I'm Good isn't recommended on a first playthrough, try it at your own risk!
- This episode will NOT run in anything other than EDuke32 (DOS Duke, Jonof, xDuke, Rancidmeat, Megaton, etc). The main reason being that only EDuke32 can support a 17 maps long episode.
Check the readme file for Misc Episode Information, Map Listing with mappers' comments, FAQ and full Credits!
Screenshots :

Congratulations to everyone involved!
Have fun everyone!