MetHy, on 02 February 2016 - 06:08 AM, said:
Giving such a low score is a way for them to give themselves self-importance, a way to try and justify their silly job that is so serious to them. That and also a way to tell you that next time, you gotta include payment-fees for them in your marketing budget. They can't give low scores to the mass of publishers paying them, so they have to find something else to give low scores to, just to pretend they are being serious.
Yeah, I despise the world of pro reviewers, that's no big news. Bribes aren't new either.
But let's not forget that Bombshell is going for a retro style, gameplay-oriented top down shooter. Nowadays this is a very niche genre. You can't seriously expect to touch the more mainstream audience with it, whose gaming world is all about cinematic stuff. Big sites reflect that vision of gaming, so in that sense, the review is pretty accurate, mobile phone/tablet gamers, and even the Call Of Duty audience, wouldn't care about a retro style top down shooter.
You need to sort out the reviews, give more attention to those done by the audience you were aiming for. Again, you can't seriously expect to aim at everyone with this type of game in this new world of free "pay to win" social games and cinematic adventures on next gen consoles. ROTT was mixing retro and modern, so is Bombshell, you must know that you're going for a specific, smaller, audience, which big review sites don't reflect. If you didn't realize that though, then you're still living in the 90's.
> retro style, gameplay-oriented top down shooter.
> very niche genre.
> recommended processor: Intel Core i7
Who are they aiming this one at? Very, very niche indeed.