#422 Posted 18 October 2014 - 08:44 AM
Really looking forward to this trailer. Can't wait to try this game, it looks sweet.
#423 Posted 19 October 2014 - 06:31 AM
This is our most ambitious project ever. I hope you liked the gameplay DukeNukem64

#424 Posted 19 October 2014 - 10:42 AM
I did. And I think a lot of others will like it aswell.
And you better tell me when Scott is coming around Aalborg, Fred!
And you better tell me when Scott is coming around Aalborg, Fred!

#427 Posted 21 October 2014 - 05:29 AM
As much as I've ripped on Bombshell, I am looking forward to this. I grew up on games like this. I'm just glad I won't be playing 3DRealms' Jack Coltâ„¢.
#428 Posted 27 October 2014 - 09:32 AM
Picture of how Bombshells weaponry works. An upgradeable arm. Nothing new. Found it on 3D Realms forums..
Picture of how Bombshells weaponry works. An upgradeable arm. Nothing new. Found it on 3D Realms forums..

#430 Posted 29 October 2014 - 11:52 AM
Excuse the double post. IGN interview with Fred about 3DR & Bombshell.
"We rushed ourselves into a design we were not quite happy with to meet publisher and positioning deadlines," says Frederik Schreiber, President of Interceptor. "That was a bad mistake. Games should be revealed when they are ready to be revealed. Not when dictated by third parties."
The new iteration of Bombshell is in development for PC and unannounced consoles. Schreiber describes the protagonist, Shelly Harrison, as a "rough around the edges," former Mercenary on a galactic quest to save the earth.
"Shelly Harrison (Bombshell) is the bastard sister of the President of the United States," Schreiber said. "She lost her arm during 'The Washington Incident' where Professor Gone Mad - Jadus Heskel - tried to kill her and her squad during a bionic experiment. Since, Jadus has disappeared.
He said Bombshell contains a story "full of lore, twists, and exciting quests."
Anyone who's seen the original trailer for Bombshell will have noticed that Harrison happens to be missing an arm. Schreiber said Harrison's new bionic arm is the core of the gameplay, as it can be upgraded throughout the game along nine unique tech trees. The arm can also perform executions, "Mortal Kombat style."
Bombshell doesn't have a release date, but Schreiber says Interceptor is "aiming for Q1/Q2 2015," and there's a re-reveal of Bombshell coming later this year. If you're holding out for the isometric Duke Nukem game mentioned back in February, you're going to be in for a wait.
"Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction was a project we were working on, but due to the actions from Gearbox [Software], we have cancelled this project," says Mike Nielsen, CEO of 3D Realms.
The actions Nielsen mentioned are part of an ongoing legal battle over the rights of the Duke Nukem IP between Interceptor/3D Realms and Borderlands developer Gearbox Software.
"As we are still in litigation with them, we cannot comment much on the case," Nielsen said. "All we can say, is that [3D Realms] were acting in full accordance with the terms of the agreement between Gearbox and [3D Realms]. We maintain that we have done nothing wrong."
The new iteration of Bombshell is in development for PC and unannounced consoles. Schreiber describes the protagonist, Shelly Harrison, as a "rough around the edges," former Mercenary on a galactic quest to save the earth.
"Shelly Harrison (Bombshell) is the bastard sister of the President of the United States," Schreiber said. "She lost her arm during 'The Washington Incident' where Professor Gone Mad - Jadus Heskel - tried to kill her and her squad during a bionic experiment. Since, Jadus has disappeared.
He said Bombshell contains a story "full of lore, twists, and exciting quests."
Anyone who's seen the original trailer for Bombshell will have noticed that Harrison happens to be missing an arm. Schreiber said Harrison's new bionic arm is the core of the gameplay, as it can be upgraded throughout the game along nine unique tech trees. The arm can also perform executions, "Mortal Kombat style."
Bombshell doesn't have a release date, but Schreiber says Interceptor is "aiming for Q1/Q2 2015," and there's a re-reveal of Bombshell coming later this year. If you're holding out for the isometric Duke Nukem game mentioned back in February, you're going to be in for a wait.
"Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction was a project we were working on, but due to the actions from Gearbox [Software], we have cancelled this project," says Mike Nielsen, CEO of 3D Realms.
The actions Nielsen mentioned are part of an ongoing legal battle over the rights of the Duke Nukem IP between Interceptor/3D Realms and Borderlands developer Gearbox Software.
"As we are still in litigation with them, we cannot comment much on the case," Nielsen said. "All we can say, is that [3D Realms] were acting in full accordance with the terms of the agreement between Gearbox and [3D Realms]. We maintain that we have done nothing wrong."
#431 Posted 29 October 2014 - 12:18 PM
So Mass Destruction is officially cancelled. Oh well. I'm hopeful for Bombshell this time around.
#432 Posted 29 October 2014 - 04:32 PM
Good thing Mass Destruction is canceled, as much as I want a new Duke game I sure as hell do not want Interceptor's dark, gritty and serious Duke game. Duke Nukem is a unique character and IP in this day and age and it shouldn't be in the hands of a small time company who just wants to make him another turd in the pile of dark and gritty shooters.
Gearbox may be bastards but at least they're trying to make over the top shooters that don't rely on generic dark and seriousness.
Sounds like Classic 3D Realms to me.
Gearbox may be bastards but at least they're trying to make over the top shooters that don't rely on generic dark and seriousness.
If you're holding out for the isometric Duke Nukem game mentioned back in February, you're going to be in for a wait.
Sounds like Classic 3D Realms to me.
#433 Posted 29 October 2014 - 05:55 PM
I don't know, I didn't have a problem with it. I think DNF was far TOO whimsical. From the shots I saw of Reloaded, though, it seemed pretty colourful.
#434 Posted 29 October 2014 - 06:17 PM
MusicallyInspired, on 29 October 2014 - 05:55 PM, said:
I don't know, I didn't have a problem with it. I think DNF was far TOO whimsical. From the shots I saw of Reloaded, though, it seemed pretty colourful.
I think he's basing that more on what was said in some interviews than on Duke Reloaded.
I do agree though, and have said it repeatedly. DNF was way too close to something like The Naked Gun. The world has to feel lived in, real, and alive. Not a parody, but a real place. Duke is the sugar, the spice, the color. That gives you the best of both worlds, and allows you to do what Duke3D did, which was still have those atmospheric and horror elements that played right. (Abyss was scary to play through for me when I was a kid, and many of the space areas were haunting, atmospheric, and striking.)
#435 Posted 29 October 2014 - 07:39 PM
Totally relate to Abyss being scary as a youngin'. Such atmosphere.
#436 Posted 29 October 2014 - 08:18 PM
"Shelly Harrison (Bombshell) is the bastard sister of the President of the United States,"

#437 Posted 30 October 2014 - 12:44 AM
Exciting times ahead. I hope we get to see some gameplay in the trailer.

#438 Posted 30 October 2014 - 01:06 AM
MusicallyInspired, on 29 October 2014 - 05:55 PM, said:
I don't know, I didn't have a problem with it. I think DNF was far TOO whimsical. From the shots I saw of Reloaded, though, it seemed pretty colourful.

All I'm seeing is typical brown and grey with a few spits of red and green thrown in there.
Anyway the game itself, such as the environments and such being dark and gritty is not what I'm against really, I also agree with the Apyss level, back then it was full of atmosphere and the rest of the Duke3D levels did have atmosphere.
My problem with Interceptor's Duke game is what Fred wants for Duke Nukem himself.
Remember this post?
I’m also personally tired of Pigcops, Turd Jokes, and a Goofy Duke Nukem. I would love to see a Duke Nukem game, taken in a completely new direction.
A way more serious and “Badass” Duke, with an epic plot. Something that really brings back Duke as an Action Hero.”
That reminds me of how tired I am of strippers, babes etc. in Duke Nukem games, which only degrades Duke’s intelligence even more (there is nothing wrong with Duke Liking strippers and babes, but it shouldn’t be the main plot of a game). Give us a Duke game without strippers, a great sinister villain than can break Duke (Think Bane from DK:Rising), a slightly older, and way more badass/gritty Duke, and a galactic plotline that can be taken seriously, and I’m Sold!
A way more serious and “Badass” Duke, with an epic plot. Something that really brings back Duke as an Action Hero.”
That reminds me of how tired I am of strippers, babes etc. in Duke Nukem games, which only degrades Duke’s intelligence even more (there is nothing wrong with Duke Liking strippers and babes, but it shouldn’t be the main plot of a game). Give us a Duke game without strippers, a great sinister villain than can break Duke (Think Bane from DK:Rising), a slightly older, and way more badass/gritty Duke, and a galactic plotline that can be taken seriously, and I’m Sold!
(I can't remember which topic thread that quote was in but if someone can remind me I'll link it in)
Their Duke game sounds like another gritty show and tell with no originality or personality to me. DNF was too wacky yes, but going all the way in the opposite direction and throwing away all of Duke's uniqueness is just as stupid, we may as well not have a new Duke at all.
This post has been edited by xMobilemux: 30 October 2014 - 01:07 AM
#439 Posted 30 October 2014 - 04:45 AM
I don't see anything wrong with that. You can still do serious with one-liners. I'd argue that's what Duke3D was.
This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 30 October 2014 - 04:46 AM
#440 Posted 30 October 2014 - 07:00 AM
I agree. You're reading way too much into tht single post. I always thought Duke was a serious guy, but there's nothing stopping him from making one liners.
Besides, I'd rather have a dark, gritty Duke than the Duke we got in DNF any day of the week.
Also, publisher deadlines? What the hell are they talking about?
Besides, I'd rather have a dark, gritty Duke than the Duke we got in DNF any day of the week.
Also, publisher deadlines? What the hell are they talking about?
#441 Posted 30 October 2014 - 08:31 PM
A good modern Duke needs to be like how Blood Dragon did it with Rex Power Colt, Blood Dragon wasn't wacky, nor was it fully serious & gritty, Blood Dragon found the right balance which is what a new Duke needs to do and based off what Fred stated and what we've seen with Bombshell so far, Interceptor are not the ones for the job. I still have no faith in Bombshell.
Duke going completely dark, gritty and serious will rid Duke of all originality and uniqueness, Duke3D did have a dark and gritty touch to it yes, but it wasn't completely dark and gritty with a humanized Duke like Fred wants.
As I've said multiple times before I do not want to see Duke Nukem become like DmC Devil May Cry and Tomb Raider 2013, Duke needs to keep his originality and uniqueness, otherwise what's the point in having Duke Nukem when Rex Colt is doing everything Duke should be doing?
Duke going completely dark, gritty and serious will rid Duke of all originality and uniqueness, Duke3D did have a dark and gritty touch to it yes, but it wasn't completely dark and gritty with a humanized Duke like Fred wants.
As I've said multiple times before I do not want to see Duke Nukem become like DmC Devil May Cry and Tomb Raider 2013, Duke needs to keep his originality and uniqueness, otherwise what's the point in having Duke Nukem when Rex Colt is doing everything Duke should be doing?
#442 Posted 30 October 2014 - 08:38 PM
Duke Nukem 3D was about a really goofy and un-serious individual with (fairly weak) guns but alot of character in a very serious 80s movie situation. people don't seem to catch that, because it's a juxtaposition of how action movies not but 5-10 years before it's release held themselves. It's serious in-universe but not to the player.
This post has been edited by Carl Winslow: 30 October 2014 - 08:41 PM
#443 Posted 30 October 2014 - 09:46 PM
xMobilemux, on 30 October 2014 - 08:31 PM, said:
Blood Dragon wasn't wacky
Blood Dragon was plenty wacky. It was designed from the ground up to be absurd as possible, further exacerbated by the fact that it's supposed to be the American '80s as viewed from the perspective of French Canadian game developers in the 2010s. The climax of the game involves riding a rainbow armored battle dragon that spouts a stream of memes. As amusing as Blood Dragon was (and wasn't, at times), Duke shouldn't be anything like that.
#447 Posted 23 November 2014 - 12:40 AM
It would be cool if a new Duke was a parody of something from today like Duke3D parodied the 80s. Comic relief is IMO integral to the character... Fresch's "dark and serious" take on it won't work. Duke can be in an environment with a serious tone but he himself can't be serious at all.
#449 Posted 23 November 2014 - 01:47 PM
Well I am looking forward to seeing the new bombshell and her design.

This post has been edited by DukeNukem64: 23 November 2014 - 11:30 PM
#450 Posted 23 November 2014 - 03:49 PM
Its a bit odd the last two posts you made on this page both basically say the exact same thing.
I really hope along with just being a fun game this is a lot more optimized than RoTT was. That game was too jittery and stuttery to make all the precise jumps and deal with the hit scan enemies fast enough for me
I really hope along with just being a fun game this is a lot more optimized than RoTT was. That game was too jittery and stuttery to make all the precise jumps and deal with the hit scan enemies fast enough for me