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Duke3D & SW - Early/Alpha/Beta/Gold Material


View PostPikaCommando, on 21 April 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:

Also more pre-release Blood materials would be nice, since it is the most unknown out of all the 4 games.

"They can't release old betas of properties not owned by 3DR, even if the beta in question was once owned by 3DR, because when it was sold they sold the rights to everything. That includes these old betas. So a Q Studios build of Blood, even if it was called Horror 3D at the time, is still owned by... whoever owns Blood."

Is this really that hard for you to comprehend?

User is offline   MetHy 


View PostPikaCommando, on 21 April 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:

Are there any design doc/bible for Duke Nukem 3D/lameduke? Also more pre-release Blood materials would be nice, since it is the most unknown out of all the 4 games.

Also a fun question so we won't die of excitement: If suddenly Fred is forced to release either one of these and have us choose between all the DN3D/Blood/SW/Prey beta builds and all the previous builds of Duke Nukem Forever, which would you peeps choose?

If there REALLY are some DNF stuff made in the Build engine, that's what I'd love to see the most. But then I just forgot they can't release DNF stuff either, right?

This post has been edited by MetHy: 21 April 2014 - 02:15 AM



View PostMetHy, on 21 April 2014 - 02:13 AM, said:

If there REALLY are some DNF stuff made in the Build engine, that's what I'd love to see the most. But then I just forgot they can't release DNF stuff, right?

Yeah. Anything related to DNF is vertoben because everything related to DNF and it's development was sold to Gearbox.

This post has been edited by MYHOUSE.MAP: 21 April 2014 - 02:17 AM


User is offline   MoonDog 


View PostPikaCommando, on 21 April 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:

Are there any design doc/bible for Duke Nukem 3D/lameduke? Also more pre-release Blood materials would be nice, since it is the most unknown out of all the 4 games.

Also a fun question so we won't die of excitement: If suddenly Fred is forced to release either one of these and have us choose between all the DN3D/Blood/SW/Prey beta builds and all the previous builds of Duke Nukem Forever, which would you peeps choose?

Tough. Probably Shadow Warrior, but Duke or Blood are equally as desirable. At least there would be all the other awesome Apogee/3DR stuff to see. This gets me wondering, What about Witchaven builds?

User is offline   hogsy 


Still have my fingers crossed about you guys getting permission from Bethesda about the Prey stuff as I've spent about two years tracking that stuff myself :)

For those interested I run an archive of Prey stuff here and have been working on a "Prey Bible" for a while, though it's far from complete.

User is offline   TheCrawler 


The pictures shown in Page 4-5 of Shadow Warrior, that build could've easily gotten the people's attention back then. As the graphics look wolfenstein-ish but upgraded to an extent that does not really look that it has anything to do with Wolfenstein. There's becoming more and more games being made available for old consoles, maybe a call for 8-bit, 16-bit is getting to each and everyone of us. Personally, I'd fix and finish the builds from those pictures, release it for old console/computers as "A Lost Prequel" and price it 60$ for GOLD. It won't go un-noticed and into deaf ears. The game companies of today often go back to old resources or even takes a step back in "Gaming Years" to make a great game of today. I'm for one who don't like modern games and stick with my old consoles and computers. I do have only 1 Modern hardware, and that's my ODROID-U2. If there was something I could do to get people involved and try to convince companies that these Consoles/Computers may be obsolete, but it never left peoples minds/houses. In china/japan/etc.. there's still third-party consoles being sold in stores.
If all this were to happen, it would be pure gold! They just have to have a Different Approach at it and advertise it well to get it to work like a charm. Hard to express myself when english is not my language. Because some of these sentances are what I mean, but not exactly.

P.S I hate steam.

User is offline   Frederik Schreiber 

  • Slipgate Studios


The Shadow Warrior Boxart from circa 1995 :)

Posted Image

And the original 1995 Script for the Shadow Warrior intro :)

Posted Image

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 26 August 2021 - 01:40 PM
Reason for edit: revived images



GodDAMN that is a lot of second person pronoun abuse.

User is offline   Lunick 


More! :)

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostMYHOUSE.MAP, on 20 April 2014 - 08:37 PM, said:

A "0.60" version does not exist. It was an unofficial name for a LD remake/port mod that got canned. The name was spread as a "real" build by some idiot "beta hunters" that didn't bother to check their sources.

relax sweetie. it's basically a generic term for a pre-v0.99 release anymore. thus the "infamous" identifier put with it.

did a quick search on it to check for the source. didn't find much, but you should go police these people up

This post has been edited by Forge: 21 April 2014 - 04:44 AM



View PostMYHOUSE.MAP, on 21 April 2014 - 02:09 AM, said:

"They can't release old betas of properties not owned by 3DR, even if the beta in question was once owned by 3DR, because when it was sold they sold the rights to everything. That includes these old betas. So a Q Studios build of Blood, even if it was called Horror 3D at the time, is still owned by... whoever owns Blood."

Is this really that hard for you to comprehend?

I'm talking about scavenging old stuff from the internet, like that Cryptic Passage boxart :V

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View PostPikaCommando, on 21 April 2014 - 04:45 AM, said:

I'm talking about scavenging old stuff from the internet, like that Cryptic Passage boxart :V

It would appear, MYHOUSE.MAP, that it is that hard to comprehend. :)

About the intro sequence to Shadow Warrior; it seems as though it was intended for a more cutscene-heavy and storyline-oriented game than the Shadow Warrior that we ended up getting. Considering how drastically different this is, I wonder how Shadow Warrior then would look with today's technology? Would it receive the same reception?

Edit: What's the matter, PikaCommando? Don't like being called out as the dunce-of-the-day? Man up.

This post has been edited by Comrade Major: 21 April 2014 - 11:33 AM



View PostForge, on 21 April 2014 - 04:43 AM, said:

relax sweetie. it's basically a generic term for a pre-v0.99 release anymore. thus the "infamous" identifier put with it.

did a quick search on it to check for the source. didn't find much, but you should go police these people up

Haha, sorry for getting snippy about that. Hearing that brings back bad memories of having to deal with some people.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


hindsight being what it is. 3DR knew they had these assets and there was still interest in these games. They should have spent a couple months putting together retro-addon episodes (ala D.C., Caribbean) and sold them for a quick influx of cash.
guess it doesn't matter. george would have gambled it away anyways.

User is offline   MetHy 


View PostForge, on 21 April 2014 - 05:03 AM, said:

hey should have spent a couple months putting together retro-addon episodes (ala D.C., Caribbean) and sold them for a quick influx of cash.
guess it doesn't matter. george would have gambled it away anyways.

That's what they did with atomic edition. Termin X said he found traces of the expander and of the It's Impossible map from 1995, and I could bet there is more. As for the rest, they probably saw it as not being as good to be worth making it into the game which is totally understandable.

What I would like to know is if somewhere there is a working version of those brown scorpion-shaped pigtanks which art were left in the final game. But then again that's probably what was used as a base for the idea of the pigtank from atomic edition.

User is offline   Darkus 


Could it be possible to get a video showing SW beta? There a lot of videos of DN beta, but I don't recall seeing any video showing SW Beta in action...

User is offline   Mike12 


View PostFrederik Schreiber, on 21 April 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:

The Shadow Warrior Boxart from circa 1995 :)

Awesome stuff as always! Also, if I'm not mistaken, that box art is the work of Julie Bell, who did a good bit of box-art in the 90's - her most famous one most likely being the box-art for Wolfenstein 3D. She had a pretty fantasy-esque style for drawing bodies and musculature that I believe she called "metal flesh".

She also did the box-art for Splatterhouse 3, one of the box-art illustrations for Turrican, and an unused box-art illustration for Doom 2, among many other things (both game-related and otherwise).

Edit: Here's the link I found to this specific Shadow Warrior art on her portfolio page - you can even order a signed print if you feel like it.

This post has been edited by Mike12: 21 April 2014 - 05:27 AM


User is offline   hogsy 


Also for those interested, here's something I have in my collection;

Posted Image

I also took a photo of the back which I'm trying to find right now, I'd take a new one but I have it in a frame mounted on my wall right now.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostMetHy, on 21 April 2014 - 05:14 AM, said:

That's what they did with atomic edition. Termin X said he found traces of the expander and of the It's Impossible map from 1995, and I could bet there is more. As for the rest, they probably saw it as not being as good to be worth making it into the game which is totally understandable.

probably true. But could it have been any worse than Nuclear Winter?

User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


View PostForge, on 21 April 2014 - 05:37 AM, said:

But could it have been any worse than Nuclear Winter?

Why would you even need to ask that question?

User is offline   Frederik Schreiber 

  • Slipgate Studios


View Posthogsy, on 21 April 2014 - 05:28 AM, said:

Also for those interested, here's something I have in my collection;

Posted Image

I also took a photo of the back which I'm trying to find right now, I'd take a new one but I have it in a frame mounted on my wall right now.

Thats really cool!
We have around a hundred of the blue Prey Shirts in boxes at the office.
But this one seems to be an older (1997?) version. Jelly! :)

This post has been edited by Frederik Schreiber: 21 April 2014 - 05:54 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostDaedolon, on 21 April 2014 - 05:39 AM, said:

Why would you even need to ask that question?

Because if there are enough viable assets (maps, art, code, etc), Fresch can still assemble a team to make commercial releases/episodes to coincide (or precede) the divulgence of the material.

maybe not a popular idea compared to "gimme for free", but it is reasonable from a business aspect

if the quality was on par with the other "good" addons (e.g. D.C. & Caribbean) I'd probably buy them

i'm not familiar enough with wanton destruction or twin dragon to judge their quality

This post has been edited by Forge: 21 April 2014 - 06:49 AM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


Nothing is as bad as Nuclear Winter, there's no need to ponder.

User is offline   Kyanos 


View PostForge, on 21 April 2014 - 06:38 AM, said:

Fresch can still assemble a team to make commercial releases/episodes

^ I wouldn't be too sure. If Fred could make a new commercial Duke release I'd expect it to be more of a modern game, as he has blatantly expressed his desire to do so.

I think new commercial Duke games are not allowed without GBX approval, even using 3DR solely owned beta material. I may be way off...



Games based on Duke3D content has to be approved by both Gearbox and 3D Realms as they cover both categories (new title (GBX), based in old title (3DR)).


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


interesting. so GBX's "ownership" extends beyond DNF?
would that conflict with using or releasing this older material, even if it was "free"
and could they come after someone who uses the 1.3/1.4 assets to make a Duke3D mod/TC and sell it for profit?

This post has been edited by Forge: 21 April 2014 - 07:00 AM


User is offline   Kyanos 


yes, GBX was behind the recent C&D of a particular fan game here.
no, I highly doubt it, Fresch has already said this will be released, so I assumed free :)
and, finally yes, and I don't blame them.

... I'm not a lawyer


View PostHendricks266, on 20 April 2014 - 10:48 AM, said:

Before there is any more confusion, the daily zip files in this image only contain maps.

Maps? But does any of those folders contain any whole DN3D beta?



View PostFrederik Schreiber, on 16 April 2014 - 07:49 AM, said:

Next Update.

I found an early version of Shadow Warrior.
Dated June, 1996.

It seems to have a completely different set of levels, the graphical style is more towards the serious and realistic.
Very Interesting :)

I've attached a capture of the folder, as well as a few photos of the game.
Sorry about the screen-glare. We are getting a new sunscreen set up, so we're currently working while wearing sunglasses :)

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Frederik, you made great findings and I was hoping to get my hands on alphas/betas like this and Duke 3D.

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 26 August 2021 - 02:21 PM
Reason for edit: revived images



View PostTerminX, on 17 April 2014 - 12:01 PM, said:

Cool, i have checked that video and it looks interesting. Where'd you get that?

User is online   Hendricks266 

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Reread the entire thread. Every post. Within you will find your answer.

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