Doom Corner "for all Doom related discussion"
#3871 Posted 10 October 2020 - 07:57 AM
#3872 Posted 10 October 2020 - 08:02 AM
MusicallyInspired, on 10 October 2020 - 07:06 AM, said:
The mod author already said...
Levels in IWADs cannot be modified and/or put for download because of copyright violation.
I don't think it's possible using GZDooM's scripting language(ZScript) to extract IWAD maps on-the-fly.
The only easier way to get IWADs to work is manual extract them with tools like Slade 3, open IWAD file, copy EXMX/MAPXX lumps and export to a new standalone PWAD file then save the PWAD file(without other assets), then load the mod with the standalone PWAD.
EDIT: I seems misread something but still, load vanilla PWADs and no-custom textures WADs should still working as NightFright said, load your DooM/DooM2 PWAD first then mod base pk3 file and toploader should working. It's just tricky to play with official levels.
This post has been edited by Player Lin: 10 October 2020 - 08:13 AM
#3873 Posted 10 October 2020 - 09:16 AM
Ninety-Six, on 05 October 2020 - 09:00 AM, said:
Pretty much all DOS FPS used 256 color palettes. Using less wouldn't really present any benefit other than reduce the size of the shade tables
#3874 Posted 11 October 2020 - 09:49 PM
This is the first level of the pack. It's called "Computer Processing." It's my best attempt at trying to emulate a Doom 1 E1 style level in Doom 2 without any custom content. I need to fix a few texture bugs and balance it out a bit more.
#3875 Posted 11 October 2020 - 10:31 PM
#3876 Posted 12 October 2020 - 04:06 AM
#3877 Posted 12 October 2020 - 05:04 AM
The Watchtower, on 12 October 2020 - 04:06 AM, said:
There is a custom wad file out there that brings the Doom 1 texture set into Doom 2, but I really want this to be as close to purely vanilla as possible. Outside of likely breaking the standard limits, that is.
#3878 Posted 12 October 2020 - 05:19 AM
Just curious, is it going to be ZDoom only or you intend the wad to be playable in other ports as well? According to the post you recently made, it is meant to be a vanilla/limit-removing wad and if that's really the case, may I suggest to use other source ports like Crispy Doom to test it and ensure it all works properly for a more vanilla experience? I don't want to sound a bit rude here but this is a mistake that many mappers often make (see Lunar Catastrophe for a vanilla style UD megawad that only works in ZDoom based ports), when they only test their wads in ZDoom/GZDoom and it doesn't work properly in the more vanilla ports, which includes doors that don't open, elevators that don't work, etc. I know that ZDoom can be made to look close to vanilla but it's not the same thing to me with all the stuff that ZDoom has changed (which deviates from the vanilla Doom gameplay) and I personally prefer to play only ZDoom wads in ZDoom family ports and with mouselook, jumping and crouching all enabled because many ZDoom wads often require jumping/crouching. Only when I play in the more classic source ports (Chocolate, Crispy, Eternity, PrBoom+), I prefer to use classic controls and the Doom status bar enabled. Just my 2 cents, don't take any of this as an attack, like I said the wad looks excellent so far.
Once again this is meant to be a small suggestion. Hope you will consider the wad playable in other ports as well. If you want, I can help beta testing the wad in other ports.

#3879 Posted 12 October 2020 - 07:14 AM
It is one feature I wish Doom Builder had, a lock of some kind that kept you within the parameters of the original DOS game so you never had to worry about going over the limits or "breaking" compatibility with more vanilla ports.
#3880 Posted 16 October 2020 - 02:02 PM
#3881 Posted 17 October 2020 - 07:44 AM
Still no Final Doom support, though. Plutonia Heretic would be dope.
This post has been edited by NightFright: 17 October 2020 - 07:48 AM
#3882 Posted 17 October 2020 - 08:27 AM
It's just too many "cases" to take care when new textures involved, sadly.
#3883 Posted 17 October 2020 - 09:50 AM
Ninety-Six, on 16 October 2020 - 02:02 PM, said:
It's still on schedule.
#3886 Posted 31 October 2020 - 03:22 PM
#3887 Posted 01 November 2020 - 01:41 AM
#3888 Posted 01 November 2020 - 02:36 AM
This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 01 November 2020 - 02:36 AM
#3889 Posted 01 November 2020 - 03:10 AM
Doom64hunter, on 01 November 2020 - 02:36 AM, said:
That's fair, I can take a look at improving it. The graphics are an ongoing work.

What I was going for here (or tried to, anyway) was that this was a piece of land floating in hell. Partially inspired by the floating hell maps in Doom 2016.
This post has been edited by Nash: 01 November 2020 - 03:13 AM
#3890 Posted 02 November 2020 - 03:04 AM
Another important change in GZD 4.5 is the simplified options menu which should help anyone who isn't into fine-tuning. You can still get to the "hidden" tweaks with an extra click, which is just fine for me. This was overdue since GZD really used to spam you with options at first.
This post has been edited by NightFright: 02 November 2020 - 05:37 AM
#3891 Posted 02 November 2020 - 04:45 AM
Nash, on 01 November 2020 - 03:10 AM, said:

What I was going for here (or tried to, anyway) was that this was a piece of land floating in hell. Partially inspired by the floating hell maps in Doom 2016.
The Inferno intermission screen doesn't appear to be floating. There's a river of blood, coming from the sky in that episode. You may fill that space with blood, or red fog like the Inferno sky.
#3892 Posted 02 November 2020 - 08:06 AM
This probably did not translate as clearly as I'd have hoped to, judging by the responses here so far. It's on my list of improvements to do.

This post has been edited by Nash: 02 November 2020 - 08:09 AM
#3894 Posted 06 November 2020 - 07:30 PM
Doom midis but all the notes are inverted, which is definitely interesting to hear!

#3896 Posted 07 November 2020 - 06:33 PM
#3897 Posted 07 November 2020 - 07:06 PM
#3898 Posted 07 November 2020 - 07:19 PM
#3899 Posted 07 November 2020 - 08:07 PM
Malgon, on 06 November 2020 - 07:30 PM, said:
Doom midis but all the notes are inverted, which is definitely interesting to hear!

This was so weird. it was like my brain was trying to parse this but it couldn't help but compare it to the original.
What evil black magic have you wrought to this world?