'With Duke 3D, everything seemed to go right. Apogee/3D Realms had hired a good director. I was highly motivated, as I was told that I was to receive three per cent royalty. So yes, we had an extremely talented group of individuals, everyone was working very hard, and we were trying to make the game as fun as possible. But after the project completed, things changed. I was told my royalty would not be three per cent, but only one per cent. Not only was it a slap in the face, but to me that was the same as them stealing money right out of my pocket. Greg Malone left the company, and several talented programmers, an artist, and a level designer left to start Ritual Entertainment. Chuck Jones left to work for Valve because he was unhappy with the way he was being treated. He wasn't even invited to E3 when Duke 3D was finished, and I remember how bad he felt about being left out of that. A lot of wonderful talent left then, and 3D Realms was never the same.
I certainly do not wish to take legal action against them, but they leave a person little choice.'
On leaving 3DR: 'When the in-house development of Prey was cancelled, I wasn't given much work for DNF, but I tried to get as involved as I was being allowed. Artist/level designer bonds had already been established, and I felt a bit like an outsider. Then I experienced a medical problem. While mowing the lawn, I suffered a major heart attack in April 2000. I worked hard to recover as quickly as possible. Upon returning a short time later, my contract was terminated a few weeks after my return. I was called into George B's office, and the three higher-ups were there. I was told by Scott Miller I was being laid off. Steven Blackburn (office manager) said "It's not like we're going to replace you or anything." George B made some comment like my art wasn't good enough for 3D Realms.'