Sance231, on 27 April 2014 - 01:22 PM, said:
In the long run I think Monolith's decline has little to do with WB, they simply started to put out bad products with FEAR 2.
FEAR 2 was the last game they released before WB shifted them to licensed projects.
After FEAR 2 is was Batman Imposters... then the top down Lord of the Rings game and now "Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Mordor". So... yes, after FEAR 2 them being made to develop licensed projects for WB would be putting out bad products. I agree.
WB's tight control on Lith is why Craig Hubbard and several other people left the studio. They were tired of not being able to be creative and work on what they wanted to work on.
Kristian Joensen, on 28 April 2014 - 01:15 PM, said:
From what I can tell only WB needs to sign off. That is also what the quote in my sig seems to imply. One would think the one who negotiated the contract would know.
"To me it's pretty clear cut, Atari owns the publishing rights to anything related to Blood and Blood 2, while WB would be the company you'd go to if you wanted to create Blood 3."
That is how I see it as well.
Yes, Matt negotiated the contracts with GT Interactive. But, that doesn't mean he is completely in the know with how things are now.
Last I was told by Dayne at Monolith (and this was the last time I asked) he said knowing that Matt had the source code was great, but, unless Warner Bros and Atari could agree... it wouldn't matter who had it.
Both companies have to be on board for the source code to be released.
He said the bulk of the issue falls in a lot of legal "bullshit" that cropped up with GT Interactive being bought by Infogrames, and Infogrames becoming Atari.
And, Atari has a pretty clear cut "No" answer, and WB doesn't see the point in releasing it.