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Duke Nukem 3D Reloaded - Gearbox Boycott


With DN3D Reloaded put on hold I'll tell you the story in case anyone isn't up to speed.

In the fall of 2010 DNR received a "personal non-commercial license" from Gearbox and impressed 3D Realms Scott Miller with their screenshots & enthusiasm. Schreiber posted news about a big upcoming update to the project & sent numerous emails to Gearbox about a response for releasing the game and received copy pasted responses "We will get back to you guys after all 3 DNF DLC packs have been released ".

Finally Gearbox said "We can’t give you an answer to that. Ofcourse you can keep working on it, if you want to. But we can’t tell you if we will allow the game to be released.".

So Fredrick "Fresch" Schreiber responded
"You know – I have spent a year in total on this
project. Ever single day, working full time. For free. And so have most
of my team members. I have spent my life savings on this project.

I can in NO way justify having them continue working on this project,
if you don’t want to see it getting released. So I’m afraid i have to
put the project on hold, until you can give us a definite answer."

Position of GBX is pretty simple: "Work as hard as you can, but we won't let you release it".
I really really hope GBX will give in on this matter and grant the DNR team rights to releasing info, the beta, and then the game.

So come on people, let Gearbox hear what you think about this (without swearing or letter bombs or smearing poop on their company cars), and how much you'd like to see DNR get released, and that what they need to do is work out a better compromise with the Interceptor guys than a essential "we won't tell you whether you can release anything" bs.

DNF has a pretty rock development cycle so GBX did the bare minimum to shelve it out and have decided not to release any mod tools. Instead to very very slowly release DLC. You rushed out this game and kicked a lot of fans in the butt, what where left with (no manual saves, the same old weapons, linearity, no jetpack in single player, lame puzzles etc.) and now this, I like any disappointed fan, won't buy no Duke Begins nor anything else from you if you keep treating the fans like this.
Have some balls and let Interceptor release their game. Your way of dealing with the license & relationship with Interceptor led to this consequence, and it lies in your hands to fix this... sometimes you have to bow to public pressure.
You push them around by ignoring their questions & providing half answers and deleting their posts on your forum and banning members who speak out, you push enough and the people will push back. 'Nough said.
Join in on the Boycott here

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: DukeReloadedTeaser.jpg
  • Attached Image: piggy_by_maskedvertexeater-d5lmm3b.jpg

This post has been edited by theunbeholden: 23 January 2013 - 01:21 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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Do we really still want this? From what we heard, there wasn't all that much done, and it wasn't all that fantastic. Nobody who worked on the project has said anything good about it.

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View Posttheunbeholden, on 23 January 2013 - 01:18 PM, said:

So come on people, let Gearbox hear what you think about this (without swearing or letter bombs or smearing poop on their company cars), and how much you'd like to see DNR get released

Will do. I'll send Gearbox a grand total of DGAFF.

User is offline   The Commander 

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View Posttheunbeholden, on 23 January 2013 - 01:18 PM, said:

With DN3D Reloaded put on hold dead, gone, finished, banished, never going to happen. Let it go already.


User is offline   Sangman 


Why would I boycott Gearbox because they guard their copyrights and furthermore have a record of good games out whileas this ROTT remake looks fairly shitty so far?

User is offline   De-M-oN 


View PostSangman, on 23 January 2013 - 02:59 PM, said:

whileas this ROTT remake looks fairly shitty so far?

hmm why? The trailer http://youtu.be/FV-RD6_GXZ8 looks very very promising for me :P

User is offline   Hank 


I for one will not join your silly boycott.
1. I have the greatest respects for Randy Pitchford.
2. Does Frederik Schreiber boycott Gearbox?
3. Why do I care that another mod/TC/Game did not get finished?

You mentioned the DNF editor, hmm, yeah, I too was hoping, and I was oh so pissed, now I think 2k Games did (me)us a favour; this is a lot of work, modern games, might as well go the extra mile and do it for a little profit, or do it for fun using less demanding engines like EDuke32, even so they too are getting very hi-tech now.

User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


I would love to see DN3D:R come back, but even if everyone from the Gearbox forum totaling 411,651 people and everybody from this forum totaling 2,852 people sent a letter\email and boycotted, it wouldn't be nearly enough to get Gearbox to care.

Also, I'm looking forward to the ROTT remake, I don't know why you seem to hate it Sangman.

This post has been edited by Spirrwell: 23 January 2013 - 04:34 PM


User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


While I think anyone who can "respect" Randy for his decisions, 90% of which have been based on financial realms, and he has made it a habit of STRAIGHT OUT LYING to his paying customers... I also agree that this bullshit game they played of "Oh yeah, go ahead, make the game.... But you cant release it!" Was a shit-switch... The thing that people need to realize is this project is dead, and no "boycott" will fix that. Just that simple.

This post has been edited by Commando Nukem: 23 January 2013 - 06:05 PM


User is offline   Hank 


... when did Randy lie?

it's another project with Randy's involvement Posted Image

User is offline   xMobilemux 


I'm not gonna boycott Gearbox, they are one of few remaining game developers that actually give a damn about making great games and not money.
If they just wanted money like every other company, they had the chance but turned it down.

I was a bit downed by no mod tools or level creator for DNF and the halting of DN3DR but just as everyone said, it's dead and boycotting won't bring it back, same goes for the editor.

Just sit back and wait for Duke5.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

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View PostWesker500, on 23 January 2013 - 06:22 PM, said:

If they just wanted money like every other company, they had the chance but turned it down.

Well, no, not exactly what that means. It means they probably didn't have enough staff to complement developing yet another project.

View PostHank, on 23 January 2013 - 06:06 PM, said:

... when did Randy lie?

Secret Levels, Mod Tools, Release Date, and several other things over the couple of years since DNF was revealed at PAX.

User is offline   Kathy 


View PostHank, on 23 January 2013 - 04:05 PM, said:

1. I have the greatest respects for Randy Pitchford.


View PostHank, on 23 January 2013 - 06:06 PM, said:

... when did Randy lie?


User is offline   Hank 


View PostCommando Nukem, on 23 January 2013 - 06:36 PM, said:

Secret Levels, Mod Tools, Release Date, and several other things over the couple of years since DNF was revealed at PAX.

I forgot, he did claim there are secret levels. Posted Image

View PostBurnett, on 23 January 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:


Respect for his achievements. Posted Image

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostWesker500, on 23 January 2013 - 06:22 PM, said:

I'm not gonna boycott Gearbox, they are one of few remaining game developers that actually give a damn about making great games and not money.

This sentence sounds more like a generic marketing pitch than anything else, particularly by use of the quantifier "few" and the phrase "great games". Do you have any statistics about the quantity of Gearbox's great games, and aggregate measurements of their quality? Furthermore, do you have any proof that a majority or even a large number of other game developers make games which are of low enough quality to be more justified by money? Even then, are you talking about AAA game studios or a broader sampling? This statement requires some empirical evidence.

View Posttheunbeholden, on 23 January 2013 - 01:18 PM, said:

With DN3D Reloaded put on hold I'll tell you the story in case anyone isn't up to speed.

No thanks.

I don't want to see Duke 3D: Reloaded released.

Why not?

What is the point?

Better graphics? Done. Done.

Gameplay enhancements? Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. [...]

Re-imagining? New atmosphere? Make it more modern? HRP not different enough? Why not just make a new game? The more you fulfill any of these desires, the less it is Duke Nukem 3D as it has been known and loved since 1996. It may still be Duke, and it may still be a shooter (hypothetically a good shooter), but it misses the point. Go tread some new ground.

Let me phrase it this way: In what way(s) is Duke Nukem 3D, particularly when EDuke32 is harnessed, deficient, and how could a "remake" make up for it?

TX can be quoted saying the playable Reloaded demo he received was, to put it lightly, not promising. [EDIT: In terms of gameplay.]

This all has been talked about before.

As for boycotting Gearbox? I would lock this shitty thread (if for nothing else than avoiding the potential, incorrect perception of Duke4.net as an anti-Gearbox bastion, not to mention the reasons put forth by Hank, Spirrwell, and others above) but I don't see enough grounds to--yet. Enjoy your free speech, something you may or may not get elsewhere.

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 23 January 2013 - 08:00 PM


User is offline   TerminX 

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The build I got a copy of was promising in terms of the graphical resources (the models and textures and what was finished of the one map were all very nice), but it was pretty clear that nobody had put much effort into actually programming the thing. They claimed publicly that they were 90%+ finished with a multiplayer beta, but even basic stuff like firing weapons was pretty badly broken. I have a feeling that they knew DN:R wasn't going anywhere and started working on ROTT quite a while before any mention of DN:R never actually coming out was made anywhere.

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View PostTerminX, on 23 January 2013 - 07:53 PM, said:

The build I got a copy of was promising in terms of the graphical resources (the models and textures and what was finished of the one map were all very nice), but it was pretty clear that nobody had put much effort into actually programming the thing. They claimed publicly that they were 90%+ finished with a multiplayer beta, but even basic stuff like firing weapons was pretty badly broken. I have a feeling that they knew DN:R wasn't going anywhere and started working on ROTT quite a while before any mention of DN:R never actually coming out was made anywhere.

Is there anyway anyone else can get a look at that build per chance?

User is offline   Tetsuo 


There's a difference between giving someone a personal license (as in personal use) and giving them a license to release something for the general public. The key word there is personal. A personal use license means you can make something but you have to keep it to yourself for your own personal use. There was jumping of the gun by Interceptor though I'd give you that they got excited and wanted to share what they had with everyone. They probably shouldn't have made any announcements until they could secure a general public release license.

And to answer the topic at hand I wont boycott gearbox either for perceived slights. They still make a game or two that I want to play and decide for myself if I like them or not and I don't want to punish myself by missing out on a game I'd potentially like just to give a few forum goers warm fuzzies.

Also the ROTT remake looks anything but "shitty" to me now especially since they've got more people working on it rather than just what they had before and seeing their latest podcasts it seems like they are actually doing a good job of it. I'm willing to give them the benefit if the doubt seeing as it's practically going to be their first serious project that they actually have a full license to that they can release.

This post has been edited by Tetsuo: 24 January 2013 - 02:03 AM


User is offline   Outtagum 


I don't know how boycotting GBX is going to help anything. It was Interceptor that put this game on hold.

Maybe if Interceptor had continued working on this we'd have actually seen something by now. Maybe... B)

Enjoy your boycott. :P

User is offline   thatguy 


I'm sorry, I think its pointless to boycott Gearbox. It just doesn't make sense. Yet, to insult Duke Nukem Reloaded? Yeah, i'm sorry, that project from what was actually done, was better than DNF I can't believe someone said DN3DR was pointless because there are already special additions to Eduke. Okay, well then, why make DNF is eduke is so god damn final? There is so much EDUKE can't do (I'm not damning eduke. Why would I?) and to say DN3DR is a pointless project is just low. Sure, I wasn't really around when the whole debacle took place, but I know good work when I see it. Lets look at the quality of the Pigcop, now look at the models in Eduke. Unless you know how to model or provide content that matches that level of detail and polish, then back the hell off. Reminds me a little of the pathetic attitude toward the quality of Black Mesa. hah, some of you act no different than the current generation of children. :P

Again, by no means do I support this topic. Just don't act like idiots.

This post has been edited by s.b.Newsom: 24 January 2013 - 01:05 AM


User is offline   Sangman 


View PostDe-M-oN, on 23 January 2013 - 03:16 PM, said:

hmm why? The trailer http://youtu.be/FV-RD6_GXZ8 looks very very promising for me :P

Frankly it looks like a dull UT mod to me, but hopefully the finished product will be great.

User is offline   Spirrwell 

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View Posts.b.Newsom, on 24 January 2013 - 01:04 AM, said:

I'm sorry, I think its pointless to boycott Gearbox. It just doesn't make sense. Yet, to insult Duke Nukem Reloaded? Yeah, i'm sorry, that project from what was actually done, was better than DNF I can't believe someone said DN3DR was pointless because there are already special additions to Eduke. Okay, well then, why make DNF is eduke is so god damn final? There is so much EDUKE can't do (I'm not damning eduke. Why would I?) and to say DN3DR is a pointless project is just low. Sure, I wasn't really around when the whole debacle took place, but I know good work when I see it. Lets look at the quality of the Pigcop, now look at the models in Eduke. Unless you know how to model or provide content that matches that level of detail and polish, then back the hell off.

Well, if we got FBX or other model support with some netcode we'd be probably be golden. Also some quality detection settings would be nice like Low, Medium, High, and Ultra (for polymer and HRP related stuff). Although it's true, eduke32 is far from perfect, but the people that work on it have lives. So I was looking forward to DN3D:R. You know what Interceptor should do is try to help out the guys working on eduke32, now that would be awesome.

User is offline   Kathy 


View PostSpirrwell, on 24 January 2013 - 01:34 PM, said:

You know what Interceptor should do is try to help out the guys working on eduke32, now that would be awesome.

Yep, EDuke32 would surely need an adequate project lead. Someone like Frederik would have been awesome.


User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostBurnett, on 24 January 2013 - 01:51 PM, said:

Yep, EDuke32 would surely need an adequate project lead. Someone like Frederik would have been awesome.


That's not what I meant. I simply meant that more people would help. It's not like they need to start something it's just a matter of learning what's in it, and putting some more work into it, maybe not necessarily release it as an official eduke32 build, but it'd be cool to see if it would work.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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I'm boycotting Gearbox, but not because of DNR.

User is offline   Bloodshot 


I will say it might be cool to see interceptor's modeling talent make a model pack for eduke, as it is now the HRP is a bit too cartoony for my taste

This post has been edited by Bloodshot: 24 January 2013 - 02:53 PM


User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostBloodshot, on 24 January 2013 - 02:52 PM, said:

I will say it might be cool to see interceptor's modeling talent make a model pack for eduke, as it is now the HRP is a bit too cartoony for my taste

I'm not too familiar with models, but I am aware that EDuke32 uses a relatively outdated model format, I wonder if it would make a difference to use the FBX SDK or something. I just REALLY want a new Duke model. Duke just seems too wide and cartoonish. Although that is a bit off topic, but it's not like the topic at hand is really going anywhere so... am I in the wrong?

This post has been edited by Spirrwell: 24 January 2013 - 03:06 PM


User is offline   Lordareon 


View PostSpirrwell, on 24 January 2013 - 03:05 PM, said:

I'm not too familiar with models, but I am aware that EDuke32 uses a relatively outdated model format, I wonder if it would make a difference to use the FBX SDK or something. I just REALLY want a new Duke model. Duke just seems too wide and cartoonish. Although that is a bit off topic, but it's not like the topic at hand is really going anywhere so... am I in the wrong?

i agree 100% with you..The Advanced Polymer Graphics would do Well with Some UDK like Models

User is offline   thatguy 


Based on what I've learned on the format, it doesn't matter. You can create some great models with the format. All we need is a great modeler to give us some of their freetime.

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


View PostSpirrwell, on 24 January 2013 - 03:05 PM, said:

I just REALLY want a new Duke model.

Attached Image: DNFDuke.jpg

Edit: It's just sprites actually, but I still prefer them over the HRP model.

This post has been edited by NUKEMDAVE: 24 January 2013 - 09:25 PM


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