Juris3D, on 12 July 2015 - 11:29 PM, said:

Here's another problem with wrapping - as i've stated before it is hard to implmement it on ready-to-use 3d engine such as unity3d, because it practically needs that i'll need to
- Create a multiplatform C++ based component which gonna create completely different type of terrain - one which can load it's tiles independently with ability to address them via short/ushort
- Write collision detection compatible with physx for said terrain.
- Add Quadtree terrain pixel error calculation to reduce number of distant rendered polygons.
- start assigning every enemy to said coordinate system as well which means rewriting unity transform. That or adding a continious check for every enemy which gonna put a strain onto game speed.
In the end it just not worth the time and effort to create such a gimmick for something which doesn't even make any sense. :V