Some time ago, I was looking for information on the cancelled Duke hunting title Endangered Species when I came across this post from a fellow by the name of Nacho who said he actually managed to get a working alpha version from the original developers:
I did a bit more searching around at the time and found he had also posted some additional screenshots at the Gearbox forums:
Does anyone know if anything became of this? It seems like acquiring the working alpha of a cancelled Duke Nukem game would be huge. I realize that the alpha itself probably wouldn't be released to the public, but the insight alone it could provide into the game would be massive considering we've known virtually next to nothing for years. According to his first post, Nacho expressed interest in doing a writeup or even greatly expanding the game's entry on the Duke Nukem wiki, but it appears neither of these ever happened. The wiki entry still only reports the bare bones information we got from the few press releases and interviews. Nacho himself has been inactive on both the Duke wiki and Gearbox forums for over a year now.
Now while I could just try tracking down Mr. Nacho myself, the reason I'm asking here first is because I'm not all that active in the Duke community and thought perhaps someone here might be in contact with him and could pass along a friendly reminder that there's still plenty of keen interest in the alpha he possesses. I can still quite vividly recall my 11 year old self getting psyched at the prospect of the game and my subsequent 12 year old self being totally bummed upon learning of its cancellation. I'm sure many people here would love to learn more of this lost Duke title as well.