Posted 05 August 2012 - 02:43 PM
As a well known critique of everything that Fresch produces(or better said, at what he fails to produce) I believe that at least a few people here expect my bashing of these latest trailers even if just for the sake of seeing me being consequent with my previous statements, so I will try not to let anybody down.
I saw the trailers and all I have to say is TC MOD...
Yeah, at the current level seen in these trailers, this remake looks like an authentic unreal tournament Total Conversion Mod and nothing more.
The lighting looks very amateurish, the bumpmaps look very exaggerated and way too shiny in many cases.
The overall generic look of the lighting and the lack in diversity of textures and colors really shows me that this project is done by a fan studio.
The fact that one of the trailers starts with the GODLY apogee logo as if this remake is supposed to be the old Apogee being reborn, only just made me expect even more from this project.
I don't want to bash it completely since I don't personally hate anybody from that team.
I will bring up that I found the animations decent and some of the weapon models weren't bad at all. I also took note that the sounds are straight from unreal tournament 3, which seems to indicate that they are not final.
If anybody follows tc mods that attempt to remake old school fps games like hexen for ex, using engines like unreal engine 3 or id tech 4, then you are already familiar with the level of complexity found in the art design.
The level design complexity, is the main thing that gives it away as an amateurish project.
Take a ball model and texture it with the highest res human face texture, then apply bump maps and the most realistic shaders and lighting on it and you will realize that it will never come close to looking like a real human face without first having proper polygon density and most importantly an anatomically correct mesh!
That's what I think of this project.
The level design is not credible and the textures and shaders are overdone to cover the simplicity of the maps themselves.
When art design is great, the textures and shaders can be very low because the game will still look incredibly detailed and realistic.
Play S.T.A.K.E.R on lowest settings to see what I mean.
I hope this game will also be single player because I have absolutely no memories of mp from the original of Rise of the Triad
And finally, I have to say this very pressing thing that almost doesn't let me sleep at night.
Choosing to associate the godly Apogee logo with a studio that has never released something before and which is known to be formed out of hobbyists, and then allowing them to remake a classic game and use the exact same name of the original for the remake, is a really bad decision and in my honest opinion, whoever thought this is a good idea needs to suffer the full consequences of a potential failure!
If ending in bankruptcy is an option, I really hope that the one guilty of dragging the godly name of Apogee in this mess will end up experiencing it very soon!
Q: Do I think the parts shown of this project resemble a final build?
A: No
Q: Do I think this project sucks balls?
A: No
Q: Should this project be treated and sold as a respectable game remake under a very pretentious classic logo such as Apogee?
A: Absolutely Not
Q: Should this project be treated as a very impressive TC mod and be open for free downloads on moddb?
A: Absolutely
Q: Can Fresch and his team do this and impress more than 10 people that don't know him and his dev past?
A: ?
This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 05 August 2012 - 04:11 PM