Hey guys,
Thanks for all the comments as well as the criticisms on our latest production diary - they're always welcome. I brought your concerns up with Frederik and Leon to confirm some things before replying to you guys to make sure I'm not spouting BS at ya.
First things first! That wall clipping you saw during the bit of gameplay where Daniel was discussing secrets and exploratory level design was old footage. The way pushwalls currently work is that they will move backward on actual rails that you can see when the wall has been moved. This allows us to still have things as ridiculous as pushwalls but gives us a way for them to seemingly make sense. You know, as if someone engineered these things on purpose! Here's a picture from an unfinished level to show you what I mean:
There are actually
three secret areas in that one room you saw in the video. We've got 'em all over the place. Some easy to find - some not so easy to find. Now, in reply to what Bloodshot said:
"When they talked about secrets it irked me that they didn't seem to mention how they would make them distinguishable. What they showed just looked like they would press in a wall or use a pillar - I really hope there's more to it then that, because with stuff like that you just cause people to press every pillar and wall they come across. ID was always really good at secrets, they'd have visual cues, especially in RTCW when you had things like a slightly tilted wall torch, or a wall panel that looks pushable. Easy to miss, but they catch your eye if you stop and look around. "
Fred is a very big fan of that style of level design (I think we've discussed it on a podcast) and as such there will almost always be a visual cue to let you know, "Hey - there might be a secret here" ...As much as I know you all love "WHERE IS IT" style wall humping to find secrets. It might be a slightly discolored texture, different lighting, a cracked brick - or you may just see the secret plain as day - just not the switch to open the door for it!
As for the disappearing HUD! What Asle
didn't point out in the video is that currently you have to be idle for quite a good while for it to fade out. It won't happen often during most levels due to the constant madness taking place, but during levels like "The Room" where there are no enemies and only puzzles and traps - we find that it definitely makes the level feel more immersive. However, there's little doubt that one of the MANY in-game options will be to always have the HUD on.
So, have no fear - if you dislike the disappearing HUD - you can disable it.
As for beating up on poor Martin for pointing out that we have prisoner NPCs? He was simply citing one of many small examples of how we've updated the game for 2013 to make the world of ROTT 'make sense' as a modern game. We had to build a world around what was going on within San Nicolas Island because quite frankly ROTT 95 didn't give us much to work with. So now the Triads have a prison, they have torture chambers, they have workshops where they prototype new types of GADS, they even have laboratories that give off a distinctly Wolf 3D Ep 2 vibe. Although Dr. Schabbs has nothing on the dementedness of Sebastian Krist.
As I said, Martin wasn't trying to point out some 'major gameplay feature' - just giving a small example based on the level he was working on. Plus there's one prisoner who constantly does pushups. I like that guy.
In all honestly - your comments and criticisms
do help us to make a better game - so keep 'em coming. If we only paid attention to the blissfully blinded ROTT fans who already can't wait for ROTT 2013 and want to give us their money (as much as we love them) then in my opinion we wouldn't be doing our jobs as game developers or doing this IP justice. It's guys like you at Duke4 who remind us that we can always be improving during the course of our dev cycle - even if you hurt our feelings from time to time.
As always, if you ever have any other questions or comments, feel free to ask here or email me at Doshry@gmail.com or find me @DaveOshry on Twitter
- Pushwalls don't clip in the game like you saw in the video
- The disappearing HUD is optional
- Prisoner NPCs are just one of the many small things we put in the game to update the world of ROTT
- We love you guys