Continuing my second-to-last map, FOS Station, Duke Nukem must
travel through an abandoned, alien-infested Russian space station,
activating the slumbering nuclear reactor deep in the bowels of the station and fighting his way to
a showdown in the docking bay!
I put a lot of effort into making this less of a generic E2 map and more of a conceptually grand,
mechanical, gritty space station with more emphasis on atmosphere and (later on) nonlinearity...but see for yourself!

Download: http://muse.thegover...t/
(Reviewers: please upload your own copies of the screenshots and map download!)
Requires Atomic Edition. Will work with classic and polymost. Will work with Polymer. Will work with HRP.
But the last two will probably make your computer slag in the catwalk room. Sorry--I couldn't test it much with Poylmer because my system won't handle it very well.

Note that Micky C and I have been working on our maps and decided to release them at the same time as some of the first maps of 2012! Keep an eye out for his excellent city level, Parkade: http://forums.duke4....rkade-released/
And now I will probably disappear until Spring Break and then start dropping mysterious clues about my next project, which follows right after Cherenkov Station.