Ok I played it, it was in the average to good range and I voted good. I played it with the HRP in polymost, I'm not sure whether you designed it for classic or not but it looked ok.
The good points:
It had sufficient detailing
Complex level design with multiple stories
Shading was implemented well in some aspects
Level was destructable (fire extinguishers left holes in the wall, there were cracks to blow up, and I love how the entire upper floor got demolished! I love fire extinguishers)
Secret areas and vents (it's always fun when you find a secret

Lots of fun exploring
Action was fun and not too hard
Bad points:
It was a massive key card hunt, which promoted lots of back tracking which I don't like beyond a certain amount (that's my personal taste)
There were no shadows implemented. You had some nice contrast with your shading, but you need to make it so that 'light' can hit something like a pillar and leave a shadow behind. I'm talking about floor shadowing. For example after you go inside the building at the start by pressing the phone, there's a spot where there's a shadow on the wall, but the floor is the same shade as everything else so it looked weird. Shadows are good because they create contrast, although like I said you already had contrast with ambient shading so it wasn't as big a deal.
Another point on the key cards, or just levels in general which are as complicated and non-linear as this (this is again my personal taste) I like to know roughly where to go. It's ok to have several routes and have to do some trial and error to get the right path, but if you've explored a map and still don't know where the exit/key card is, the fun factor drops. You had some viewscreens of some areas, which was nice, but they didn't reveal any details about how to get to the areas.
With your cameras, they always looked horizontally forward, when some of them should have been angled down. Give the cameras a shade to make them angle up or down.
But don't worry, the good points well outweigh the bad points, which are really only minor things that you'd want to consider when making your next map, and please do make another map