Tea Monster, on 08 May 2011 - 01:06 AM, said:
Thanks, Tea Monster,
I just got finished reading the whole tutorial, Parts 1-6 and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in this area of modding.
Now that this tutorial is fresh in my mind I'd like to recap on a couple of things that popped out to me.
1.In an earlier section of this tutorial, the instructor mentioned first applying a "Material" THEN applying a "Texture"afterwards.Now I have to admit,I've seen other tutorials like this for example on,Youtube and these instructors never went as far as to add the "Material" BEFORE adding a "Texture".What are your thoughts on that?I mean is this the real way to do it and if it is why is it important to do it this way?Also most importantly,is it necessary to go this extra step,for mods in eduke32?
2.In the UV Maps and Optimization section,the instructor points out,
"The Golden Rule Of Optimizing" which is, "Less Is More"
Just by reading this part I can see in a game where this can be very important down the road,
Optimizing helps reduce overheads by limiting a game engine from rendering more information to screen that it really needs to. For example, the chair used in throughout this series, once triangulated and exported, originally used 148 triangles, after optimization that was reduced to 76, almost a 50% saving. The thing is, removing those additional 72 polygons mattered. Why? Because ten chairs means an extra 720 triangles being rendered to screen, that's almost another ten chairs in of itself that could have been placed in a scene had the object been properly optimized in the first place.
I was just wondering what you think about this,I mean I guess it would depend on how many mods you where going to create for your game?Because,this section of the tutorial is probably the most tedious and dangerous of all,as far as removing the unnecessary seams to increase optimization by using the tools provided but in turn also having to re-uvmap everything over again because you tend to break the uv-map when doing this according to the instructor?As far as being dangerous,if you remove the wrong part of the chair you could actually collapse it.
The instructor seemed like creating the mod according to "Grid Coordinates" or "Grid Snapping" was very important,I believe it's possible to create mods without being this precise on the Grid,what are your thoughts on that?I mean,as far as mapster32 goes,when your placing your assigned editart sprites on the map,it's not like they have to be placed within the map any precise way or "snapped"to the Grid in mapster32 in any precise kind of way in order for the mod to show up under,"Test Map"?
Speaking of that,is there any way to view the mod in "3D Mode" rather then having to press "Test Map"in order to find out whether or not the mod is actually going to show up in the game?
Oh Yeah,I wanted to ask you if you know how to change the "Gridsize" in Blender 2.49b?
Thanks Again,
For The Tutorial!