Robman, on 26 February 2015 - 12:24 PM, said:
Yep... You know when the leader of your opposition can't correctly identify the shape or use of his own penis, things are pretty bad.
- And I entertain arguments from these people.
Yes Radar. Out of context Bible quotes, slow clap for you. Thankgosh we have the internet, so kids can mock the Bible even faster yet still not understand it.
Gee, I wish I could spout random junk and garner Fox's upvotes. Unfortunately things I say actually have a coherent point.
Not at all. I've read the whole entire Bible from beginning to end (minus the Chronicles, which I'm reading through now), and I've read the New Testament and Old Testament wisdom books many times. What I wrote down were verses from memory.
You obsess over the book of Revelations, because it's critical of people in the future, yet you ignore what is written before it, because everything else in the Bible is
critical of the reader. The purpose of the Bible isn't to stress about the end times, to argue with others who you think are less "wise", and to ultimately take pride in your own opinions and belittle everyone else's. If you truly understood scripture, you'd find that the purpose of the Bible is to describe the events leading up to the life of Jesus and to promote his ideas. What were his ideas?
Well, he himself said that everything can be summed up with "love your neighbor as yourself". If you truly understood the Bible, you'd love others, respect others, and sacrifice for others. Instead, within your first post in the General Discussion section of this forum, you attacked others who didn't believe your oh-so-wise-and-knowledgeable opinions, and then used the Bible to defend yourself. I don't know how authentic you are, but if you really consider yourself a Christian, you should be ashamed of yourself.