Speculation mode on.
MrBlackCat, on 17 January 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:
This statement eloquently sums up why I am not even trying to help this guy.
I think it might be a bit presumptuous to assume he needs help. That's a pretty big judgmental leap as it has as its foundation that you are certain you are "righter".
I wouldn't consider Rob a Christian to be honest, as he doesn't seem to put much stock in any of the organized systems. His spirituality seems to be personal, direct, and self guided by inner honesty in the face of outer conflict and paradox. He's just using the Jesus metaphor because it's the one that works best for him. He seems to take full responsibility and neither blames nor credits anyone else "out here" for where he's found himself. He will probably never claim he is where he is because he was led astray by a priest, politician, or scientist.
I also think he knows exactly what he's doing sticking his finger in the grinder here the way he has so...
MrBlackCat, on 17 January 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:
It took me a few years to get in the habit of NOT thinking that I "had it all figured out".
You do think you have it more figured out than Robman, though.
MrBlackCat, on 17 January 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:
This is a good place for me... you might want to consider looking into it. Maybe look into the concepts of Buddhism a bit, as that should not interfere with a Christian Belief.
The most average view isn't necessarily useful. I might have a map of the whole world, but if I'm in New York and need to get to Florida, most of it is useless. A person in China trying to get to Florida needs an entirely different path description.
MrBlackCat, on 17 January 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:
It might strengthen it if you are serious about your religion.
I think he's serious about being honest with himself more than anything else, which is the most important thing as it's up to other people to ignore him if his personal honesty doesn't jive with their own territory they are navigating.
Speculation mode off.
High Treason, on 17 January 2015 - 08:58 PM, said:
After a few seconds of brain activity - the effects of which are unknown, I suspect people might hallucinate in that time - it ceases to function. Nothing, no more. Unknowing and uncaring forever... Sometimes seems rather inviting.
This is purely faith based, and your way of ending the statement is profoundly insightful regarding learning to understand other people's world views based on their inner perception.
High Treason, on 17 January 2015 - 08:58 PM, said:
In short, what you get to experience is exactly what you experienced before you were conceived.
Using that logic, a person with amnesia has every rational reason to believe nothing was going on prior to losing their memories.
"But look at these documents, listen to what we tell you, why won't you just belieeeeeeve!?!?!"
You dismiss the experiences of others because you will only accept your own experiences (reasonable) or the authority of the clergymen in robes, I'm sorry... lab coats.
Ronan, on 17 January 2015 - 08:35 AM, said:
Anyway which god are we talking about...

Now imagine each mirror as a different isolated culture. Certain concepts will be readily understood, some will be so alien as to be completely distorted. Same "truth" trying to express itself... but filtered through vastly different points of view.
We can keep countering each other over having different points of view, or we can try to understand the common source that expresses itself differently depending on the environment it is interacting with. You don't act the same with everyone around you either, nor do you give the same advice to every person.
Ronan, on 17 January 2015 - 08:35 AM, said:
...sounds to me like a fascist. I'm not going to worship anyone or anything...
One person hears The Beatles and says "Yeah, good stuff, makes a lot of sense... would listen to again." They then continue on with their life having integrated the music into themselves and write nothing down.
Another person hears The Beatles and says "OH MY GOD THEY ARE AMAZING! I WOULD GIVE ANYTHING TO HEAR MORE!" They then start a fan club with rules for entry to ensure people are "true fans". They write everything down incessantly with hyperbolic zeal.
Same band, different listeners. The band probably thinks the first person understands them better and would have a drink with them, but still has an appreciation for what the fanatics are trying to do even if the band maintains a safe distance.
Ronan, on 17 January 2015 - 08:35 AM, said:
I find the idea of being a slave unappealing.
What if it is more like being a slave to "look both ways before crossing the street" type of thinking... that has been distorted by simpler thinkers who turn it into "look left, then look right, otherwise be arrested and fined".