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The Post Thread

User is offline   HulkNukem 


View PostRobman, on 17 January 2015 - 08:20 PM, said:

A question I've proposed that's been repeatedly failed to be answered is : What happens when you die?

What are people thinking happens? This is an honest question and I would like to know, I feel no need to reply to them. Simply for the knowing.

I go back and forth

Maybe you repeat the last few minutes of your life repeatedly (I hope I die having sex or playing a game)
Or maybe you basically become a spectator and you can fly around and watch everyone

User is offline   Robman 

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View PostHulkNukem, on 17 January 2015 - 08:27 PM, said:

I go back and forth

Maybe you repeat the last few minutes of your life repeatedly (I hope I die having sex or playing a game)
Or maybe you basically become a spectator and you can fly around and watch everyone

Small story, happened not long ago :

I have asthma, hadn't been a huge deal, no scary close calls until only months ago.

It came to time to clean the wheat bins at the farm, very dusty job inside the bins. Wheat dust is the worst offender for affecting people out of beans, corn, wheat.
Some people can barely open their eyes the next morning, other people are fine that way, it affects my lungs.

I woke late in the night barely able to breath, like bad. I normally sleep nude and went as far as putting underwear on as to not be found dead naked. On my knees next to a door cracked open for fresh air.

Puffers were not helping, nothing. I was fighting down to the last breath, alone. It came down to the very last fight for the last short-shallow breath and I tell you. If you are not ready to die or feel "too young" .. it's a frightening ordeal. I liken it to when I ride my motocross bike and I've way over or under jumped a jump, there is a very intense jolt of fright. Or like the moments before impact of a car crash only .. magnified as it's "the big one."

This post has been edited by Robman: 17 January 2015 - 08:55 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


if you believe in the right god (I believe the one I follow is the 'right' one, but others are going to make their own discoveries and conclusions) - you go to some kind of heaven
if you don't believe at all - you cease to exist. snuffed out like a candle without even a puff of smoke
if you're a worthless fuckface that does shit like wears a bomb-vest to blow up babies, then you go to some hell like place

you won't know until you die. You can follow the right religion, live the proper life, get to heaven and find out God says something like, "Oh, sand-farmer Steve forgot to write down this critical piece of information, so it never made it to any text. Just like Adam and Eve's actions screwed everyone over, so did sand-farmer Steve. You now must spend eternity in the company of Mormons. NEXT!"

This post has been edited by Forge: 17 January 2015 - 08:39 PM


User is offline   Robman 

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View PostForge, on 17 January 2015 - 08:38 PM, said:

if you believe in the right god (I believe the one I follow is the 'right' one, but others are going to make their own discoveries and conclusions) - you go to some kind of heaven
if you don't believe at all - you cease to exist. snuffed out like a candle without even a puff of smoke
if you're a worthless fuckface that does shit like wears a bomb-vest to blow up babies, then you go to some hell like place

you won't know until you die. You can follow the right religion, live the proper life, get to heaven and find out God says something like, "Oh, sand-farmer Steve forgot to write down this critical piece of information, so it never made it to any text. Just like Adam and Eve's actions screwed everyone over, so did sand-farmer Steve. You now must spend eternity in the company of Mormons. NEXT!"

now stop begging

hehe, good enough man, thanks for sharing.


After a few seconds of brain activity - the effects of which are unknown, I suspect people might hallucinate in that time - it ceases to function. Nothing, no more. Unknowing and uncaring forever... Sometimes seems rather inviting.

In short, what you get to experience is exactly what you experienced before you were conceived.

I have no idea why, but a small part of me has always wondered about reincarnation despite it contradicting the way I think. I don't believe in it as such it just seems, I don't know, somewhat feasible somehow if that makes sense.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 17 January 2015 - 09:04 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Cool :lol:, food for thought.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostMarphy Black, on 17 January 2015 - 07:27 PM, said:

I just received a gift in the mail from 3D Realms:

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User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


Reincarnation is kind of a fact in the sense that all of your subatomic particles are the same as ever.

In other words every bit of you will eventually become something and possibly someone else (and your bits have all been other things before too). This is happening every day even while you live.

Anyway, the few times I recall being near death (one specific asthma attack, and later in life overdosing on booze/getting alcohol poisoning)... you just stop. There's nothing and no one and not even yourself. You don't think because you're not even there. I remember the last time being really depressed for awhile and realized it was partly because it was sad to think how little I mattered in the world since it had kept going without me just the same while I was off being dead. But then I later came to the realization that it makes what you do in life even more important because it's all you get.

It took years to really get to that point fully however.

User is offline   Hank 


If you are famous, you end up in the Obituaries here, if the admin thinks you are not famous enough they will delete the post. (true story, they erased my entry, ;))

@ Robman - OK, that was not the answer to your question.
Those close to me and happen to be dead still live in my heart, but nothing more. It's not that bad actually. I know their children and their children's children. Life goes on, overall a pretty good deal. And I say this again, and perhaps again, the moment I became free my focus tuned from heaven towards earth and now. Compared to before, I'm truly blessed.:lol:

This post has been edited by Hank: 18 January 2015 - 08:57 AM


User is offline   Fox 

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

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View PostHendricks266, on 17 January 2015 - 10:09 PM, said:


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User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostRobman, on 17 January 2015 - 08:20 PM, said:

A question I've proposed that's been repeatedly failed to be answered is : What happens when you die?

What are people thinking happens? This is an honest question and I would like to know, I feel no need to reply to them. Simply for the knowing.

You want to know what happens? Go knock yourself out/get in a coma. When you recover you will have no memory of being out. Exactly the same when you are dead.
There is nothing, you body decomposes/burns.
Religion will have no effect and what happens to you when you die only what happens to your body.

On another thought/rant.
All water in the world should have a drug in it that stops pregnancy, and if you want to have a child you have to get a pill to nullify the water the water drug. The pill would be free of course.

This post has been edited by The Commander: 18 January 2015 - 04:39 AM


User is offline   Kyanos 


Lol, our water here has been found to have birth control in it. Only trace amounts, they say it is from women/girls taking the pill and the medicine flows through into the water system. Hormones are a great tool for control. It feels like I live in a beta male factory over here. Have a nice cold glass of estrogen water.

User is offline   X-Vector 


Good thing that you're an über masculine alpha male stud muffin and therefore immune to any adverse effect of estrogen contamination by "them".

Grrr, argh

User is offline   Kyanos 


Ha, I wish. I live with three of "them."

Grrr, argh indeed.

User is offline   Mark 


Does your wife know? :lol:

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostThe Commander, on 18 January 2015 - 04:37 AM, said:

You want to know what happens? Go knock yourself out/get in a coma. When you recover you will have no memory of being out. Exactly the same when you are dead.

not always the case


lack of oxygen/blood flow and other medical reasons are most likely the reason for 'visions/vivid dreams'

unless you're the type that can poke your brain when sitting on your thumb; in which case acting like you have a stick up your butt can cause a coma with no memories.

This post has been edited by Forge: 18 January 2015 - 10:23 AM


User is online   Lunick 


I think I found Micky
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User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


View PostRonan, on 17 January 2015 - 08:35 AM, said:

Very convenient, kind of like something a human would say don't you think? Anyway which god are we talking about, sounds to me like a fascist. I'm not going to worship anyone or anything, I find the idea of being a slave unappealing.

You're a slave to: Food, water, air etc.. So, too late for that.

View PostForge, on 16 January 2015 - 09:07 PM, said:

we were created with free will and curiosity. that's what got us in trouble in the first place, but to deny your nature and how you were created is to deny God's design. We were made to question everything, including why God does things in a certain way.

You left out the part of how we were "led" astray...

View PostCharlesT, on 17 January 2015 - 10:08 AM, said:

And once a person gets past organized religion into personal spirituality it gets even rougher because they realize how much they personally are responsible for.

View PostMrBlackCat, on 17 January 2015 - 07:44 PM, said:

This statement eloquently sums up why I am not even trying to help this guy. For someone so sure of their religion he has completely missed all of scripture related to humility, judgement etc.

Perhaps, you missed Charlie's point, or maybe I am, but here's what I get out of what he said:

Once a person moves past organized religion, whereby moving past a mere following of the crowd with a percieved "inkling" of what's going on. The person moves onto more of a "root" feeling in their being or soul whereby realizing your responsibility to your fellow man to help turn off the waterfall. Do you know what I'm referring to as the waterfall? - This will in-turn help the planet and all existence.

View PostMblackwell, on 17 January 2015 - 10:11 PM, said:

Reincarnation is kind of a fact in the sense that all of your subatomic particles are the same as ever.

It's true that physical matter breaks down and gets recycled.

Some of the trouble I have with thinking that when you die, you're done.. that's it, no more...
Is how your consciousness can exist free of your body. This is an ingredient as to why I "look further."

This post has been edited by Robman: 18 January 2015 - 11:40 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


View PostThe Commander, on 18 January 2015 - 04:37 AM, said:

On another thought/rant.
All water in the world should have a drug in it that stops pregnancy, and if you want to have a child you have to get a pill to nullify the water the water drug. The pill would be free of course.

I'll leave it to others to let you know how and why that's wrong, your thinking is shared by the "elite" however. :lol:

This post has been edited by Robman: 18 January 2015 - 10:58 PM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Why is it "wrong"? You are only stopping accidental pregnancy. If anyone wants to have a child, they still could.

The only problem is that without accidental births, there would not be enough people in the next generation.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Why is this wrong, it's the best idea ever.

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


View PostFox, on 18 January 2015 - 11:07 PM, said:

Why is it "wrong"? You are only stopping accidental pregnancy. If anyone wants to have a child, they still could.

The only problem is that without accidental births, there would not be enough people in the next generation.

Well, for one thing, it's basically a global kill button. What if this drug reacts poorly with it's implementation? Unexpected side affects? Could you UNDO this action?
Could such a thing be exploited?

I for one think the less man-made chemicals in anything we ingest or pump into nature would be a good thing.
You know we've turned a bad corner when we thumb our nose up at nature.
Hah, and then an even worse corner when that excuse leads us to be put under more control.

Nature is good, leave it be. If anything clean it up, not at the expense of losing your freedoms but cleaned nonetheless.
Replant some trees 'n shit.... I hear the ocean is dying.. say it ain't so.

This post has been edited by Robman: 18 January 2015 - 11:20 PM



What happens if a pregnant woman drinks that water? Said drugs may have an adverse effect on the child... What if she already had the child and is lactating? More possible effects.

What happens when someone has an allergic reaction? Would the authorities then provide free bottled water?

And what about those people that will only drink bottled water? The drug won't affect them so you'll probably get loads of kids with OCD.

Seems like a good idea in principal, but it's not practical.

User is offline   Fox 

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It's an hypothesis. There is no such thing as a drug that can be diluted on water that will prevent pregnancy. But if you are willing to accept that, you should also accept that it's safe.




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User is offline   Fox 

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View PostHigh Treason, on 18 January 2015 - 11:33 PM, said:


It's an hypothesis.

_ If you was invincible like Superman, would you fight crime or rule the world?
_ I don't think Superman could be invincible and still have working eyeballs.

This post has been edited by Fox: 18 January 2015 - 11:58 PM



So you're trying to not make any sense? OK, cool.

I'm familiar with the concept of a hypothesis. Quote me where I said that this was not hypothetical or make your point already.

Engineering such a drug would also be trivial.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 19 January 2015 - 12:08 AM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Yes it's as Fox states.
The basis of theory is that the pill to get pregnant is free and would have to be taken by both partners.

It has nothing to do with about if you could make a drug ect but the social science behind it.

This post has been edited by The Commander: 19 January 2015 - 03:25 AM


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