Micky C, on 14 January 2015 - 06:08 PM, said:
Whether there's a god or not, you can't deny that all religious practices are derived from man, not some higher being. All the sacred texts and everything are written by human beings, and the events that the texts are based on usually happend a considerable time before the writings actually took place. The point I'm trying to make is if there is a god, then he probably wouldn't care about all the rituals and things we do like going to church on sundays for example. Likewise if there's a heaven, it's probably enough to just live a good life and be nice to other people to get into it.
I'm agnostic btw, so I don't take part in any religion but likewise I don't 100% deny the existence of a possible god. Still, I'm a science guy.
Clearly you haven't read the Bible. Therefore, I personally do not acknowledge this
Hank, on 14 January 2015 - 07:17 PM, said:
How illuminating
Anyone following you wont be able to go far when the sun goes out, you being the only light source

I hope you were joking or I'm quite certain you're not understanding what Jesus meant, see above comment about reading the Bible..
CharlesT, on 14 January 2015 - 07:35 PM, said:
You have to admit, the guy is pretty misrepresented and misunderstood these days.
Indeed, and needlessly so.
High Treason, on 14 January 2015 - 07:56 PM, said:
You are aware there's an edit button right?
Who's dick is this guy sucking because I want a go, if I kept doing this every day I'd get in shit for it.
Who are you talking about? Stop being so damn angry!!! lol
Mblackwell, on 14 January 2015 - 10:14 PM, said:
The trick is to believe what you want but recognize that you're probably just smelling your own bullshit.
Question everything!
There's only 1 correct religion, as sure as there is only 1 God, the rest are indeed bullshit.
And yes yes, we're all George Carlin here, his day of questioning has come to an end
- If anybody here believes in anything paranormal ( ghosts, astral projection etc..)
and still don't believe in God, you haven't followed the rabbit hole far enough.
CharlesT, on 15 January 2015 - 01:28 PM, said:
We hear what we need to hear to feel motivation to advocate and act for our survival.
Zax, he meant it could have possibly been a trick to let the "aliens" have our planet. This crossed Charlie's mind because he thinks outside the box, way outside, hehe.
God created all creation folks, the confusion of that belief is the work of Satan.
and f*ck Tom Cruise..
Even Islam doesn't refute that Christ walked the earth, and Islam was created to be the direct opposition to Christianity.
There are only 2 sides, God and evil .. this middleground "oh I just don't know what to do" horseshit is embarassing

I know this, because I used to be there as a child, as I got older, my mind matured and so did my faith.