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The Post Thread

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View PostHigh Treason, on 12 October 2014 - 07:35 PM, said:

Stuff about PaulAndAmy

That's just fucked up... Talk about a total lack of self-control, morality, and brain cells.

It's one thing to jack off to porn of fictional characters (to which I'm guilty as charged, this is common knowledge at this point), and another to take it to a level of such sheer creepiness and obsession. *shudder* :)

Not only, that, but he's a fucking diddler, even worse. That's taking things to a point of hurting people. Glad he's in jail, but I'd prefer to see public drawing and quartering just for people like him. (I'd explain why I feel such hyper-violent tendencies towards such people, but that's entering dark territory that I don't think others want to hear about).

I didn't realize my "faith in humanity" meter, which is already zero, could reach a negative number, but it apparently can. I guess I learn something new everyday, huh.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 14 October 2014 - 03:09 PM


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Posted Image

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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>Sonic does not swear, take drugs, or harm the environment.

I could have sworn Sonic did speed.

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Funny thing about that one, Sonic, and a lot of the other characters had quite the potty-mouths in the original release of Sonic X in Japan.

Or... there's things like this:
Posted Image

As much as I didn't really care for the show, the shit they got away with is hilarious. Shame 4kids shat all over it though, turning a show that was tolerable into something disastrously unbearable.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 14 October 2014 - 06:25 PM



Meh, everyone knows SatAM was the best... And if not, AoSTH just because it had more PINGAS! and Pinessis! than the others. Is it bad if I actually liked Sonic Underground?

As for the PaulandAmy BS, I wouldn't let your faith in humanity meter drop for someone like that, especially given that he got locked up so he probably isn't having a good time in prison - nor will he ever likely have a good time again if people know what he's done when he gets out. I think people like that should be publicly drawn and quartered too, I have no dark past to go with that, it's more just that they warrant that kind of thing by default in my mind...

But that would be getting me started on how crap I think the justice system is and I'd be here all day if I went into everything I'd change about it - needless to say, I don't think my country would be as overpopulated for long or at the very least, would not have overcrowded prisons... And I'd have chain gangs for the lesser criminals as they may as well give something back to the tax payer for keeping them there.

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View PostLunick, on 14 October 2014 - 03:07 AM, said:


The rule I quoted was first. :)

And making an objective statement which you do not agree with (making you objectively wrong) is disrespecting other members? When the fuck did that happen?

This post has been edited by The Real Slim Flibble: 14 October 2014 - 07:04 PM


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  • Auramancer


View PostHigh Treason, on 14 October 2014 - 06:54 PM, said:


Meh, everyone knows SatAM was the best... And if not, AoSTH just because it had more PINGAS! and Pinessis! than the others. Is it bad if I actually liked Sonic Underground?

As for the PaulandAmy BS, I wouldn't let your faith in humanity meter drop for someone like that, especially given that he got locked up so he probably isn't having a good time in prison - nor will he ever likely have a good time again if people know what he's done when he gets out. I think people like that should be publicly drawn and quartered too, I have no dark past to go with that, it's more just that they warrant that kind of thing by default in my mind...

But that would be getting me started on how crap I think the justice system is and I'd be here all day if I went into everything I'd change about it - needless to say, I don't think my country would be as overpopulated for long or at the very least, would not have overcrowded prisons... And I'd have chain gangs for the lesser criminals as they may as well give something back to the tax payer for keeping them there.

Yeah, SatAM is my favorite. That, and the comics, before Ken Penders fucked everything up.

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Seriously, diagnosing ADHD on a 4 years old? How long will it take until babies who kick in the womb are diagnosed with ADHD?

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I am surprised they don't try to do that already.. They already do tests for Down Syndrome etc.

User is offline   Fox 

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There are no tests for a psyquiatric disorders. No blood tests, no urine tests, no saliva tests, no brain scans, no genetic tests.

Aka no science.

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To be honest, I don't fully believe ADHD is even a real thing.

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View PostHigh Treason, on 14 October 2014 - 05:36 AM, said:

I still usually buy legit versions of games I like, but it's more convenient to have them on one cartridge and there are a whole host of bootleg and homebrew things to mess with that you wouldn't get on cartridges otherwise.

Plus you don't have to go and replace the batteries in every cartridge you own just to save your games.

User is offline   Kyanos 


View PostFox, on 15 October 2014 - 06:47 AM, said:

There are no tests for a psyquiatric disorders. No blood tests, no urine tests, no saliva tests, no brain scans, no genetic tests.Aka no science.

View PostThe Angry Kiwi, on 15 October 2014 - 07:04 AM, said:

To be honest, I don't fully believe ADHD is even a real thing.

There is a system in place, on this continent at least (- mexico) It goes like this, a kid may act out in class, or at home, or some other "thing" sets it off, but sooner or later the subject is talked about with a doctor. The doctor will ask questions, then from the answers a diagnosis is reached, then pills are prescribed. Once you enter their office its set, they will find something wrong with your car, opps mechanic rant

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View PostFox, on 15 October 2014 - 06:47 AM, said:

There are no tests for a psyquiatric disorders. No blood tests, no urine tests, no saliva tests, no brain scans, no genetic tests.

Aka no science.

So the immobilizing panic attacks and the severe episode of depression I had a few years ago that caused me to forget an entire year of my life don't really exist because there's no "scientific" tests for it?

That's comforting to know. :)

User is offline   Fox 

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How does that related to the question, how much scientific psyquiatry is?

If a medical doctor was absolute sure you have AIDS based on symptons you described to him, he would still not be allowed to prescribe you medicine without a blood test. The reason is because you can't have a conversation as your only basis.

View PostDrek, on 15 October 2014 - 01:36 PM, said:

There is a system in place, on this continent at least (- mexico) It goes like this, a kid may act out in class, or at home, or some other "thing" sets it off, but sooner or later the subject is talked about with a doctor. The doctor will ask questions, then from the answers a diagnosis is reached, then pills are prescribed. Once you enter their office its set, they will find something wrong with your car, opps mechanic rant

Child psychiatry is beyond ridiculous. If it's not enough to prescribe medicine based merely on what a person is saying, you do it based on what someone else is saying.

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View PostComrade Major, on 15 October 2014 - 01:41 PM, said:

So the immobilizing panic attacks and the severe episode of depression I had a few years ago that caused me to forget an entire year of my life don't really exist because there's no "scientific" tests for it?

That's comforting to know. :)

I've had some major depression blackout moments from bipolar. Nothing that long though. Probably because I'm not high anxiety.

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Episode VII:





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Ok, that just pisses me off. If those pics are really from Episode VII, it confirms that they indeed intend to shit all over Return of the Jedi + decades worth of well-written and fully established canon by bringing Darth Vader back from the dead, like Disney said they wanted to do.

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

God damnit, they could have based it on the Yuuzhan Vong War for fuck's sake, that would have made an epic new trilogy, and would have fit within the age range of the characters at the time with the actors of the original trilogy.

Well, there goes all the novels, and games like Jedi Knight.

(I still want to see a movie based on the Shadows of The Empire novel, myself. Since the actors are too old now, they could make it using hyper-realistic CGI if necessary, similar to movies like Avatar and Beowulf, or stuff like the Halo 4 cinematics.)

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 16 October 2014 - 04:38 AM


User is offline   Fox 

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I feel like it would be someone else taking the role of Darth Vader.

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Posted Image

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View PostFox, on 16 October 2014 - 05:01 AM, said:

I feel like it would be someone else taking the role of Darth Vader.

Even then, it would just prove that Disney just desperately wants to milk that cash cow that is Star Wars. Just watch, It'll be one big set-up to push out a new line of Darth Vader action figures and other Star Wars-related toys for the hopeless masses of dumb, greedy little gremlins to pester their fucking clueless, terminally idiotic parents to shell out their last kaputniks on.

That is the Disney I know. It's not far-fetched in the slightest. Considering JJ Abrams is the director, the Movie itself is likely going to be plastered with in-your-face product placement to go along with it all. (*cough*Star Trek*cough*)

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 16 October 2014 - 08:01 AM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostStrikerMan780, on 16 October 2014 - 04:32 AM, said:

Well, there goes all the novels, and games like Jedi Knight.

They already announced that they are disregarding the entire extended universe.

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View PostHendricks266, on 16 October 2014 - 06:51 AM, said:

They already announced that they are disregarding the entire extended universe.


Welp... and with that, what few hopes and dreams I had for the sequel trilogy went straight into the landfill.

Posted Image

But seriously, by discarding the expanded universe, they'll have already contradicted the original trilogy for fuck's sake. The very films they are trying to make a sequel to! God fucking damn it. Ahoy newly spawned plot holes, confusion, loose ends, retcons, and more!

I can already think of a new plot hole: Without Kyle Katarn (he's in games and novels), who the fuck defected from the empire, and with their inside knowledge- stole the death star plans, and made the entire plot of the first fucking movie possible?!

Also, what will happen to Dash Rendar, the one who saved Luke's ass between Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi while Prince Xizor of Black Sun tried to sabotage Darth Vader's efforts to find his son? Oh, and he helped chase Boba Fett down to find Han Solo's whereabouts after he was frozen in carbonite, making the beginning of ROTJ possible.

Then there's Boushh... whom Leia disguised as in ROTJ, who has a lot of significance that wasn't explained worth jack shit in the film.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 16 October 2014 - 07:46 AM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


Its better then what they want to do with the NEW Ghostbusters movie that shouldn't be made.

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Didn't Bill Murray rip the screenplay of that to shreds? (And walk away)

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 16 October 2014 - 08:38 AM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


I'm not sure, but i'm looking it up now.

Edit: Yeah but that was in 2012, this one seems worse.

This post has been edited by ReaperMan: 16 October 2014 - 08:43 AM


User is offline   Master Fibbles 

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1) Disney/LucasArts did not "disregard" the entire expanded universe. They have determined that the stories don't have to be "true" but they can choose to use parts of it if they want. The Inquisitor, The Night Sisters and Mother Talzen, and I'm sure many other ideas, characters, and planets are all from EU novels or comics. That is why they are calling it "Legends" because, SURPRISE, a legend is a story with elements which are factual and elements which are made up. A legend is neither fact nor fiction.
2) How is dropping the expanded universe contradicting the original trilogy? Do you even read what you write? The expanded universe, in fact, did contradict the original trilogy and, after several decades, what became canon with the prequel trilogy and Clone Wars cartoon. One of the problems with the expanded universe is that there was no person or entity making sure the stories made sense together. The stories contradict each other and present an impossible to follow chronology. They are in every possible way, legends.
3) They really aren't that good. Some of the stories are interesting and a few characters have some depth, but a lot of what I've read has been the author saying "I've seen Star Wars, see? I'm going to keep using lines from the movies because I can't come up with some on my own." I'm not going to advocate for the prequels, but the Clone Wars cartoon series is, generally, much better story and character writing than the Star Wars novels I've read.


I still think they should have done a Star Wars based on Kyle Katarn's story from Dark Forces. That guy was badass, he punches kell dragons to death and blows dark troopers, imperial bases and all manner of things to pieces on a regular basis - it'd be like a Star Wars version of an 80's action movie and it was made to not interfere with the canon of the movies.


I just bought something from Taobao.com, a Chinese auction site. With some of the stories I've heard about Chinese auction sites a small part of me wonders if I'll ever see anything for my $48 but nobody ever got anywhere without taking risks I suppose. If my items arrive I will be over the moon, given that I ordered ten of them and I can probably sell them for around $45 each because I only want two. What I bought is an old obscure computer part that never shows up in the rest of the world.

If this works, I see enormous potential to exploit the local market, computer recyclers and such are numerous in China but around here old components are rare as rocking horse shit and people pay over the odds for them - supply and demand and all that.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 16 October 2014 - 12:52 PM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


View PostHigh Treason, on 16 October 2014 - 12:52 PM, said:

What I bought is an old obscure computer part that never shows up in the rest of the world.

Well now i curious. Whats it called and what does it look like?

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View PostHigh Treason, on 16 October 2014 - 12:52 PM, said:

I still think they should have done a Star Wars based on Kyle Katarn's story from Dark Forces. That guy was badass, he punches kell dragons to death and blows dark troopers, imperial bases and all manner of things to pieces on a regular basis - it'd be like a Star Wars version of an 80's action movie and it was made to not interfere with the canon of the movies.

Between him and anything Old Republic, I would be hard pressed to pick just one. They are doing three non-saga movies so you never know, they could be anything. Of course, assuming they are going to do the New Jedi Order and Republic after 30 years of rebuilding, Katarn could be Master Katarn with Master Skywalker teaching padawans and kicking ass.

This brings me to the leaked concept art...I'm not sure it makes sense given what we do know about the movie. It is supposed to be 30 years after Jedi so a lot of expanded universe stuff might be "past" at this point for the story anyway. Personally, I'm putting my faith in JJ Abrams to get the right group of writers together and to produce something that makes use of the EU as needed but creates a rich story to bring to a close the Skywalker Saga.

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