High Treason, on 12 October 2014 - 07:35 PM, said:
That's just fucked up... Talk about a total lack of self-control, morality, and brain cells.
It's one thing to jack off to porn of fictional characters (to which I'm guilty as charged, this is common knowledge at this point), and another to take it to a level of such sheer creepiness and obsession. *shudder*

Not only, that, but he's a fucking diddler, even worse. That's taking things to a point of hurting people. Glad he's in jail, but I'd prefer to see public drawing and quartering just for people like him. (I'd explain why I feel such hyper-violent tendencies towards such people, but that's entering dark territory that I don't think others want to hear about).
I didn't realize my "faith in humanity" meter, which is already zero, could reach a negative number, but it apparently can. I guess I learn something new everyday, huh.