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The Post Thread

User is offline   Idiotska 


I went and saw a Beatles tribute band at a local fair next to a petting zoo, and as soon as the group's Ringo started singing, the place started to smell more.

This post has been edited by Idiotska: 02 August 2014 - 07:23 PM



I pay a minimum £36.99 per month for this;
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Let me tell you, it sucks having only one ISP in your city. On the up-side, we appear to have gotten my area on the government map of not-spots... The down-side is that this map places a blue circle near my house, if someone didn't bother reading the title of said map that could end horribly.

I thought internet was supposed to get faster with time, but no. Ever since they started connecting the rich dickheads in the villages and upper-class areas to fibre everyone's internet has gotten worse and to cover the free installs said rich minority got out bills went up. Also, almost nobodies telephone rings when receiving calls now and the provider appear to be doing nothing, this proved to be troublesome when the emergency services tried to call me back to say I should get to A&E as quickly as possible and the telephone did not ring - luckily it turned out not to be life threatening.

User is offline   Lunick 



Why would someone acquire the rights to this version of the game...? :(

User is offline   Jeff 


I spent a couple weeks at my dad's cabin and it was pretty rough for internet. Place was in the middle of nowhere (road on the left goes to his place). Fastest speed was 1 Mbps down and around 0.1 Mbps up. Total bandwidth was 1 GB per month. Compared to the rest of the world it sucks.

Posted Image

This post has been edited by Jeff: 04 August 2014 - 08:21 AM



Ah, but I bet if you wanted to pay for it you'd be able to get a different provider, such as satellite internet with high throughput. Much as the cost is prohibitive, you would at least have that choice.

For reference sake.

Attached Image: Net1.PNG

The irony being the "KC Lightstream Stadium" is named after the ISP's Fiber Optic service which is unavailable in this area. Given they recently upgraded many of the exchanges for ADSL from DSLAMs to MSANs (Which seems to have made it worse) I don't think they plan to either... Their Fiber service isn't really fiber either as the service enters your property via a copper wire - it's a very strange implementation.

Also note the speed difference in my above test which implies traffic shaping, which is something they do a lot.

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostLunick, on 04 August 2014 - 07:46 AM, said:


Why would someone acquire the rights to this version of the game...? :(

I like how the name of the page is: Nuke Dukem 3D for Sega genesis, Super Noah's Ark 3D on Steam | Piko Interactive

User is offline   Sangman 


So this is how cops deal with bar fights in this country. Good riddance!

This post has been edited by Sangman: 04 August 2014 - 12:48 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostLunick, on 04 August 2014 - 07:46 AM, said:


Why would someone acquire the rights to this version of the game...? :(

I think it would be nice to make my long-planned entrance into Mega Drive hacking by porting EDuke32 to the 32X CD. Maybe next decade.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Videogame fans:

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User is offline   Jeff 


View PostHigh Treason, on 04 August 2014 - 09:03 AM, said:

Ah, but I bet if you wanted to pay for it you'd be able to get a different provider, such as satellite internet with high throughput. Much as the cost is prohibitive, you would at least have that choice.

Can't you ditch the ISP's internet and go with a 3G/4G/LTE plan from a cellular company? Tether the phone's internet and use that for a connection? Or are there not a lot of cell providers in your area either?

This post has been edited by Jeff: 04 August 2014 - 01:28 PM



Pricing is too prohibitive; £74.99 for 50GB allowance, the maximum offering from our areas sole 4G capable service. Despite living between two masts, signal is also terrible here. Their means of routing traffic is unusual too, I know a few people on the service (Paying around £35 per month for 10GB) an they find that congestion is a serious issue along with some strange IP-Sharing scheme they have going.

There is an alternative I have considered in the form of a provider (Pure Broadband) using FiWi Technology... Nanostation's. They send in TalkTalk via wireless, speeds vary greatly however and the weather affects it negatively. On the other hand, it's cheaper, I don't care about the added latency. The things that bother me are that TalkTalk block all kinds of shit for no good reason, I still have to have a KC line for my telephone (unless they have introduced a VOIP service since I last checked) and forking out for installation when I'm being thrown out in less than a year for the house to be demolished. Upon moving I could be stuck having to pay installation again or unable to receive the service in that area.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 04 August 2014 - 01:33 PM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Dude, your internet connection is about the same as mine.
So no need to bitch to much.

Edit: if you want to bitch to someone, do it to your government for not enforcing telcos to make cheap internet available to all.

This post has been edited by The Angry Kiwi: 04 August 2014 - 05:48 PM



You live in the mountains in a boring country, so you are supposed to have shit internet :(

OFCOM (Telecommunications governing body) won't do anything, last I heard the head of that body was former CEO of our ISP though, which explains it. The provider openly breaks laws but nobody can, or ever has, done anything about it. Also, due to a foolish engineer leaving firmware on their public FTP I discovered they do deep packet inspection via Cisco SCE-8000 units, when I questioned them about the device they crapped their pants and wouldn't answer anything... Hope they have fun spying on me, I have nothing to hide but they're going to be very bored or very grossed out.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostHigh Treason, on 04 August 2014 - 06:03 PM, said:

Hope they have fun spying on me, I have nothing to hide but they're going to be [...] very grossed out.

what'd you do, take a picture of your B-hole, label it preteen cp, and left it in your downloads folder for them to find?

This post has been edited by Forge: 04 August 2014 - 06:23 PM



ROFL, no, but maybe doing something like that and actually putting my so many Megabytes of "Free web space" to use might be a fun idea... I'm not ashamed of my body, even if parts of it are a little bit strange.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostHigh Treason, on 04 August 2014 - 06:03 PM, said:

You live in the mountains in a boring country, so you are supposed to have shit internet :(


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From me to Dallas, TX - I hate my upload speed.

This post has been edited by The Angry Kiwi: 04 August 2014 - 07:10 PM


User is offline   Fox 

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This post has been edited by Fox: 04 August 2014 - 07:37 PM


User is offline   Person of Color 

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View PostHendricks420, on 04 August 2014 - 12:50 PM, said:

I think it would be nice to make my long-planned entrance into Mega Drive hacking by porting EDuke32 to the 32X CD. Maybe next decade.

If you knew anything about Sega CD/32X programming you wouldn't say that...lol. What a clusterfuck.

That Wolf3D techdemo is THE TITS, though.

User is offline   Lunick 


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User is offline   Hendricks266 

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User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


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User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Holy shit, The Sims 4 will suck. There is no open world, you can no longer see your workplace, edit terrain, and a lot of stuff.


This post has been edited by Fox: 06 August 2014 - 08:56 PM



To be added in an expansion for maximum profit.

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Same way they removed functionality from Sims 3 in an update after release some of which was later added back in with an expansion pack.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


But that's not the case here. They created a "social game" with the intention of not having these features to begin with.


I never said it was the exact same thing, the point was that they will most likely add some of what is missing later just to make more money.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


>gets EDuke32 on Android for the first time
>plays WWII GI


Posted Imagevia Imgflip Meme Maker

User is offline   Radar 

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View PostHendricks420, on 07 August 2014 - 07:27 AM, said:

>gets EDuke32 on Android for the first time
>plays WWII GI

Do you mean to say it is released? Or are you just testing it?

User is offline   Hank 


View PostAltered Reality, on 07 August 2014 - 12:03 PM, said:

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Apes get ebola too.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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View PostFox, on 06 August 2014 - 08:54 PM, said:

Holy shit, The Sims 4 will suck.

At least they're not taking the series in a new direction.

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