The Post Thread
#21301 Posted 02 May 2019 - 06:12 AM
This post has been edited by Mark: 02 May 2019 - 06:13 AM
#21307 Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:46 PM
#21308 Posted 03 May 2019 - 12:32 PM
-Turkish Madness
-Turkish Lings of the Turkish Citadel
-Mission Istanbul
-Upcoming Turk Nukem 3D
These games will promsie absolute zero of quality, oversized sprites, shitty texture choices, shitty weapons and lcoations that doesn't even make any sense, bunch of unfinished undetailed levels and obviosuly ridicolus storylien which would be written better by 5-year old child. This is Gingis Khan aka LakiSoft, the worst mods and games ever maker!
#21315 Posted 06 May 2019 - 02:00 AM
41 confirmed dead (of 73 passengers)
Only one and a half minutes of coverage on national TV
#21316 Posted 06 May 2019 - 04:52 AM
Sanek, on 06 May 2019 - 02:00 AM, said:
41 confirmed dead (of 73 passengers)
Only one and a half minutes of coverage on national TV
horrible tragedy
not going to ask why the moscow paper is in english, & it's a bit sad that western "news" agencies have larger articles about it. (though I'm surprised they didn't try to blame trump)
This post has been edited by Forge: 06 May 2019 - 04:53 AM
#21318 Posted 06 May 2019 - 07:39 AM
Sledgehammer, on 06 May 2019 - 05:22 AM, said:
In Russia - yes, unfortunately TV is a main source of information. The older (60+) people especially watch nothing but television, which brain-wash them in the best cold war-propaganda tradition. So, you'll never know the real state of affairs if you watch TV.
On the other side, the younger people don't even have a TV set in some cases.
This post has been edited by Sanek: 06 May 2019 - 07:55 AM
#21319 Posted 06 May 2019 - 08:22 AM
Sanek, on 06 May 2019 - 07:39 AM, said:
On the other side, the younger people don't even have a TV set in some cases.
so, the same as the west then
#21320 Posted 06 May 2019 - 01:45 PM
Sanek, on 06 May 2019 - 07:39 AM, said:
In Russia - yes, unfortunately TV is a main source of information. The older (60+) people especially watch nothing but television, which brain-wash them in the best cold war-propaganda tradition. So, you'll never know the real state of affairs if you watch TV.
On the other side, the younger people don't even have a TV set in some cases.
Well i don't have TV Set either and I mostly inform myself from Internet News or either from newspapers i see in shops. But anyway, sorry to hear about that plain. I can't beleive we Slavs are so careless to each other. But still it was tragedy and in general all of them were victims, there were no guilty as plane itself had problem. I don't know much about TV7 but i mostly inform myself from Sputnik (previously called Voice of Russia) as i am a Slav living n Serbia. I think SPutnik and other Russian media are much mroe accurate to the truth than western ones. This is my opinion and my expirecne though.
#21321 Posted 06 May 2019 - 10:02 PM
This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 06 May 2019 - 10:04 PM
#21322 Posted 07 May 2019 - 04:41 AM
Sledgehammer, on 06 May 2019 - 10:02 PM, said:
RT is a pro-goverment propaganda outlet, funded by taxpayers' money. Actually it's one of the worst when it comes to news coverage.
#21323 Posted 07 May 2019 - 05:38 AM
This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 07 May 2019 - 05:57 AM
#21324 Posted 07 May 2019 - 06:00 AM
Do take it lightly though, there is an extra spin to make western idiots look worse than what they are.
Same shit applies the other direction though - Want to see the real dirt in Russia, watch outside agencies that aren't influenced by the commie agenda.
#21325 Posted 07 May 2019 - 06:01 AM
#21326 Posted 07 May 2019 - 06:34 AM
Forge, on 07 May 2019 - 06:00 AM, said:
Depends from context. American media along with some European mainstream media are the least outlets I'd trust not just on Russia but on anything else, I bet they don't even have Russian journalists on their team and at best are getting their info from other outlets. Obviously all of them are influenced by commie agenda, but then there are also so-called "alt-right" ones (aka controlled opposition outlets) like Breitbart or Fox. All of them are trying to stay away from many various "hot" topics. Not even Japanese mainstream media is good, it's garbage like the rest of western media.
It's much more complicated than that now because actual journalism is pretty much dead if we speak of MSM. Nowadays if you want to get the information you have to dig yourself most of the time, the more languages you know the better chance for you to find out something valuable. In Russian case it's very relevant due to Russian language being complicated. Same shit goes for Japan. English outlets tend to write some real hot shitty articles about Japan, for example. So far the only reliable news are coming from small outlets who don't do click-bait and blogpost like articles, but if you want to know something about non-English speaking countries your best bet are the people (but due to people being biased it not perfect, you can get better results from learning the language and finding out yourself).
Now, RT is not the best media outlet ever, but they're surely the best among mainstream ones, at least for the fact that they do actual journalism. Their articles don't contain opinions and this is one of the reasons why I still read them or treat them much more seriously. The rest MSM are good if you want to laugh at some cringe bullshit, it's kinda like with game journalist playing video games terribly and in some cases complaining about how bad they are.
This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 07 May 2019 - 06:37 AM
#21327 Posted 07 May 2019 - 08:52 PM
I can read articles about Gaza Strip missile attacks with the filtered glasses on from MSM, but I wouldn't read a pure political or social commentary article from any of those crap-journalist from fox, cnn, msnbs, Wapo, ny times, etc.
Dude from comcast (that owns msnbc) just made a huge donation to the creepy Joe Biden campaign - you think anything from that festering pile of pus tabloid is going to be unbiased?
#21329 Posted 08 May 2019 - 08:18 AM
#21330 Posted 08 May 2019 - 09:29 AM

this one is a classic
This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 08 May 2019 - 09:32 AM