DNF Sidescroller
#1 Posted 19 December 2010 - 02:26 PM
The Duke Nukem Forever we all know and love was going to be called "Duke Nukem 4"
#4 Posted 19 December 2010 - 03:04 PM
#5 Posted 20 December 2010 - 06:55 AM
Does anybody else here, realize how fucked in the brain somebody has to be, to actually chose to make a side scroller sequel to one of the best fps games of all time?
I simply refuse to believe that they were planing to release a side scroller as the main fucking sequel to duke 3d.
It takes so much madness and stupidity to go in such a direction that it makes my head explode.
Not only did they think to make a side scroller as the main sequel to duke 3d, they even actually went through with it up to a point where they actually achieved something that looks like a GAME!
I would understand it if they wanted to make this a spin-off, just like they did with Manhattan Project but to actually make that side scroller a direct sequel to Duke 3D, IMHO is the naked proof that George Broussard and his clique were a bunch of idiots to begin with.
Suddenly, everything became clear to me http://forums2.duke4...tyle_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif
This simple side scrolling game is the key to the mystery of why DNF failed to get released until today!
A team capable to take such dumb and counterproductive decisions like this side scroller sequel to Duke 3d, is truly a team capable of fucking up the release of DNF for so many years, no doubt about it!
For me, this side scrolling game was the missing piece towards figuring out what the fuck is wrong with 3DR. Now that I've finally found out about it, I can finally put my finger on it and say it out loud that 3DR are statistically proven to be a bunch of incapable and bad decision taking IDIOTS!!!
This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 20 December 2010 - 07:03 AM
#6 Posted 20 December 2010 - 07:56 AM
This post has been edited by Bam050196: 20 December 2010 - 07:58 AM
#7 Posted 20 December 2010 - 10:28 AM
Bam050196, on Dec 20 2010, 07:56 AM, said:
This was meant to be a throwback to Duke Nukem I & II and not meant to be a sequel to Duke Nukem 3D, that was already in-development while this was being made.
#8 Posted 20 December 2010 - 11:38 PM
#11 Posted 21 December 2010 - 08:49 AM
Jhect, on Dec 21 2010, 05:52 AM, said:
Development settings. Some early images of Duke3D show the pistol having infinite ammo, too.
#12 Posted 21 December 2010 - 09:12 AM
I wasn't aware though of how old the game was and how low res and 2D it is.
#13 Posted 22 December 2010 - 06:57 AM
Micky C, on Dec 21 2010, 10:12 AM, said:
My thoughts exactly.
#14 Posted 22 December 2010 - 10:27 AM
#15 Posted 22 December 2010 - 04:55 PM
This post has been edited by randir14: 22 December 2010 - 04:57 PM
#16 Posted 22 December 2010 - 06:42 PM
randir14, on Dec 22 2010, 06:55 PM, said:
I'd bet they came from Joe Siegler's stockpile of betas.
randir14, on Dec 22 2010, 06:55 PM, said:
Ever played LameDuke?
(the following extracted from .exe)
Mr. Caliber
Mission Cockroach
Suck Hole
Hard Landing
This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 22 December 2010 - 06:45 PM
#17 Posted 22 December 2010 - 07:12 PM
#18 Posted 23 December 2010 - 07:15 AM
Captain Awesome, on Dec 22 2010, 08:12 PM, said:
Or maybe they just wanted to make a duke nukem game in the spirit of the first 2 games, and give it the Duke 3D's art style.
This Duke Nukem game looks like duke nukem 2 meets duke nukem 3d art style.
A comic and arcade game like the first 2, looking hardcore like duke 3d did. It was the perfect combination for a spin-off.
This game was probably intended for those that weren't into fps games and just wanted the Duke Nukem 2 sequel to remain a side scroller.
I think we can all agree on the fact that Duke Nukem 1 and Duke Nukem 2 are just something that died entirely once duke 3D came out.
If you color duke's hair differently and call him something else, those games can stand on their own, without ever having to be related to who we call today Duke Nukem.
Duke Nukem 3D started an entirely new IP. Nothing from Duke 3D reminds me of Duke 1 or 2.
Not even Manhattan Project has anything to do with the universe of the first 2 duke games.
When Duke 3D got released, everything changed, from the game universe to powerups and enemies. The only tie between the first 2 Duke Nukem games and the other ones is Duke Nukem's name and his blond hair, nothing more!
This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 23 December 2010 - 07:31 AM
#19 Posted 23 December 2010 - 08:47 AM
Captain Awesome, on Dec 22 2010, 08:12 PM, said:
The Game's humor and action was gonna be like Duke3D.
So I don't think it was going to be aimed at children.
#20 Posted 23 December 2010 - 11:14 AM
#21 Posted 23 December 2010 - 02:43 PM
blackharted, on Dec 23 2010, 12:14 PM, said:
Who's speaking here? I'm sure I was just writing, are you sure you're not hearing voices?
#22 Posted 23 December 2010 - 06:11 PM
Commando Nukem, on Dec 21 2010, 12:38 AM, said:
Not at the moment. I don't physically have this game and my source could only get this level working.
Micky C, on Dec 21 2010, 10:12 AM, said:
Well, it would of looked a bit better considering this was probably a pre-alpha... also this was taken from Dosbox and I think that may have contributed to it looking a tad worse than it should.
randir14, on Dec 22 2010, 05:55 PM, said:
Not fake. They were given to me for the wiki with permission from 3D Realms, the specific source shall remain unnamed so she or he doesn't get bothered.
Any other questions about this just feel free to ask, I have a bunch of documents that were made during the development of this as well so I know a bit more then what I added to the wiki.
#23 Posted 23 December 2010 - 07:53 PM
#24 Posted 24 December 2010 - 05:19 AM
Raziel, on Dec 21 2010, 12:56 AM, said:
It's pretty sad quoting myself, but I can't help but think this might actually be my shortest post on duke4.net

#25 Posted 24 December 2010 - 07:16 AM
Lotan, on Dec 23 2010, 07:53 PM, said:
The date was WID. I don't recall the sidescroller ever being officially announced so they didn't really have a release date in mind that I know of though I know this was supposed to have a relatively short development time.
This project was always named Duke Nukem Forever until the idea was scrapped, melted down, then converted into Ravager which was then retitled and released as Alien Rampage. During this time Duke Nukem 4 was being produced by a separate team - I believe this is around the Quake engine days though it could have even been before - headed by George, when DNF the sidescroller was scrapped they thought the name was too good to go unused and picked it up for Duke Nukem 4, thus becoming DNF.
On a side note: DNF (Sidescroller) had four planned multiplayer modes - Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Trial of Strength (A horde type mode), and Trial of Agility (A race type mode).
#26 Posted 24 December 2010 - 09:00 AM
Mr.Deviance, on Dec 23 2010, 03:43 PM, said:
That was the worst attempt at an insult ever. God I'm now disappointed.
#27 Posted 25 December 2010 - 06:43 PM
The DNF Sidescroller is easy to understand for those who were there when it happened... Roll time back to 1996 while Duke Nukem was changing the gaming world for "hard core" gamers. I know plenty of people who didn't have it for a year or two after its release like with many games... look at the directories (not folders, because real gamers didn't use Windows back then)
If you were an avid gamer, you probably had about a dozen First Person Shooters on your machine, and about 100 games that were mostly side scrollers and some new isometrics that were coming out etc... non-3D anyway.
Look at that ratio...
Myself and many like me didn't really believe, EVEN after Duke Nukem was released that 3D Games would take over the market completely. We believed that 3D games would be a new type and would Co-Exist. Even when Apogee formed 3D Realms to focus on all these new 3D Games, it just showed that even Apogee didn't expect the gaming world to end for Side Scrollers... to me, this Build Engine looking DNF made perfect sense. There was already lots of Build Engine games being worked on buy other developers by then... why not have 3D Realms go ahead and crank out this 3D Side-Scroller. For me, 3D Games didn't kill "all others" but for the vast majority of gamers it did. Now there are pretty much First Person games and Third Person games for most Consoles and PC... I think that is why myself and some others play with HandHelds like the Advance, DS, PSP etc, because there are many more "other" games available there.
The Point: Back then it was hard to believe that all games other than 3D First Person or Third Person type would push all others aside. Older gamers I think understand this more and this is why we get such entertaining reactions as that of Mr.Deviance and some others...

In the end, it appears 3D Realms DID realize that 3D Games had taken over and this was quickly becoming a non-viable game-style... Manhattan Project didn't do so well in my understanding, which proves even more that this kind of game doesn't have a very big market.
#28 Posted 26 December 2010 - 12:43 AM

And although Mr Deviance is mostly right about the direction of style with duke3d, the 'story' in the help screen clearly states that the events took place immediately after duke returns from fighting the rigelations (or whatever they were called) in duke nukem 2.
That isn't to say duke nukem 2 didn't have it's attitude and humour. Like at the start duke shot a smiley face into the dummy, instead of hitting the target, and said "I'm back" like the terminator. And when the evil alien leader was interrogating duke at the start, duke said "I'll break free, kick but, and be on my way." There's also when duke finds a secret passage between episodes 1 and 2 when he says "damn I love this job." And let's not forget duke's autobiography 'Why I'm so Great"

There's also a bit of that in duke nukem 1 with his Oprah comment and probably more, but that game was too old for me to cope with, and I didn't finish the first episode.
#29 Posted 26 December 2010 - 01:44 PM
#30 Posted 26 December 2010 - 05:21 PM
