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Duke Nukem Next Gen  "Next gen nukem"

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


Personally, I don't get why people get excited about remakes in the first place. Wouldn't it be more rewarding to create something new, but in the same spirit as what is proven by time? The greatest thing IMO would be an über-project where the whole community would contribute something, even minor details, since a lot of us don't have time to work "full-time" on a fully-fledged TC/mod. The user maps trickling in here are often pretty solid, but they fail to make a major impact such as a TC on a large scale would do. In that sense I agree to the concerted effort thing. A problem with such a loosely-organized project would be that we all know happens without hard deadlines. As for the DNNG thing, I'll let the feel of the final product guide my judgement.


View PostMusicallyInspired, on Sep 30 2010, 04:11 AM, said:

Don't be unfair, the screenshots are fairly reminiscent of Duke3D levels. He DID say he wanted to re-imagine the game instead of simply remake it, after all. Much like Black Mesa Source, which also doesn't really look like the original in the same fashion.

And the HRP is nice, but it's still the Build engine. Looks too simple. Not that I'm not knocking it at all...

I thought the graphics are great! But the colour sheme is a bit too dark.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostHelixhorned, on Oct 1 2010, 11:44 AM, said:

Personally, I don't get why people get excited about remakes in the first place. Wouldn't it be more rewarding to create something new, but in the same spirit as what is proven by time?

If you want to make the best game possible, then yes, it makes more sense to create something entirely new instead of doing a remake. But the goal here would be to make a great game and generate a lot of excitement. Since our community doesn't have a lot of marketing power, I believe a remake is a good option. It's hard to say exactly why remakes excite people. Perhaps it's a combination of nostalgia and the satisfaction of seeing technological progress. By the way, I do NOT advocate simply remaking all the Duke 3D levels with some added details. I would definitely push for aiming higher than that. Of course the levels should have more details (like cars parked on the street in Hollywood Holocaust), but they should also have some new and different structures while retaining roughly the original layout. And there should be new gameplay elements, like scripted sequences, civilians that can walk around and talk, run screaming from the alien invaders, etc. In other words, there should be enough new and different that you would definitely want to play the remade levels even without the eye candy. EDIT: And I think it would be a mistake to try and remake all the old levels. Maybe 12 levels total (averaging 3 per episode).

View PostHelixhorned, on Oct 1 2010, 11:44 AM, said:

The greatest thing IMO would be an über-project where the whole community would contribute something, even minor details, since a lot of us don't have time to work "full-time" on a fully-fledged TC/mod. The user maps trickling in here are often pretty solid, but they fail to make a major impact such as a TC on a large scale would do. In that sense I agree to the concerted effort thing. A problem with such a loosely-organized project would be that we all know happens without hard deadlines.

In my experience, loosely organized projects never get done, and quality doesn't get maintained. It would be good if the whole community could contribute, I guess, but there need to be people who are clearly in charge. There should be someone in charge of level design, someone in charge of coding, someone in charge of modeling, someone in charge of sound, and so on (and not necessarily a different person for each category). And those in charge, while they may have disagreements from time to time, should all share the same vision for the project.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 01 October 2010 - 11:51 AM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


You know i don't understand why he's making it on U3 if DNF is so close to being done, i would rather have a remake on DNF's modified engine.

User is offline   Kathy 


Because he started making it before the unveiling? Seriously, why would you wait for DNF to start Duke3d next gen remake? Even if the game comes out in Feb it is still half a year from now. Plus we don;t know whether there'll be any editor coming along. Plus that's DNF we're talking about.

This post has been edited by Lotan: 01 October 2010 - 01:06 PM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


View PostDeeperThought, on Oct 1 2010, 12:40 PM, said:

The first thing that comes to mind is that we should do our own remakes of the original levels, instead of simply replacing textures and models in them. Taking full advantage of Polymer and CON scripting, the results could be very impressive. DanM's Duke Nukem Eternity project shows that this is possible. With a concerted effort, it can be taken to a whole new level. The Duke 3D community has a big advantage when it comes to doing a remake, because we already have most of the resources we need. The results may not be as pretty as what could be achieved in the Unreal 3 engine, but it could look very good and much more true to Duke.

I've been pushing for this for a while before Polymer was released publicly. This needs to happen. I'd definitely play it as well as any other Duke MOD made in another engine.

View PostLotan, on Oct 1 2010, 04:05 PM, said:

Because he started making it before the unveiling? Seriously, why would you wait for DNF to start Duke3d next gen remake? Even if the game comes out in Feb it is still half a year from now. Plus we don;t know whether there'll be any editor coming along. Plus that's DNF we're talking about.

Well, there's the iffy matter of Duke3D being allowed to be modded on other game engines. 3DR did crack down on Duke3D Source for that. Seemingly, however, GBX seems more open to the idea but it would still be a heck of a lot safer to do it in DNF.


View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

My point proven. This thread is out of control.

The crowd disagrees!
I'd say, you are out of control!

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

As for this being a mod made by a fan, no it isn't. A mod is something that would affect the original game, this is a remake, so a fail for you.

Oh yes it is! This it is a mod being made by a fan and unless you have arguments against that, this is exactly what it is!
As for failing, I didn't say that this is a mod for Duke 3D I said this is a MOD, not more not less, so stop assuming things that I didn't say in my post.
This isn't a remake made as a standalone with it's own engine and own assets, therefore it can't be called just "remake"!
At this point in time, this is just a TC MOD for Unreal Tournament 3, made by a fan and nothing more!
So as you can see, It's not a fail for me it's a fail for you like I initially said...

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

This is just a bad case of nostalgia, people don't want to let go of the old that made the original so great. Give the game a chance, what's that saying don't judge a book by it's cover.

How about if I said that people who like this MOD have a bad case of fanboism? If I'd say that, I'd be as ignorant as you, so I won't!
If you like it fine, but just because you like it, doesn't mean you can come here crying at the people that have every reason to dislike it.
And what's with the stereotypes and cliche conversation here? Just because people criticize the mod, doesn't mean that they aren't giving the mod a chance.
As for the "don't judge a book by it's cover" cliche, I'm sorry to inform you, but this mod doesn't show it's covers to the public, it's showing it's actual content in both screenshots and hd video, which means your book cliche is useless here.

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

As for games by the Unreal Engine, I've played quit a few of them, and they're all good games.

Well then, you either need to start playing more unreal engine games, because you haven't nearly played enough or you need to start developing taste...
A person that hasn't found bad games made with unreal engine is definitely not a gamer, suffers from autism or is trolling. If that's the case I'm sorry for you!

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

As for the textures, I assume he's using a preset of textures that are built in. Again the game isn't a mod, it is a remake.

I don't know what textures he is using, it might be that he is using textures made by him combined with Unreal Tournament 3 ones, either as placeholders or he decided to permanently use them.
Again, it's not a game it's a TC MOD for Unreal Tournament 3...

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

The Unreal Engine 3 doesn't suck, and the Unreal Engine 4 won't be out for 2 more years.

I never said it sucks, I said it's old and over used! It doesn't suck but being so old and overused it tends to become repetitive, especially since there's a much more capable engine abandoned since 2006, because consoles can't do a shit with it.
And what does Unreal Engine 4's release date have to do with any of this? If epic decides to postpone Unreal Engine 4's release date for another 6 years, will unreal engine 3 still be good or what? You have a very immature way of constructing theories my friend. First you said that just because this mod sucks, people should hate DNF too because it's using the same engine(WTF!? LOL) Now you say that as long as Unreal Engine 4 is not being released, the current engine HAS to be good, lol! How old are you anyway, can you think for yourself or do you need constant help from others?

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

Also Duke Nukem Forever IS using a heavily modded Unreal Engine, as discussed over at the Gearbox forums.

Hmm Ok... I didn't really care to know that the Gearbox forum is the place where you found that out... but as far as I'm aware, nobody said that DNF isn't using a modified Unreal Engine.
So why are you telling me this? I already knew about the modified unreal engine 2 since 2006...

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

As for Scott and George, if they were incompetent they would never be able to rise Duke Nukem or any other game at all.

They are incompetent now, I didn't say anything about their golden past! They did rise Duke Nukem but they failed in astronomic proportions when they tried to rise DNF. Their fail with DNF sums more than their past achievements IMO!
They have made such fools out of themselves with this, that they might never regain their names back.Their last hope for redeeming their name a bit, would have been for them to release DNF themselves no matter how good or bad the game was!
They didn't even do that much. They have constantly failed for 13 years just to fail big time at the end and sell their mass of fail to others to fix for them!
The fly that's missing from the shit now, is DNF to fail when it gets released. Up to this point, everything failed with the exception of the game itself!
The game will make or break this whole soap opera that's been lasting since 13 years!

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 1 2010, 03:47 AM, said:

Also do you like Quake? You may never have seen it if it weren't for them. So stop with your ignorance and not wanting to move on.

Yes I like Quake and they don't have anything to do with it my friend. You are on drugs if you think they have anything to do with this game.
Quake was the biggest competitor to Duke Nukem 3D but how would you know, you probably weren't even playing games back then and you're obviously clueless.
Quake was made by id software not by 3D realms and if you want to thank somebody for it's existence the guy that you should thank for Quake's existence is none other than Sir John Romero!

Get for facts right, and go read some more before you start arguing with geeks like myself please...

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 01 October 2010 - 01:56 PM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


^ Can you please sum that up, i don't feel like reading it all... ;)


View PostReaperMan, on Oct 1 2010, 01:53 PM, said:

^ Can you please sum that up, i don't feel like reading it all... ;)

Spirrwell is talking bs in 90% of the reply that he gave me, and he interprets everything I said in the way that sounds good to him.
So I took apart his post, bullshit by bullshit and told him why he is wrong and where!
He also said quake exists because of George Broussard at the end No comment!

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 01 October 2010 - 02:02 PM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


View PostMr.Deviance, on Oct 1 2010, 07:01 PM, said:

Spirrwell is talking bs in 90% of the reply that he gave me, and he interprets everything I said in the way that sounds good to him.
So I took apart his post, bullshit by bullshit and told him why he is wrong and where!
He also said quake exists because of George Broussard at the end No comment!

K, thank you. ;)

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


View PostOmni, on Oct 1 2010, 01:33 AM, said:

3D Realms probably just keeps the rights to their released titles. Sorta like all of the addons to Duke and the IP nightmare. Gearbox probably prefers this so they do not have to deal with any crap 3D Realms may have done or are involved with such as Duke3D for Xbox using GPL code.

3DR doesn't have any of the rights to the addons, except Plutonium Pak. If they did, they'd have been selling them.

Also, the "semi"-remake of Duke3D on eDuke32 and/or Polymer is kinda what my project is intended to be. Except I intend to keep it in 8-bit, for technical and artistic reasons.

This post has been edited by Captain Awesome: 01 October 2010 - 02:31 PM


User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostReaperMan, on Oct 1 2010, 09:23 AM, said:

Why because someone called you out? This thread is hardly out of control, just because you say it is doesn't mean that it is.

Not one is having a nostalgia here, their just saying that it looks nothing like a Duke Nukem game, just looks like some generic maps for UT3.

Bioshock and Gears of war are not same game because they use the Unreal Engine, seriously engines don't make games the developers do. If DNF is good or Bad the Engine will have little roll in deciding that.

First of all, no, all the swearing, I never see that here.

As for it not looking like a Duke Nukem game, it can't truly look like one until it's actually partially done with weapons, duketalk, and a mirror that you can look at yourself in. I'm not saying that's all, but it's part of the reason. Although I do agree with blackharted that the color scheme is a bit dark.

As for the engine, I was pointing out that since you say that they currently look like UT3 maps, it would make sense that would be the same for most Unreal Engine games. It isn't. Would you expect a re-make for the game that's barely been really worked on to have a lot of Duke in it? Fresch is talking about it taking years to complete, if that's the case why would it look anything more than a map right now.

User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostMr.Deviance, on Oct 1 2010, 05:48 PM, said:

The crowd disagrees!
I'd say, you are out of control!

Oh yes it is! This it is a mod being made by a fan and unless you have arguments against that, this is exactly what it is!
As for failing, I didn't say that this is a mod for Duke 3D I said this is a MOD, not more not less, so stop assuming things that I didn't say in my post.
This isn't a remake made as a standalone with it's own engine and own assets, therefore it can't be called just "remake"!
At this point in time, this is just a TC MOD for Unreal Tournament 3, made by a fan and nothing more!
So as you can see, It's not a fail for me it's a fail for you like I initially said...

How about if I said that people who like this MOD have a bad case of fanboism? If I'd say that, I'd be as ignorant as you, so I won't!
If you like it fine, but just because you like it, doesn't mean you can come here crying at the people that have every reason to dislike it.
And what's with the stereotypes and cliche conversation here? Just because people criticize the mod, doesn't mean that they aren't giving the mod a chance.
As for the "don't judge a book by it's cover" cliche, I'm sorry to inform you, but this mod doesn't show it's covers to the public, it's showing it's actual content in both screenshots and hd video, which means your book cliche is useless here.

Well then, you either need to start playing more unreal engine games, because you haven't nearly played enough or you need to start developing taste...
A person that hasn't found bad games made with unreal engine is definitely not a gamer, suffers from autism or is trolling. If that's the case I'm sorry for you!

I don't know what textures he is using, it might be that he is using textures made by him combined with Unreal Tournament 3 ones, either as placeholders or he decided to permanently use them.
Again, it's not a game it's a TC MOD for Unreal Tournament 3...

I never said it sucks, I said it's old and over used! It doesn't suck but being so old and overused it tends to become repetitive, especially since there's a much more capable engine abandoned since 2006, because consoles can't do a shit with it.
And what does Unreal Engine 4's release date have to do with any of this? If epic decides to postpone Unreal Engine 4's release date for another 6 years, will unreal engine 3 still be good or what? You have a very immature way of constructing theories my friend. First you said that just because this mod sucks, people should hate DNF too because it's using the same engine(WTF!? LOL) Now you say that as long as Unreal Engine 4 is not being released, the current engine HAS to be good, lol! How old are you anyway, can you think for yourself or do you need constant help from others?

Hmm Ok... I didn't really care to know that the Gearbox forum is the place where you found that out... but as far as I'm aware, nobody said that DNF isn't using a modified Unreal Engine.
So why are you telling me this? I already knew about the modified unreal engine 2 since 2006...

They are incompetent now, I didn't say anything about their golden past! They did rise Duke Nukem but they failed in astronomic proportions when they tried to rise DNF. Their fail with DNF sums more than their past achievements IMO!
They have made such fools out of themselves with this, that they might never regain their names back.Their last hope for redeeming their name a bit, would have been for them to release DNF themselves no matter how good or bad the game was!
They didn't even do that much. They have constantly failed for 13 years just to fail big time at the end and sell their mass of fail to others to fix for them!
The fly that's missing from the shit now, is DNF to fail when it gets released. Up to this point, everything failed with the exception of the game itself!
The game will make or break this whole soap opera that's been lasting since 13 years!

Yes I like Quake and they don't have anything to do with it my friend. You are on drugs if you think they have anything to do with this game.
Quake was the biggest competitor to Duke Nukem 3D but how would you know, you probably weren't even playing games back then and you're obviously clueless.
Quake was made by id software not by 3D realms and if you want to thank somebody for it's existence the guy that you should thank for Quake's existence is none other than Sir John Romero!

Get for facts right, and go read some more before you start arguing with geeks like myself please...

I'm a great techno geek, I've worked on games before, I know how things work. I'm a C++ programmer, a PHP programmer, an HTML programmer, I know what it's like to be a geek, but as for a geek in Duke which I'm sure you'll complain that programming has nothing to do with this, yes I'm a geek in Duke also.

As for Quake, it is my recollection that 3D Realms is the one who got id software off the ground when they created Commander Keen, thanks to Scott Miller.

As for incompetence, yes sure they are now, but without them, who knows how things would have worked out. Wolfenstein would probably have never been invented. The past 13 years, yes they are complete failures, but that's not the point was trying to get across.

As for the Unreal Engine I'm sick of the stupid argument, drop it.

The Unreal Engine 4 isn't released there for how are people supposed to really make a game that look different, that's the point I was getting across. Sure there are other engines, but the Unreal Engine is easiest to work wth in my opinion. I still wouldn't call it a mod, you may want to, I don't care, that's more of an opinion.

I don't play many games, but I've played Unreal Championship, Unreal Tournament 2003, Unreal Torunament 2004, Unreal Tournament 3, Bioshock, etc. They all have their form of difference.

Bottom line, either get a mod to ban me or I'm going to keep coming here.

Edit: As for the "don't judge a book by its cover," it does apply as we are only seeing screenshots of levels, I don't see any weapons yet, monsers, etc. It's still a "cover" until there's something made of it.

This post has been edited by Spirrwell: 02 October 2010 - 03:35 AM


User is offline   Martin 


Doesn't EDuke32 just have all the same/most of the level design limitations of standard Build, though? So regardless of the slightly improved graphics, you'd pretty much just have 'changed' levels rather than 'improved' ones? Matey is using UE3, which is in no way 2D. Not even the mapper.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMartin, on Oct 2 2010, 06:59 AM, said:

Doesn't EDuke32 just have all the same/most of the level design limitations of standard Build, though? So regardless of the slightly improved graphics, you'd pretty much just have 'changed' levels rather than 'improved' ones? Matey is using UE3, which is in no way 2D. Not even the mapper.

BUILD is indeed a limited engine, and yes, the levels made for EDuke32 still have most of the same limitations they did back in 1996. But even back in the 90's, people were making BUILD levels WAY more detailed than the ones that came with the original game. There's also some tricks that can make levels seem more 3D.

Here's an example of a recent level from Duke Nukem Eternity, an episode for EDuke32:


I think you would agree the graphics are more than "slightly improved". And they can get better.

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


Not to mention, graphics whoring is stupid. Ultimate Doom is one of the greatest games I've ever played in my life.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostCaptain Awesome, on Oct 2 2010, 08:45 AM, said:

Not to mention, graphics whoring is stupid. Ultimate Doom is one of the greatest games I've ever played in my life.

While I agree that games with more primitive graphics can be just as fun as games with fancy graphics, that doesn't mean that wanting better graphics is stupid. That would be like someone saying that it's stupid to want a pretty girlfriend because one of the best girlfriends they had was plain. Eye candy has a legitimate and important place in the gaming experience.

User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


Although I think Duke Nukem Next Gen would be great, it would be better to just re-tool the engine Duke Nukem 3D runs on. You could just modify the engine to make it entirely 3D. I'd much rather make maps with a top, side, and front view, and the way switch to 3D mode, that would be the best way to go.

Edit: Can that be done without approval? I haven't really gotten too in depth into 3D programming, but that would be an interesting experience.

This post has been edited by Spirrwell: 02 October 2010 - 08:00 AM


User is offline   Omni 



I'm a great techno geek, I've worked on games before, I know how things work. I'm a C++ programmer, a PHP programmer, an HTML programmer, I know what it's like to be a geek, but as for a geek in Duke which I'm sure you'll complain that programming has nothing to do with this, yes I'm a geek in Duke also.

C++ Programmer? I thought you were just learning C++ and was having issues just compiling eduke32? Learning C++ and spending a week learning to compile or doing a "Hello world" does not make you a programmer.

View PostSpirrwell, on Oct 2 2010, 08:58 AM, said:

Although I think Duke Nukem Next Gen would be great, it would be better to just re-tool the engine Duke Nukem 3D runs on. You could just modify the engine to make it entirely 3D. I'd much rather make maps with a top, side, and front view, and the way switch to 3D mode, that would be the best way to go.

Edit: Can that be done without approval? I haven't really gotten too in depth into 3D programming, but that would be an interesting experience.

The Duke 3d engine is open source so go have a whack at it. But be careful the source is linux only /snicker.

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


View PostDeeperThought, on Oct 2 2010, 11:53 AM, said:

While I agree that games with more primitive graphics can be just as fun as games with fancy graphics, that doesn't mean that wanting better graphics is stupid. That would be like someone saying that it's stupid to want a pretty girlfriend because one of the best girlfriends they had was plain. Eye candy has a legitimate and important place in the gaming experience.

But better graphics is subjective. Sprites are much more artistic, I think, and therefor better. Also, I don't really get the girlfriend analogy, mainly because I'm an asexual mutant retard.

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

  • I have the power!


Actually, to take the girlfriend and your "subjective" comment further...attractiveness is subjective. What I find attractive (physically but also in other areas) will differ most likely drastically from other people. Of course there is that idea of the geometric ratio for facial attractiveness, but to be brash, some people like big tits, some like tight asses, some like broad hips, some like red heads, some like long hair, some like man hands...and some like pig cop strippers. Initial contact is almost entirely dependent on physical attractiveness, odor, etc. (sans those abominable Internet dating things, but even on sites there are pictures). Anyway, this can be applied to games as well:
What a person considers "artistic" or "pretty" is what attracts them to a game usually initially. Graphics, be it well done 2D sprites or orgasmic 3D graphics, will often initiate an attraction or aversion to a game.

This post has been edited by Mr.Flibble: 02 October 2010 - 01:49 PM


User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostOmni, on Oct 2 2010, 05:18 PM, said:

C++ Programmer? I thought you were just learning C++ and was having issues just compiling eduke32? Learning C++ and spending a week learning to compile or doing a "Hello world" does not make you a programmer.

The Duke 3d engine is open source so go have a whack at it. But be careful the source is linux only /snicker.

Actually no, I fully learned C++ I just need to learn all of the add on stuff, OpenGL, Direct3D, Allegro, etc. I was having trouble with the eduke32 source I'm guessing because I was missing some libraries\header files. As for the engine, I know that it is in with eduke32, so I just have to learn a few more things about how the engine works. In case you think I'm a fraud:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char choice;

int main() {

	cout << "Press 1 to exit." << endl;
	cout << "Press 2 to repeat these messages." << endl;
	cin >> choice;
	if (choice == '1')
		 return 0;

   if (choice == '2')

   return 0;


It's really nothing, but still I'm just proving I can do more than "Hello world."

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


View PostMr.Flibble, on Oct 2 2010, 05:47 PM, said:

Actually, to take the girlfriend and your "subjective" comment further...attractiveness is subjective. What I find attractive (physically but also in other areas) will differ most likely drastically from other people. Of course there is that idea of the geometric ratio for facial attractiveness, but to be brash, some people like big tits, some like tight asses, some like broad hips, some like red heads, some like long hair, some like man hands...and some like pig cop strippers. Initial contact is almost entirely dependent on physical attractiveness, odor, etc. (sans those abominable Internet dating things, but even on sites there are pictures). Anyway, this can be applied to games as well:
What a person considers "artistic" or "pretty" is what attracts them to a game usually initially. Graphics, be it well done 2D sprites or orgasmic 3D graphics, will often initiate an attraction or aversion to a game.

Hey, what are you gonna do?

User is offline   Kathy 


View PostMr.Flibble, on Oct 3 2010, 01:47 AM, said:

Actually, to take the girlfriend and your "subjective" comment further...attractiveness is subjective. What I find attractive (physically but also in other areas) will differ most likely drastically from other people. Of course there is that idea of the geometric ratio for facial attractiveness, but to be brash, some people like big tits, some like tight asses, some like broad hips, some like red heads, some like long hair, some like man hands...and some like pig cop strippers. Initial contact is almost entirely dependent on physical attractiveness, odor, etc. (sans those abominable Internet dating things, but even on sites there are pictures). Anyway, this can be applied to games as well:
What a person considers "artistic" or "pretty" is what attracts them to a game usually initially. Graphics, be it well done 2D sprites or orgasmic 3D graphics, will often initiate an attraction or aversion to a game.

I don't care I just want to get laid. Which means.... play DNF.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Speaking of DNF, I find it disturbing that Duke is more interested in playing a video game than he is in getting a bj from two hot chicks. Something is seriously wrong with that guy.

User is offline   Kathy 


Why did you think he was more interested in playing game? He can multitask.

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


Gearbox officially gives Next-Gen the green light! Now thats cool of them, don't you think?

User is offline   ReaperMan 


View PostVinsaneOne, on Oct 14 2010, 12:26 AM, said:

Gearbox officially gives Next-Gen the green light! Now thats cool of them, don't you think?

Technically 3Drealms gave it the green light.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


They both gave the green light how about that? Since this definitely couldn't have gone ahead without both.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 13 October 2010 - 09:21 PM


User is offline   Guess Who 


A few things, that I don´t know if they were said before in the thread.
The game´s called Duke Nukem Reloaded. This is the official page http://www.dukenukemreloaded.com/
Gearbox allowed the project as long as it stays as non commercial product. They also give official HD recordings to this guys of JonStJohn quotes.

Personally I don´t think it´s that bad, obviously they´re not trying to make the same game, just a different version of a duke3d.

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